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Everything posted by JimmyVWine

  1. Princess does not prohibit or charge a corkage fee for bringing on chocolate syrup. So just take some with you and add to taste. I agree that since the foundational roast that is used on board is not the same as Starbucks, it will be impossible for the finished product to replicate what you are used to. But if what seems to be lacking is the depth of chocolate flavor, just add your own.
  2. Optum sells the EMed product so you are all set.
  3. I suppose one answer could be the number of bottles open in the number of locations pouring times the number of ships at sea, coupled with the need to enforce their use.
  4. Reminds me of an experience I had with Hertz. I rented a Full Size car in Denver. I get to the counter and they ask me if I would like an SUV and that they could give me a deal on a Hummer3 (I think is what it was called...the baby Hummer) for $20 extra dollars a day. I said no thanks. 5 seconds later he looks up from his computer and says that they don't have any Full Size cars on the lot and that they were going to move me up a class at no extra cost. He then hands me the keys to the Hummer!
  5. Reviving this zombie thread because I cannot seem to find a consistent answer to my question no matter how hard I search. If wanting to book a cabana by the Retreat Pool (NOT in the Sanctuary), is that done at the time of boarding on the first day, or are they rented "day of" with a new reservation list started each day? And if it is the former, is there a mad dash to obtain them as there is with space in the Sanctuary? And to whom do you speak to make the reservation? The person at the entrance to the Sanctuary, or someone else. This would be for Regal. Thanks.
  6. I see now. And you are absolutely correct. I was assuming that they are doing the switcheroo when there aren't many cabins left in a particular category. The only time I have been offered an upsell to a better location or to Club Class, (never a free upgrade), it has been after final payment and within weeks of sailing. I always assumed that they were doing so to try to re-sell the cheaper cabins a second time.
  7. So does moving someone from a $700 cabin into the $900 cabin. Each and every time it does that, it loses its opportunity for higher revenue, and yet Princess seems to be doing that with regularity.
  8. I suspect that this has something to do with it, but there is a better solution. If more expensive cabins are not selling, just drop the price so that they are equal to, or just a hair more than the cheapest ones. If you have sold one cabin at $700 and have another priced at $900 that isn't selling, you could move the person from the $700 cabin to the $900 cabin and then resell the $700 cabin. The gross sale is $1,400. This seems to be what they are doing. But you achieve the same thing by offering the $900 cabin for $700. The booked passenger may take it, or a new booker will book it. Either way the gross sale is $1,400. That way, people who already booked the cheapest cabin can contact Princess and request a move to a different location at no extra cost, or at perhaps a modest increase. This allows people who would consider the mid-ship location to be an improvement to self-upgrade and avoid the game of musical cabins of moving and then unmoving people against their will.
  9. I have no doubt that they have not this type of training. More like: "Hey! You're pouring too heavy!"
  10. It varies by the circumstance. If you are serving a table of 6 diners, you should pour out a full bottle divided evenly among the 6 people without requiring the diners to order a second bottle. So those pours would be 125 ml or a smidge over 4 ounces. If there are 5 diners, you would again pour out the whole bottle, resulting in pours of 150 ml or 5 ounces. If there are 4 diners, however, you would pour each diner a 125 ml (4 ounce) pour and reserve the equivalent of 2 more 125 ml pours in the bottle to top off the diners as they draw down their glasses, and when the last of the wine is poured, ask the person who ordered the wine if they would like a second bottle. (OK. Now I'm having flashbacks of my "practical" class where we had to pour 750 ml of water into 4, 5 and 6 glasses such that each pour was exactly even, measured on a digital scale!) For wines by the glass, pricing and inventory is based on 5 glasses per bottle which is the 150 ml (5 ounce) pour.
  11. On the Medallion App, under “My Preferences”, there is a toggle on/off option in the “Rooms” section for an Energy Saver choice. The “learn more” link tells you nothing and the Princess website provides only slightly more insight. “Additionally, several energy-saving features have been built in to the staterooms, including a card reader that activates the room’s lighting, plus low-energy LED lighting fixtures.” The default in my settings is set to activate this feature. Does anyone know what you are opting into if you leave the Energy Saver option activated? Different water temperature? Lower lighting wattage? Dimmer TV screen? Not exactly sure what they can change on a room-by-room basis. And if you opt in and want to change during the cruise, is that possible?
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