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happy v

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Everything posted by happy v

  1. Made me spill my tea, but I agree with Zap
  2. Can I ask about restaurant times? Does breakfast finish early, and what time does lunch start. Thanks
  3. Hopefully. Or half the passengers won't be onboard!
  4. But you will still be first. Just later first 😉
  5. Well MB, you are probably the only person not disappointed. As you only went to see Bocelli
  6. I hope you have your dress ready for this afternoon MB. Enjoy the concert
  7. That's such a downer. I hope you are all offered a free cruise. All the best for today's shenanigans
  8. Looks like you will have to go to plan 'C'! Still the best place to be in a flood. Is on a boat. I am sure you will enjoy yourselves anyway
  9. Oh dear. I hope he realises that is a joke, and not nasty
  10. Absolutely defo. If only to wind Selbourne up and nothing else 😂
  11. I hope you will excuse me for not sharing your enthusiasm. Too many memories of wet school trips 😉
  12. I would get a taxi. If you book a 9.30am slot you should be there in plenty time. They don't mind if you are late. Ask to be dropped off at the top gate. You are then walking down hill rather than up as it is quite steep. There are loads of taxis available on the dock
  13. My husband is feeling ill today too. Very listless and cold like symptoms. Rest is always best. Take care
  14. I know you are having a break but hopefully you will still read this. I was just wondering if anyone else is like me in scrutinising everyone on TV to see if their eyebrows are tats! 🙂. I have decided most are. Even the men. Take care Jane
  15. Your poor sister has certainly gone through a lot lately. Hoping for the best for her.
  16. You should have been a diplomat, John🙂
  17. After all the effort you have put in. Make sure you enjoy it. Have your best cruise ever MB
  18. The box pops up when you get further into the booking
  19. I shop monthly so never know what I am making daily. Apart from the end of the month. Where the no. of ingredients match the no. of days left🙂. I love food shopping. Even abroad I would rather go in a supermarket than a tat shop
  20. Not just if we are going away. I decide what I am making every day by what is open. Even cheap things. I have ragu in the oven at the moment because I had celery left from steak and mushroom pie filling I made last week. I have also added the remainder to my sausage tray bake
  21. The cabins at the front of the ship have large balconies
  22. Wow, it's going to be an excellent cruise. I also like Craig Charles. I think I have watched every Red Dwarf episode. Forget about the clothes and enjoy yourself
  23. I don't think the children are the problem. As Harry said above. The only people I have seen deliberately splashing water over the edge have been adults
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