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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Our local supermarket sells coffee beans in packets but you can get them in Cannes in France 🤔
  2. I used to have loyalty cards,the one I had for Halfods was rubbish! Tried to scrape ice off the cars windscreen but only managed to get 10% off using it 😟 Have good day everyone 😊
  3. Hi hope everyone's OK. ☺️ I also send them back but... I get a bit of chocolate and smear over with the message.. you send us your crappie and we will send you ours 😟 Hope Avril and Frank had a great day. ❤️ 😊
  4. Morning, glad to read no one,s Suffering due to the wind, Some folk recommend Wind-Ease tablets but doubt they'd have been much use.🤔 All take care and have a good day 😊
  5. I do believe he was a big cheese in the cheese world and you too like your cheeses 😋 I see Annie Lenox has opened a shop as well.😊
  6. A bright crisp sunny 0.c morning with the sound of birds chirping and car windscreen scraping. Have a good day 😊
  7. Called in at the carvery pub today and settled for Christmas style dinner..Well at my medical review I was told keep doing what I've been doing 🤔 That's my excuse anyway !
  8. Morning it's -4.c at the moment in Rotherham. Will have to de ice the car as we need to use it today. @purplesea Safe journey to Bristol and hope you have a good time on the Azura 🙂 Have a good day everyone !
  9. Sounds good to me ,Mrs K buys things like plain cod and steams it but now and again I like a small thin battered one from the chippy. Things like a cooked chicken meal and like last night a home made chicken curry ,uses a own brand Asda /Morrisons jar as they are lower in salt. A lot of stews this time of year with stew meat ,Yorkshire puds made minus the salt keeps us happy . On the Soup we like Morrisons "Counted "Carrot & Coriander ,which is a lot green but they seem to run out of stock a lot . Oh and salmon and broccoli are good from their freezer section aint too bad either.. If your lucky to get out for a meal, Carvery's are good as turkey aint just for Christmas ! Plenty of nice veg just go steady with gravy's though as they can be high in salt . Sardines on toast is one of my go to meals ,like you say your getting there 😀
  10. Aww bless been there not easy and yes it's good for you too,me and Mrs K eat the same foods . At one time i was living on salads and porridge ! Soon realised that my true goal was to lower my salt intake and not eradicate it ,as we do need salt in our body's to function . Things like bacon ,pre packed meats ,pork pies crisp and alcohol got the boot to give my heart a chance . I also cut down the portions to what I used to eat ,which in turn means less salt . As for Frank a odd amber here and there is not really bad ,so a couple of sausage that are low amber are ok with your morning eggs, toms toast and mushrooms 🙂 I do these at least once a week and I have just had my cardio review blood test and the nurse gave me my results " I'm doing fine ,keep doing what I'm doing " And I'm sure your doing fine Avril , just a pain having to think about what we eat innit ? 🙂
  11. Yep it's annoying ,we tend to avoid most processed foods, things like so called low sugar drinks that they replace with salts etc .A bit of a minefield
  12. @Adawn47 Hope Frank is doing ok with his diet adjustment . If he's owt like me and likes a dab of brown sauce on his sarnies ? Here's one I use but around here only Tesco stock it
  13. Good morning , -1.c and we have avoided any of the snow that's fell. My grandad used to love the outdoors and would spend hours reading his paper . Snow and such things never bothered him , he was a tough cookie and he would tell us tales about how he came home from the war ,with one leg . He never told us who it belonged to? 🤔 Even in the depths of winter he used to like to keep the back door open .. "To let some fresh air inside " he would say .. I guess that would explain why the submarine he was stationed on sank 🙃 Anyway ,you all have a great day and take care 🙂
  14. Obrigardo ,hope your having a good time if your where I think you are 😉
  15. We had a guy who had a new heart valve fitted at Sheffield ,once back at Rotherham he had a smoking buddy off the women's bay and every other hour he would turn off his bed side monitor , and wheel is drip and make his way to the hospital main doors for a fag. I found it weird that they had a "oh you have fixed me so carry on as normal" attitude to his situation . PS . Have a great flight /time away Phil 🙂
  16. Happy memories of my childhood but I felt sorry for my mate Barry as his parents could not afford to buy a sledge. Lucky for him I was brought up to share mine with him . I would ride it down hill and let him use it going back to the top of the hill again ,🙃
  17. Not on a jet ski like Del boy I hope 😊 He tends to do the same as me and will tell you all about it once back home .
  18. Our car had done under 3k and year before had the full service and the young new guy working at my regular garage also seemed disappointed that I only wanted an oil change and not the interim service as I will go for the full service again next year . " Er ,but if you think that's wise lots of other fluids could deteriorate" I was thinking the very same about all those light bulbs 🤔🙃
  19. Managed to get up to a sunny 1.c today ,so to cheer us both up went out and bought a nice big cod from and home made fish cake with a few chips to share . Mrs K warmed up some beans and added a bit of curry to make it a nice winters day meal. Talking of beans with such a meal ,I'm missing our mate @grapau27 and his photos of similar meals and his weather reports. Nowt since Saturday ? Hope all is well and your just somewhere nice Graham Sat watching the indoor bowls televised from Potters resorts ,Who have adverts reading "Imagine cruising " 🤔 Oh I can tell you Mr Potter on cold days like these we are more than capable of imagining it 🙃 Have a good day 😊
  20. Remember Home Alone ? Some spiders are Hollywood stars 😉 The tarantula on Marv's face was actually real. Actor Daniel Stern recalled how the crew initially told him they had a rubber tarantula that they could use, but they also had a real one that looked better as it would crawl about on his face ..😲 https://youtu.be/mnXkMaMz7Ks?si=A3SqrYrelymqykYt&t=39
  21. Ah that explains the guy shouting down to the DJ .." NOW THEN ,IT'S GONE 1 AM !! SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO SLEEP- CAN WE HAVE A A BIT OF RESPECT ?"🙃
  22. So no need for an App then ? Maybe they have naps instead and just roll up at whatever venue when the fancy takes you ?🙃 Have fun and try not to worry about us poor souls, -1.c here this morning 🙂
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