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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. Thanks.Today we went to visit my granddog who is ailing.My son in law carried him out to our car .I opened the door to pet him. Then we went to a local park.
  2. Yes,it is .When my in home OT and my PT began to treat me and heard that I am in bed 21 hours a day they told me they will do their very best to get me out of the house .They are wonderful Therapists . Their plan is to get me to a restaurant next month.The last time I was in one was February 2020.
  3. When we lived in Brooklyn we often went to Jones Beach to play Pitch and Putt Golf,go to the concerts and the beach.In 2003 we moved to LI,I often walked to JB .We have not been there in many years,perhaps today.
  4. There is a Duane Reade about 4 blocks east of the port.
  5. I have a relatively new Chair Walker.Yesterday my wife took me to Robert Moses State Park,a distance of 30 minutes from our house.We were last there in 2010.Today we will do another short trip .
  6. Many years ago I wanted to get on a company softball team.I said I could pitch.After I gave up 8 runs in 2 innings.I was wanted on the team because I was a great hitter.I tried every position and was terrible until they tried me as catcher.One night the team we were supposed to play said they would have to forfeit because their catcher could not make it to the game.As we were playing for $5 a man plus beers everyone wanted the game to be played .It was agreed that I would catch for both teams but not bat.We lost the game.
  7. I just finished binge watching one of the best series ever :Average Show starring Deon Cole .It is on Netflix.The ending is one of the most powerful ever broadcast in my opinion.
  8. My youngest daughter and her then Boy Friend went on a private excursion to a Plantation in Nevis and liked it so much that decided to get married there on the spur of the moment.
  9. My first cruise was on the Cunard Ambassador in July 1973.Anyone else on that ship in July 1973 ?
  10. I just had a delicious dish of stewed prunes.Are any other eaters of this food here ?
  11. We never bought an internet package,not because of cost but never found it necessary .Many of the ports have Internet Cafes .We never opted to use one either.
  12. Our trip to Alaska was great .We went with HAL.It was a two week trip.The first 7 days we toured by land. with an HAL Guide.We toured by Bus and Train.The second 7 days was a cruise. Our favorite activity was panning for gold.We also enjoyed touring Denali National Park and attending a Play with great Actors. Enjoy whatever you decide to do.
  13. We bought a package of Depends yesterday.We are starting with this product.
  14. We were on a cruise in 1994.I dropped my camera and it broke .A Waiter overheard me telling a passenger in the dining room.The next day (it was a three day port stay) he went off the ship with his camera ,took many interesting pictures that he believed I would like ,had them developed on board and gave it to me as a gift.I could not believe that a crew member would do that for a passenger.He refused to accept my offer to pay for the photos. I gave him a very nice tip after the cruise was over. I still have the pictures plus a picture of him.
  15. None I bring two pair of sneakers,one black and one gray.
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