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Everything posted by Coralc

  1. Poor Bobby is gone. In addition to his out-of-control hyperthyroidism, his last labs showed very poor heart and liver function. And then this past week, he developed ascites, with fluid building up and distending his abdomen. We were able to get him into the vet this morning. Poor baby, he was in pain, and we agreed to have him euthanized. He was the last of my mom's cats. It is for the best, but always so sad.
  2. Thanks! That looks awesome! We have never been to New York. With RC prices, we might be looking at a few land cruises to the northeast. ☺️
  3. I'm just kidding. It looks like they are having a wonderful time. And it is a great, happy photo of your boys. 😊
  4. How long does it take to get from Crown Bay to Red Hook? When we did it we were going from Havensight to Red Hook, and it was a bit of travel time.
  5. Thank you Etta. He is kind of an ill-mannered cat. His previous name, given by my mom, was Bad Boy. And he used to be on Paxil, when she had him. Poor Bobby. He is not doing very well. Frequent flyer to the vet. But I appreciate your lovely sentiment. ☺️Thank you.
  6. Dollar ($1.25) Tree has great Christmas door size magnetic decorations. They are made for refrigerators but look great on stateroom doors for holiday sailings. ☺️
  7. Bobby really likes his box. I think just because it is quiet and dark. He is not really happy when we lock the door and take him anywhere, though.
  8. Might not be much time at Trunk Bay then.
  9. I don't know. Perhaps @Sbrown111 could let us know what the excursion says.
  10. The Cruise Line will get them to St. John and back, that is really all that is necessary. It is easy to get to Trunk Bay and back on your own. We did all that "on our own" trip stuff last time. And I thought at the time, that I would do the ship excursion over and back next time, because it is simpler. $69 seems reasonable, once you add all the fares and logistics up. ☺️
  11. I would think "St. John on your Own" would work fine. We did the whole thing on our own, and it was pretty simple. Once you are in St. John, you can have lunch if you wish. Then catch an open air taxi to take you to Trunk Bay. Pay the admission fee and snorkel as long as you wish. Your same cab driver will want to come back for you, or there are drivers hanging out in the parking lot. Take a cab back to town and the excursion ferry back to the ship.
  12. It was funny. I woke up to pee around 5:00 AM, and there were red flashing lights outside our room. I turned the lights on and DH made his wha-wha confused noise. ☺️ He said Oh, a plane,. And then he rolled over and said oh wait! we are at sea. By then I had opened the curtains and there was a rescue helicopter hovering right next to our stateroom. I turned the lights off then, and we just watched it from the balcony and bridge cam on TV. Absolutely amazing. The captain did not make an announcement, and it was only the next morning that people learned that we had diverted to San Juan, and our next port would be cut short with delayed arrival.
  13. Thanks! I did not know that. It seems a shame. Mazatlan is a little nicer than Ensenada.
  14. We have done the 4- and 5-night cruises in So Cal, but if we have to fly to Galveston or Florida for 7 or 9 night cruises , we will be doing more B2B's, simply because of the cost of airfare. And we can do that now, as retirees. ☺️ (After Bobby is gone) 😒
  15. LOL. Unless he decides to tack on a 3, 4 or 5 night he is not going to Ensenada, though. I believe @Sea Dog is doing the Mexican Riviera cruise for the week. ☺️ We are trying to do that more often, so we only have one flight, and a longer cruise.
  16. I hope you feel better soon @ReneeFLL It stinks to not feel good on vacation. And it happens a lot on long cruises. 😒
  17. Congratulations on D+! It is a really long cruise to the next level. ☺️
  18. 11:30 is fine. Just take your time and have something to eat at the hotel. They probably won't care if you get there earlier either. ☺️
  19. @Sea Dog I know you like to follow the Burning Man festival, Greg. It looks like they are having kind of a miserable time of it, this year. ☺️ It has been on the local news and online.
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