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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Morning 9.c and sunny here πŸ™‚ I think we have found out the reason these boards are quiet in the day time . Most of you are on the night shift contemplating things like.. Should I start baking or make a sausage sandwich or better still book an holiday ?πŸ€” You think of the strangest things in the we small hours like ... "If you could sleep with anyone living or anyone dead, who would it be?" ...... I decided "Definitely somebody living" πŸ™ƒ Our daughter asked me if I could rock our baby grand daughter to sleep but I failed ,maybe she isn't keen on Status Quo πŸ˜‰ To all of you who are awake ,have a nice day and hope others do once they wake up. Take care .πŸ™‚
  2. What did the Roman say when his wife was eaten by a tiger?...... Gladiator πŸ™ƒ
  3. Just a thought ... Anyone giving up booking cruisers for lent ? πŸ€”πŸ˜‰
  4. Morning 11.c and a bit showery on this Sunday morning . Maybe that's why it's so peaceful on here the day of rest . Very quiet not like a few years ago when all the church bells used to ring out for the Sunday services . Talking to our local vicar about a handyman guy who used to go up into the bell tower to clean them .He was accident prone and was forever headbutting the bells ,which then made a weird sound . The vicar said "can you remember this and his name as he showed me a photo of him ? I told him " sorry no but his face rang a bell "πŸ™ƒπŸ˜‰ Have a nice day whatever your doing .πŸ™‚
  5. Morning ,hope everyone's well πŸ™‚ We have just come back from our local cemetery ,been to remove old wreaths/flowers whilst the weather is reasonable . It's 9.c and the sun came out for half hour ,which was nice . Where the cemetery is ,it has open fields and a grassy embankment that we noted had lots of snowdrops and various daffy's poking through the rough grass . That can only mean one thing (apart from some one dumped them years ago ) ... Have a good day and take care πŸ˜ƒπŸ™‚
  6. Hope your Mums back home soon feeling better .The grand kids will be all the more fun when you get sorted (house mum etc). Try and make a little time for yourself . Take care πŸ™‚
  7. They have an offer on where kids eat for Β£1 ,so could be a nice experience on your purse πŸ˜‰.
  8. Morning all,just a dull damp 9.c day here but at least the weekends here, not that it makes much difference when your retired as you can do as little or as much as you want really . My dentist asked me how I was finding retirement compared to when I was In work ? I told him "I now find myself in charge of our TV a lot more and now class myself as a remote worker "πŸ™ƒ Have a good day πŸ™‚
  9. Quite right too ! Don't put the lady off her shopping πŸ™ƒ Happy Birthday Mrs Zapp πŸ™‚ Here's hoping you all enjoy your cruises/green beans πŸ˜ƒ
  10. Maybe todays "Hide and Seek" day as they seem to have a day for everything else .πŸ€” 12.C dull and showery here .Today off out for a dental check up as I still have a dentist to call my own πŸ™‚ Have a good day everyone .
  11. Try using that excuse on the tax man πŸ€”πŸ˜‰
  12. Thanks for reminding me guys ... I Lent out my hedge trimmer and never got that back .πŸ™ƒ
  13. Morning cruise lovers ,it's double figures here 10.c but very showery. Todays the 14th for all you romantics out there .We don't buy cards as we think everyday's a valentine day 365πŸ₯° I used to open so many cards on Valentines Day. Eventually the post office found out and fired me for it. Last year someone sent me a bunch of flowers with their heads cut off. Do you think I was being stalked ? πŸ™ƒ Mrs K is having a romantic lay in this morning so I will make her a cuppa later. Whatever your doing have a lovely day πŸ™‚
  14. Some good news Doncaster Airport could be opening again πŸ™‚ Very handy for folk around our area . Could do with persuading P&O cruises and the likes of Jet2 to do fly cruises from there .πŸ˜‰
  15. Sometimes could be down to what you drink or eat that throws your system out . We have been viewing a series of a couple's travels around India/Pakistan and they both learnt the hard way with the street foods ice/salad and dips, that the locals were quite happy devouring . As kids growing up, going to the east coast on a caravan holiday,one of my younger sisters only had to have a drink of their tap water or make a cuppa with it and she was running for the loo and ill for a good day. We used to take bottles of our own tap water and eventually weaned her onto the local stuff. Not saying a full ship comes down with this but wonder how many do and think they had other infections ?πŸ€”
  16. Morning all 5.c and cloudy here ,hope you are all ok today ? πŸ™‚ I personally do not like today ,why ? Cos tomorrow the 14th. Never do I seem to get it right . Last year I bought my wife a new belt and bag for Valentines day.The vacuum cleaner works just fine now. I could tell my Mrs was far from pleased ,she told me two of her mates got a big bunch of flowers and said they were gorgeous ..... I said that's possibly why they got them then. I have been advised by my mate that I should get my Mrs some roses for tomorrow .Thing is I forgot to ask him how many ? Maybe some of you can help ? Should I give her one ,three six or a dozen ? Or do you think .... I should just give her the full tub ?? So much to remember and it's pancake day today ! Happy pancake day folks πŸ˜„
  17. Great news and I suppose it was good it was done so soon ,much better than waiting a couple of days worrying about it . Have a nice stay with your mum .
  18. When going on the Azura I entered my card via the online check in but I could have waited until the boarding process . Here's what p&o say ... If you do not register a payment card during online check-in, you will not be able to complete the online check-in process. Instead, you will need to check-in and register a payment card when you arrive at the terminal. The check-in team at the terminal will ask you for your credit or debit payment card. We accept the following major cards: Visa and Discover cards, MasterCard, and American Express & Diners Club. You will need your four digit pin number in order to register your card. We are unable to accept Solo, Maestro, Switch or any pre paid credit cards. Β£50 will be required for pre-authorisation and you will be asked to enter your four digit pin number for verification. https://www.pocruises.com/essential-information/life-on-board#:~:text=Registering a payment card&text=If you do not register,you arrive at the terminal.
  19. Due to the really bad weather over the past few weeks causing postponed events Some of my friends are having a joint Burns Night and Chinese New Year Party this weekend .... They're calling it Chinese Burns Night. I wasn't going to go but they twisted my arm. πŸ™ƒ I'm not a fan of these events either ..... They seem to Drag-on πŸ˜‰ Sooner someone invents canine noise cancelling head phones the better for Teddy πŸ™‚
  20. Our thoughts to Michelle’s mum as well, all the best for the op . Everyone else take care and have a good day .
  21. Not forgetting the nights we used to end up in the Indian for a Ruby Murry and I can tell you that gave any Noro a run for it's money the next morning .😱 πŸ™ƒ
  22. Its weird how some folk avoid washing their hands and work to the mantra ... "It's not me" ,blame everyone else . A week ago when on the Azura we used to go down for breakfast to the MDR Peninsular 5 -10minutes before opening . One morning.one guy sneezed into his hands and just laughed about it ,despite him stood 3 ft away from a washroom . Another guy stood coughing into his hands between lecturing us on the perils of the buffet . As for the buffet ,we saw some folk who on spotting the gel guy started rubbing their hand vigorously making out they had just used one of the other gel dispensers . These folk are too busy "spreading the love " all over the ship . We just have to keep washing our hands and hope for the best unfortunately.
  23. Have you managed to sort your insurance this morning Josy ?
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