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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Just asked Mrs K , our online shopping is via Morrisons and have had no issues buying eggs. Possibly down to the Tesco suppliers ?
  2. @Megabear2 Things have gone wrong for you and you have kept people on here abreast of what's happened to you and how you have tried to help others . If I was you I would ,stop posting until your cruise is over and concentrate on yourself. Have a little me time ,you deserve . We would all look forward to your posts on your return where you can tell us all about it, Without you worrying about people you do not know cancelling cruises , your on holiday please take a little time for yourself . 🙂 We love your posts but not at the expense of you getting stressed out by them . Take care and be happy !
  3. Sounds wonderful and pleased your enjoying it . This morning we have fog and 7.c but should get to 18.c later.
  4. Maybe this article from this web site will help you choose https://www.cruisecritic.co.uk/articles.cfm?ID=3850 Have a great holiday .🙂
  5. Nice chippy eat in take away opposite McDonalds ,if you want some food before having to endure all that ship food 😉 Have a good cruise .
  6. I remember you posting the above and it could not have been nice locked away due to Covid. Not sure what you expected P&O to do other than isolate you from others and I really do get what it was like being locked up due to my HF . I never saw any of my family, our grandkids , kids relatives ,no one for over 10 months ! No one just the wife and the medics via phone . Your good wife being accosted by drunks is not nice and fair play to you letting her sort it . I recall Mega B saying she had it happen to her . Jane had it happen on MSC to her granddaughter, so it's not just one cruise line . .I used to tour working men's clubs and it happens everywhere coastal holiday parks etc . We all dust ourselves down and move on and in some cases avoid certain places, just like your doing . Hope you and your Mrs have great happy holidays wherever you choose and hope you too get to move on.
  7. Think I sussed this (on dummy booking ) 1/CLICK LETS BEGIN YOUR BOOKING 2/ Click see prices Standard Balcony 3/ Click recommended + 300 OBC .. CLICK BOOK NOW 4/ At this page you now have options to edit how many people ? Do you want car parking and EDIT CABIN !!! The option to edit cabin should have been used taking you to Choose my own . @Rashmi7 has clicked on through to payment . Looking I can see there are a few balcony cabins left on deck 5 aft . I would look at these and phone P&O stating you clicked complete by error and give them the cabin number you would like . If your not getting through ..Phone them as a new booking as I bet that gets answered ..Tell them you have just booked but made a mistake and hope they let you choose
  8. If you go to the main page for P&O cruises where the topics are listed you will see the amount who have clicked follow, just same as this page next to title shows 13 at present . All this does is alert you to new posts ,that's if you click follow for that page . In no way does it mean others do not read the posts as yours and other posters have proven .
  9. Takes me back to my Knebworth days "A Mid Summer Nights Dream"🙂
  10. Follow you Follow me is a a very nice song .(Genesis)🙂
  11. There are more than 68 people who post a lot but don't click the follow button, myself being one that hasn't done so . Granted C C is just a tiny speck of who sail with P&O but leaving web sites aside I do wonder what the actual number is of P&O return bookings ? At a guess far more than those who not return , other than that they would soon be going bust . On TV last night a travel program forecast that the cruise industry is actually set to grow this year .
  12. I wouldn't say you were stupid Michelle ,back in early 70's we were unaware compared to today. A relative of mine used to nip in the village chemist and buy a bottle of olive oil as she said it helped her skin stay moist and tan better. I was as bad munching through tons of Mars bars that would help me work rest and play and just to give me energy a bottle of Lucozade to give me even more energy and stop me being poorly 🙄 Even sugar was good back then ! Hope you get sorted soon and give that dog a hug from me ,they really are our best friends 🙂
  13. Cheers for the tip , it helps us keep abreast of such matters 😉
  14. That's how I see it Megar. I was checking out a few cruises and found they were offering the choice of select a forward cabin or an aft but they choose your actual location. You get things like OBC and shuttle buses . The fares were cheap and that's possibly why ,I didn't opt to buy as it wasn't value to me . So there was no way that you could say I was being robbed as it was my choice to take it or leave it. I note other cruise lines do the same . The worst culprit used to be Thomson cruises ,back then you would select inside /outside cabins and after you paid a hefty deposit ,only then could you see what was on offer but too late as you were booked by then .
  15. Update our local Morrisons is 140.7 and Mrs K has got a 5p off per litre off from our online shopping , so that will do us nicely .
  16. Our cheapest petrol is 139.9 at a Texaco. If out and about we use petrolprices.com to find who's charging what .
  17. Yep the guarantee of Zapp or you get your Bingo money back 😉🤣 Sometimes we read too much into a review .I remember my first cruise, most people telling me I would love it and a odd few telling me I was in for a bad time . Turns out that within less than six weeks we had rebooked and were back onboard .
  18. Polite request .Nothing would please us more than to read your experience of how you did or did not enjoy your cruise, as you are a fresh canvas being a new cruiser. Same as others say ,they think you will love it. Please come back and tell us all about it .🙂
  19. The op kindly put us right in post #4 . I have only done select and wrongly thought there was an upgrade box on saver as well .
  20. Good for you and hope you enjoy them both . We are all big boys and girls and would like to think we are grown up and capable of choosing a cruise ourselves. I had a fantastic holiday the other week ,so good I have booked again but reading the review sites ,some posters would have had us running for the hills. If people want to go on a cruise , that's their choice, live and let live . If I want to cruise ,I do and I will just like I will return to my choice hotel. You get your bucket list ticked off it's your dream your choice ,you enjoy .🙂
  21. Lets hope they keep the good work up ,to be fair I have never had complaints regarding the food and hope it remains that way the next time we go.
  22. Just an Idea , maybe send poor old hubby off on a few cruises to balance things up 🙃😉
  23. Makes sad reading when people are cancelling cruises for reasons that should and could be avoided in the welfare of the ships passengers . Thirty or so passengers wanting to move cabins on a full ship is one thing but serving food not at the correct temperatures is out of order, no excuse such as, short staffed or the old pandemic excuse. Hope you find a suitable replacement for your cancelled booking.
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