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Everything posted by ShipWalker

  1. Here is the CDC statement on Norovirus and it's website. "Hand sanitizer does not work well against norovirus. Handwashing is always best. Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. You can use hand sanitizers in addition to hand washing, but hand sanitizer is not a substitute for washing your hands with warm water and soap." Preventing Norovirus| CDC
  2. The same question was asked only 1 hour ago. Scroll down about 5 threads for answers to your question.
  3. Oosterdam was great in December/January. I mean, how many ships can say they have their own Lego scale model on board?
  4. I completely agree with the OP that prices are outrageous today! Why, after the Pandemic of 1918 was over, in 1925 it only cost $2,000.00 (and up) for a four month world cruise. https://open.library.ubc.ca/collections/chung/chungtext/items/1.0374383
  5. We zero out our beverage cards on the last day of the cruise with a nice bottle of wine (or two) to take home with us.
  6. Since you don't fly, taking Amtrak up to Seattle or Vancouver, BC opens up a lot more cruise options for you. (on several different cruise lines at that.)
  7. Whenever I contact any business help line I always causally ask where they are located. The farthest offshore location for HAL I have found so far is Arizona.
  8. A friendly reminder to any first time users to the database... ******* Best viewed on desktop or laptop. Steam/Sauna database As a reminder to all, ANY change you make to the database is auto-saved. There is no temporary change while you are on it. That means if you highlight ships to compare them. It is permanent. If you change the formatting of the data in any way, it stays that way when you exit. The DB then needs to be cleaned up (not that hard to do) but still takes time.
  9. I would have simply removed it and placed it back over the bidet and toilet where it belongs.
  10. Version 4.24.1 is now available for both iphones and Androids. To find your current version press "Experiences" in the center bottom banner with the ship and then press "about".
  11. "Never cruise with animals or children." -W.C. Fields (or something like that.)
  12. Out of curiosity, where does HAL get the distilled water? Do they buy it from a vendor? Distill it themselves from the desalinated water on board?
  13. Find the duck hiding in the picture.
  14. Did you send them the link to this thread where all the beta testers are located?
  15. Now would be a good time for all android users to send an email to this address. Maybe several. navigator.support@HollandAmerica.com
  16. DW had almost the same phone as you, S6. Last year she started getting the "this app won't work" messages when trying to update her favorite apps. Last month the newest models (S23) came out with a price drop of the prior model. She bought a new phone and all is well again.
  17. Version 4.23.0 is now available for Iphones. The Google play store says there is also an update (3/7/2023) but I cannot verify at this time. To find your current version press "Experiences" in the center bottom banner with the ship and then press "about".
  18. DW bought a set of four for $35 last year whilst on board.
  19. Why, yes. Yes they are. As a matter of fact I believe I saw at least five or six sets total on board in January 2023. On both port and starboard sides.
  20. For our Antarctica cruise in Dec/Jan there were a few Antarctic books to look at in the Crows Nest presentation room.(not to be removed from the room) There are travel books in the Crows Nest next to the Excursions Desk (not to be removed) A bunch of oversized books. And the two book exchange shelves also in the Crows Nest.
  21. They are not on the deck plan but they are marked on the ship. They are open 8am-8pm. When closed there is a large watertight door that is shut so it is not as obvious that they are there. The free dry saunas are in the same location on all 'dam ships except the two listed below. (Warning- on some of the ships m/f locations are reversed. Avoid embarrassment. Read the signs before entering. 😆) Below is the free sauna on the Neiuw Statendam and Koningsdam
  22. Orange Party apparel and drinks for sale on the Oosterdam in January this year.
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