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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. My daughter and family returned from their cruise today.My 18 year old granddaughter has Covid.She said she was fine on the ship.
  2. We have been on many Caribbean cruises in October and have always had good weather.
  3. I do not know anyone who grew up in Brooklyn and referred to Manhattan as The City.
  4. I lived in Brooklyn nearly 60 years and never referred to Manhattan as The City.
  5. Happy that you are home,Bonnie.Sorry to hear about your sister and her husband .I have not been with my grandkids since they left for their cruise last week and miss them greatly.Wishing you a wonderful time with yours.
  6. We still have unopened bottles of liquor that we bought for my parents surprise 25 th.anniversary party,way back in the Stone Age.
  7. When I was at the retirement party in Baltimore it was held at a restaurant . We were there for lunch .Boog Powell was there doing a book signing for his Barbecue book.I asked the restaurant Manager if I could say hello to Boog.She asked him and he said sure.I introduced myself and told him that I live in NY.He asked if I was a Yankees fan and when I said I was a Mets fan he was happy.We had a nice conversation.I bought a copy of his book .He and a friend of his signed the book.He asked if I had a camera with me (this was before smart phones).I said that my wife had one.He had the Manager bring her over and said that he wants to take some pictures with me.I have in my photo album two great pictures of Boog and I ,not side by side but he embracing me as though we were friends.After the retirement lunch everyone who was at the party went to Camden Yards.Boog was there too and he came over to speak to Toby and I.
  8. There is also a charge for tolls,is there not ?
  9. When I was 6 years old my parents bought me a β€œHandy Andy” tool kit to teach me how to be handy.It never worked.I still have the saw,hammer and pliers .They look brand new.
  10. Residents of our Condo received a notice that decks and terraced would be power washed last week.We were scheduled for Thursday between 8 and 3.Of course nobody showed up.We called and were told that they would be here Friday.They came but only did the deck.They were supposed to be back yesterday but were not.We called this morning and were told that they were off to celebrate the holiday and would be here this morning. They are still not here.My next door neighbor has some of his terrace furniture on his front lawn.It looks like he is having a garage sale.
  11. Deja vu all over again.Tonight is Big Brother followed by The Challenge USA. One contestant on BB was born in SI. It seems that I posted this yesterday.Today is Wednesday,correct ?
  12. Tonight is Big Brother followed by The Challenge USA . For those who live/lived in SI there is a contestant on BB who was born in SI.
  13. When we were there in 2014 it was the first time we were there since 1990.We came a day before the retirement party we were going to and decided to take a self guided walking tour .At that time in my life I was an avid walker.We found ourselves in a very seedy area but there was a store that sold different flavored ices and we went in and bought two that were delicious.We then decided to find a different way back to our hotel.Luckily we made it back but it was quite scary.
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