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Everything posted by MJSailors

  1. When I consulted a neurologist for spinal stenosis, he recommended Tumeric for the inflammation. The only thing is, I need to remember to take it regularly! MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  2. @LadyZolt I have enjoyed following your journey as I have been reading your posts and admiring your photos. It is concerning for you to have to leave the ship halfway into the adventure, but you have certainly traveled to places that some of us will never see in person. Hoping your family situation is something that can be positively resolved. Take care MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  3. Bonnie-I think you are right about the Tootsie pop. That would be a good avatar for Graham as he is in the confectionary business and he has a sweet (as in pleasant) personality! MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  4. @Ocean Boy Maybe theposter got a warning, not a time out. I did notice their posts were deleted on “that” thread. I also could not get CC on my IPhone, but did get it on my iPad. So, not an individual problem but something with CC as a number of people experienced a glitch. It is a bright and sunny day on Eastern LI. Wishing all posting here a pleasant Saturday! MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  5. That’s okay @Coralc. I feel sorry for people who have to express themselves with such negativity. Wishing you a good night. MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  6. Thank you for the update @Ocean Boy. I hadn’t gone to that thread today. Apparently, CC is monitored for posts that make negative , pointed remarks to a fellow poster on a thread.Or, someone reported the poster. I had thought about reporting that poster, but thought if I didn’t respond to anything posted by that individual, they would get the messsge and give up. Take csre MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  7. @grapau27 Graham-I understand your situation. My DH has arthritis in his knees and back. Playing college football and rugby led to this present state. He also cannot take anti inflamatories due to compromised kidneys. He manages as best he can-some days better than others. Glad you got out to the beach. Seeing water is spirit uplifting. Our outing today is taking my car for inspection and oil change. It is a 20 minute drive from home, so we will take in the bright sunshine and flowering trees along the way. Wishing you and all who post here a pleasant day! MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  8. @h20skibum Both you and your wife participate in a very worthwhile and necessary program. Our parish church has a monthly food drive where food is collected after every Mass. Monetary donations are also collected. All proceeds of the drives are given to a local food pantry. Each parish in our area takes a weekend to provide donations to the pantry so there is an almost constant supply of goods and money provided. Every Christmas, there is a gift drive in our church where presents are collected for children in need as well as gift cards for seniors to use at CVS and our local supermarkets and there are also payments towards home heating oil deliveries for those who could truly benefit. My husband and I participate in the drives throughout the year. It is a simple thing to do, but it benefits many who need some help. We also live in an affluent area, but there are people who are stretched to the limit with their financial resources living here. From a distance, our area looks like an upscale place to live. Scratch a little under the surface and there are people who are struggling. Thankfully , there are programs and people who support the programs that make it a bit easier for our neighbors. Take care MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  9. @h20skibum Both you and your wife participate in a very worthwhile and necessary program. Our parish church has a monthly food drive where food is collected after every Mass. Monetary donations are also collected. All proceeds of the drives are given to a local food pantry. Each parish in our area takes a weekend to provide donations to the pantry so there is an almost constant supply of goods and money provided. Every Christmas, there is a gift drive in our church where presents are collected for children in need as well as gift cards for seniors to use at CVS and our local supermarkets and there are also payments towards home heating oil deliveries for those who could truly benefit. My husband and I participate in the drives throughout the year. It is a simple thing to do, but it benefits many who need some help. We also live in an affluent area, but there are people who are stretched to the limit with their financial resources living here. From a distance, our area looks like an upscale place to live. Scratch a little under the surface and there are people who are struggling. Thankfully , there are programs and people who support the programs that make it a bit easier for our neighbors. Take care MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  10. @Arzeena Thank you for your post. I am not upset about what that poster wrote on the other thread. Best to dismiss his thoughts as they indicate a rather unhappy person. He gave me a label without really addressing the question I had posted. I am not sure why someone would do that. Not something I would choose to do.After reading @h20skibumpost about the volunteer program to feed children, that poster’s posts have definitely been put in perspective. I had to chuckle that your DH finds things on the internet that is old news and reports them as something new. Maybe he is related to my DH! In retrospect, perhaps I should have posted my question on this thread. There are so many heartfelt people here that post, I do not think I would have found something so negative written here. I wish you a pleasant evening and thank you for thinking of me! MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  11. @Ocean Boy Thank you for your kind words. See you on the other thread!😉 MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  12. @pcur Thank you for your kind and insightful response. We have taken close to 20 cruises beginning in 1987 on the Big Red Boat. Our last cruise was June of 2024 on Celebrity Summit. We had stopped cruising during the years of Covid, but decided to take a chance and take a trip to Bermuda. I contracted Covid on that cruise. I had intestinal symptoms that resolved in two days.Fatigue remained when we got home,so, I took a Covid test and was positive. It took me two weeks to fully recover. We would like to take another cruise, but we are a bit leery about getting on another ship. My DH is concerned about Covid given our ages and health conditions. I would be willing to take another cruise, but he has to have a positive outlook before we consider booking another one. Today, he was looking for info regarding health situations on cruises and thought that mask mandates were back. I did not have the same thought, hence the “discussion”. MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  13. @DaniDanielle Congratulatons! Wishing you a happy day filled with good memories and celebration. 🥂🥳❤️❤️ MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  14. My DH saw some information online that recent RCL passengers were being required to wear masks. I am not sure that he is reading the most recent cruise information. Curious if this requirement,infdeed, now exists on RCL ships. Thank you for your responses. MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  15. @dani negreanu Enjoy celebrating Passover with your family , Dani! Wishing all who celebrate Passover a lovely holiday. MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  16. Laurie-Thank you for your quick reply. I thought you might have a piece of luggage that hooked onto the wheelchair. I see how that luggage would be extremely helpful for a solo wheelchair traveler. I noted the brand on the luggage in the photo for future reference. Wishing you an enjoyable first evening on the ship. I will be following your posting as your journey proceeds. MJ👩🏻
  17. @Lionesss Wishing you and enjoyable and lucrative cruise. Just thinking out loud here about the casino after reading your post about the generous payout you hit in the first night of the cruise. I am assuming that you put your passenger card ( cruise card,key card, whatever RCL calls it) into the slot machine when you begin play. Is it possible that there is a way to track a passengers play history and reward a frequent slot player with a big payout to encourage that player to keep going to the casino? Also,others could hear about a passenger’s big win and decide they would play the slots also in hopes of hitting it big. Not taking away any of your luck or casino skills, just thinking of ways a casino could encourage players. 😊 MJ👩🏻
  18. Laurie- I am wishing you a good sea journey as it is a trans Atlantic,not a typical cruise to the Caribbean. My DH and I did one TA on the QEII and we found that sea journey to be quite relaxing. I read about your trip on the train from Orlando to Miami and I have a question that I hope you don’t mind answering. It may be helpful to people who are new to experiencing handicapped travel for themselves. I was wondering how you managed your luggage in and out of the train terminals and on your way to the hotel. I am thinking that there were porters to assist in the train terminals and you mentioned a checked bag. Just thinking about you maneuvering your way to the hotel. Take care MJ👩🏻
  19. @firefly333 Re: spending money due to highly inflated prices? You are not the only one!!!! MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  20. @firefly333 I think hiring the movers to pack for you is a good plan. As we get older, extra cost for convenience and ease is worth the price. You are doing the relocating by yourself, so hiring help makes it easier for you. We just had some interior painting done. The job cost a bit more than expected, but the painter is a retired NYPD officer and is trustworthy. I would rather pay more for his work than have a crew of painters in my home that I know nothing of their background. Peace of mind and/or ease when getting a job done is worth the cost. Hoping your move goes well for you. MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  21. Marietta- Easy to say,I know, but take some time to care for yourself too.💐 My father had early onset Alzheimer’s and I realize how draining caretaking can be for a person. I recall my Mom taking a break when my Dad had his afternoon nap by watching her soap operas. No sure how pleasant the stories were,but she at least could sit and relax for a bit. MJ👩🏻
  22. George C- I always thought Moonstruck was filmed n Brooklyn Heights- maybe ? helen haywood - I agree about My Fair Lady- I always liked it better than the Sound of Music. Both movies from my childhood. Reading so many movie posts I thought of a few more- Hitchcock- Rear Window - Raymond Burr’s character was creepy, while Grace Kelly was beautiful. Also ,North by Northwest- so much suspense ! Sally Field Movies- Murphy’s Romance, Places in the Heart and Steel Magnolias. Mel Brooks- Young Frankenstein Dirty Dancing-Patrick Swayze!!! When Harry Met Sally Disney animated films- Snow White,Sleeping Beauty,Beauty and the Beast. Lots of good movies ! MJ👩🏻
  23. Favorite movies-many good ones already mentioned here. I’ll add a few- Moonstruck,A League of Their Own, Coming to America Father of the Bride ( both versions) and a really old classic -Mr Blandings Builds His Dream House -anyone who has dealt with home construction can empathize with Cary Grant’s character. MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  24. Laurie-That is discouraging news. Two thoughts- Could you ask someone at the front desk if they know of any wheelchair repair service ? Is there a Conceierge or guest services at the Disney resort where you are staying that could assist with this issue ? I am thinking that Disney makes wheelchairs available to guests who are in need of one. Certainly,those wheelchairs may need repairs,so their needs to be a repair shop / center to take care of them. Also- Have you tried to Google /nternet search a repair service in the area ? Hoping you can locate someone to fix the wheelchair soon! MJ🙎🏻‍♀️
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