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Everything posted by seasidemama

  1. Hi all, I posted this in the Casino conversations but no one responded. If anyone has a link or copy to the current on board instant certificates that are being given out for getting X number of points on a sailing, please share. Thanks!
  2. Hi all, would love to see the current instant cruise certificate - for the various point levels if anyone has and would like to share. I read elsewhere that there are new sailings as well as new point requirements as of August. Thanks!
  3. Thanks I saw that! I guess I'll just figure out how it works once on board - If I need to do anything else on the ship to activate or put charging limits.
  4. How does this work? I'm thinking of buying the $50 credit for $40 (on the planner). I want to get two - one for each of my children. Do I purchase this on my account, my children's accounts or can I just buy the $100 credit for $80 and allocate on the ship. How is this billed on the seapass exactly? Not sure how this works. Thanks!
  5. When booking and getting the status discount on the balcony/junior suite (platinum and above). Is the discount per stateroom or per person. In other words if there are 2 or 3 passengers in a cabin all eligible for the discount, is it just the one discount applied to the stateroom or does each passenger get a discount applied to the room? Thanks!
  6. They had this on the adventure last week. A card in the stateroom with checkboxes to tick. Extra pillows/beds together or apart etc. (I can't remember them all) and space for additional requests. There was no check box for a cruise compass but we got one every evening without asking.
  7. HA! Peaked my curiosity I gotta find that thread. I could use a good laugh 😆. I don't drink that much 1 MAYBE two glasses of wine on a good night and not every night at that. As for the kids they LOVE their virgin frozen drinks - would be nice to have them be able to order 1 or 2 on their own.
  8. Even if we only have 3.5-4 hours it's OK. We were just there a short while ago on an Orlando vacation and I have tickets I can use so all I would be paying for is the transfer.
  9. Thanks. I'm not concerned whether we'll be back on the ship by the 9pm departure time. I was wondering how accurate the 6 hour total excursion duration is. I want to know how to plan dinner/shows that night.
  10. Do kids get 4 drinks a day too or is it just for adults? What about other discounts?
  11. Hi All! Ship is scheduled in PC at 1pm. There's an excursion through RCCL with shuttle to seaworld that says begins 1:30pm and duration is 6 hours. Can I count on being back on board by 8pm? First time booking any kind of ship "excursion" always explored on our own but we want to do Seaworld for a few hours and this seems like the cheapest transportation for us. Ship scheduled to depart at 9pm.
  12. Since you mentioned 2008 quality diminishing and have sailed since I'm curious - have you noticed a that quality improve AFTER 2008 issues at some point or do you feel it's just been downhill ever since? I only started with Royal in 2019 so I don't have a way to compare myself.
  13. If you look at pricing (at least from what I've researched) cruising is still the most affordable "all inclusive vacation" option, especially if you don't have to fly to port. I agree the food has gone downhill - but unless you are going to a luxury all inclusive (with reflective pricing) - I doubt you will be impressed there either. Bottom line, it's your money and your vacation and you should be able to enjoy it - whatever that means for you.
  14. Definitely get a COR for the unvaccinated kids. I'm not sure if COR excuses from testing but PCR can show positive for months. Also - COR should exclude them from boarding day and last day testing.
  15. I watched some of it on youtube and wasn't impressed. I don't think anyone in our group would want to take the time for it. I'm booked on Oasis next year as well - maybe the second go around we'll give it a go 😉
  16. Hi all - trying to figure out schedule. Can anyone tell me what is the length of the Frozen in time and Aqua show? After reading reviews we will be skipping CATS.. Not sure why there are NO daytime slots for the frozen in time show (looking at recent cruise compass out of NJ) - would have helped a lot with scheduling dinner and other activities. Also - how long in your experience does MDR dinner take? Thanks!
  17. Can't wait for the day they go away with all this pre cruise testing stuff. Hopefully with the new CDC rules that will be sooner rather than later.
  18. Well, in case anyone else is curious. RCCL's policy as of May 2022 is that close contact may be deemed if exposed within 10 days and NOT the previous 14 days. This confirms the conversation I had with the RCCL agent that we will not have an issue boarding so long as I have the COR for the positive person in our party. "If you report, or we identify, that you may have been exposed to or are likely to have been infected by COVID-19 within 10 days of embarkation, we may require that you and others in your Traveling Party do not travel to the departure port." https://www.royalcaribbean.com/content/dam/royal/resources/pdf/covid-19-cancellations-and-refunds-policy.pdf This makes sense since otherwise having one person with a COR within 14-11 days would automatically deny the remainder of the group boarding so RCCL could not accept a COR for less than 14 days.
  19. I don't want to lie on the form. My question is if everyone else is negative and one has certificate of recovery - will there be an issue. Asking from someone with knowledge of this scenario.
  20. One child in our group tested positive for covid on a pcr 10 days ago (not counting today). Today's pcr for pre-cruise came back positive again. No symptoms. MD will issue Certificate of Recovery. Sailing Thursday (in two days) What's everyone's experience completing the health questionnaire and check in for the remainder of the party? Other than a negative rapid two days prior to boarding is anything else required - will there be an issue since we were in contact with a positive within 14 days? Very anxious. Thanks!
  21. The only reason I keep my delta gold card is because I get free checked luggage as a perk. Annual fee is $100 - if we do just one flight a year as a family I'm ahead of the game. I think Jetblue has a card with the same perk but not sure.
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