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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Good morning ,a sunny 6.c here this morning . We are also in the camp of our Christmas tree coming down this Friday. We can look forward ( only ten more months ) in some households to some folk declaring " Love Christmas lets get the tree out" only to find by Boxing day they are sick of Christmas . Each to their own . I look forward to our roast beef Sunday dinner on a Monday that Mrs K is cooking .Anyone else having a New Years dinner ? Whatever your doing have a good day our thoughts go to @Host Sharon and @Adawn47 Frank hoping they are out of hozzie and back home soon . Take care everyone🙂
  2. Great to hear Frank is improving and heart and BP is normal. As @Eglesbrech advised the limited liquid intake is to protect his heart ,I should be on 1500ml but as my heart recovered they allowed me a bit more . Frank sounds like he's going in the right direction and a good kip wont hurt him and you make sure you get one as you need to be tip top once he comes home . Take care 🙂
  3. One of our best New Year nights out was Madeira with the fireworks . Here is tonight's live feed and the ships look great all lit up, should anyone want to see them .....
  4. As this year draws to a close ,a time for reflection on our lives . Some parts filled with goodbyes and others with happiness and hello's . We wonder where the years go don't we ? Once the carefree persons to the caring people as seen above . So to all my cyber friends I would like to say a big thank you for supporting each other and wish you all the very best for the coming year . Wishing you all health and happiness for the New Year ! Best wishes to all - Take Care Mr &Mrs Kalos 🙂🙂
  5. Morning all , hope we all slept well .🙂 @Adawn47 Avril ,I saw this and thought is Frank laid there trying to work out some of the abbreviations that the hospital departments use ?
  6. Confusing times but hopefully the Dr on his rounds will make things clearer. Cross that bridge tomorrow Avril and try and get some sleep. Take care 🙂
  7. Check out who should NOT wear them as well (Found on Google ) Who should avoid compression socks? If you have peripheral arterial disease, ischemia, diabetes or congestive heart failure, do not use compression stockings without consulting your doctor; wearing compression socks with these health diagnoses can be dangerous.
  8. Aw bless you Avril, Frank is in good hands.Our best wishes to the both of you. Chin up lass and look forward to him coming back home ,keep chatting when you can .I'm sure the posters on here will be there for you as you have been for us lot -You take care 🙂 xx
  9. Look again Harry ..He is there in his white coat 🤣
  10. I think the oldest discovered ,was an Egyptian tomb filled with chocolate and hazelnut They believe it is the tomb of Pharaoh Rocher.😉 I also like fun facts about chocolates ... Did you know why they made Toblerone bars triangular shaped ?? So that they would fit in their box , (not a lot know that) 🙃 Have a good day 🙂
  11. Maybe have a read of this thread from the 5th of this month ?
  12. Hope you have a great cruise and at least you will know the reason for your delay 🙂
  13. Maybe this film will help .... Click here for advice 🙃🤣
  14. Hi only 8.c dull and drizzly here but better now the winds have subsided . I spent a few hours yesterday watching the planes land in the stormy winds down at Heathrow via YouTube and see one I watched made the papers . Going on poor old Jezza's reaction as he filmed it ,this must be a very good laxative as I thought he was giving birth or summat 🤣 Have a good day 🙂
  15. Yea the flying squad 🙃 So to recap .. Clear Air turbulence cannot be detected ,leave your seat at your own risk of getting nicked . It must be Maleth's fault for having a plane up there 🤣
  16. That's the problem folks ,you ask Santa for a fat bank balance and a slim body and he got it mixed up 😉 You all buy 2lb of chocolates and yet you put on 10lb's 🙃 Life's not fair sometimes .
  17. Yep all those folk out restocking as tubs of chocks aren't what they used to be a few years ago and it will not get any better ...
  18. 12 days of Christmas and all that . No rush enjoy 😋
  19. Morning ,it's a damp 7.c but calm at the moment with just a gentle breeze. One of our neighbours is jetting off today and slipped away early last night as not to draw attention to themselves (which he told us ). This morning Mrs K looked on a certain media site and there for anyone to see is a photo of him with pint in hand , wife and 2 kids at airport .. Stating "Whoo hoo were on our way " Home security at it's best 🤔 Any ways you all have a good day 🙂
  20. Fine dining at it's best and tasty with it Avril . 😋😋
  21. A sunny 6.c here hope your all having a good day whatever your doing . If it's going to the sales ,watching football, ripping your clothes off and running into the North sea I hope it all goes well for you . Today I look forward to the cold meats dinner, turkey, chips, beef and various pickles . It aint boxing day without them to me . The only thing missing is Judith Chalmers with "Wish You Were Here" on tv 🙂 Have a good day guys 😀
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