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Everything posted by buchhalm

  1. Was that menu from Retro Night? What a 1980s motel dining room selection. 👎👎 Honey and rum pineapple? As a starter? No. Just no to that entire menu.
  2. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Cruise Critic family! A lovely Sydney night...
  3. I just found a documentary on "Binge ". Christmas on the world's most expensive cruise ship, the Seven Seas Explorer. Drooooooollll!
  4. I hope they are doing something more "Christmasy" for Xmas day. Nevertheless, a quite nice menu. A bit random, but something for everyone. * but I can't recall duck breast for Christmas eve (when Christmas is celebrated in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and other Roman Catholic countries), when I grew up in Austria... ....my Christmas spread at home last year.... No leftovers!
  5. There was some mention of trivia / progressive trivia earlier in this thread. It reminded me of a "lady" nearly getting in a physical fight with the trivia host about what questions should have been asked. Apparently on day X on a certain itinerary specific quiz questions should have bèen asked. The host can't just make up his/her own quiz. ...According to the angry woman, who came armed with as folder of all Q&A for that cruise and a few others.... Some people would do anything for a key chain (or a bottle if house wine) 🙈🙉🙊
  6. A question for those who have recently cruised or are at the moment on Eclipse's Sydney to New Zealand cruise. When, on this 13-night run do they have the "formal" (or whatever they call it now) nights? I would like to arrange some specialty dining around it. 🍷🍴🍸
  7. My wife prefers primary school. Everything is exciting for the little ones. If she needs peace, they play dinosaurs. Walk around, and when the music stops lie down. We are all extinct. First one to move, loses. Or play them Arvo Pärt's "Spiegel I'm Spiegel ". After 4 minutes, they are all asleep. But if the kids are good, they get my homemade cookies. So the munchkins call me The cookie man.....
  8. I recommend a tour to the Great Ocean Road. It is really lovely. Do this ONLY via the ship. It is s LONG day. Organised day tours from Melbourne take 10 to 12 hours (or more). These tours pack many sights into the day (with enough time at every stop). They tend to cost around AUD 120 p.p., as a comparison against ship prices. And I say ship's tour, because of the distance travelled and the knowledge that the ship will wait for its own tours.
  9. The penguin march is AT NIGHT, so you probably have to forget about that one. Google Phillip island penguin tours.
  10. Yeah, whatever. Let's just say the ones that are worried and go all hoity-toity stay at home, and the ones that can handle the situation and get on with life, go on a cruise. My wife and I for one will be on THAT ship in two weeks. Here is the Eclipse leaving Sydney 15 minutes ago.
  11. That last paragraph sums it up nicely. In the case of Australian cruise prices, the "voluntary" gratuity is built into the fare. So we have no say in it, and can't remove it. Nothing "voluntary " about it then. I highly doubt that anybody would even TRY to get this taken off the price....
  12. But you get chocolates, mugs, scented candles, bath bombs and handmade cards instead. 🙂
  13. This exact quotation was regurgitated at lengths 2 weeks ago. Search 9/10 December. Load of baloney.
  14. Sounds like those booze cruises they used to (do?) run between Scandinavia and Germany / the Baltic states. Leave Scandi on Friday afternoon and come back early Monday morning. As soon as they were out of local waters, the bars were open and tax free. Monday morning they basically had to hose down the ship....
  15. Definately not so. My upcoming celebrity cruise, booked and paid for in Australia, include tips, drinks, Wi-Fi
  16. I have to roll my eyes about comments that tipping (entirely damn VOLUNTARY!!!) is "evil" and not right for the reason that some people who work in certain industries should get a bit of "untaxed" money. That seems sour grapes to me.... That sort of people probably ask if the garage sale down the road is paying tax. (Cue the haters....)
  17. If it makes you feel better, the TERRY WHITE chemist (pharmacy) chain seems to do supervised RAT. I give you the link below. I searched for "The Rocks" as location, as this is the closest general area to the opera house. https://bookings.terrywhitechemmart.com.au/corporate/Terry White Group/search?specialty=COVID-19 Testing
  18. I can only speak for Celebrity Cruises. They will accept a supervised RAT (by a chemist or medical professional) OR a regular self test RAT. Of the latter you take a time stamped photo and show at check in or even bring the test along to show.
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