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Everything posted by kalos

  1. A man sends a text to his next-door neighbour: "Dave, I'm sorry. I've been riddled with guilt and I have to confess: I have been helping myself to your wife when you're not around, probably more than you if being truthful. I know it's no excuse but I don't get it at home. I can't live with the guilt any longer. I hope you'll accept my sincerest apology. It won't happen again." Feeling outrage and betrayed, Dave grabs his gun, goes into the bedroom, and without a word, shoots his wife. Moments later the guy gets a second text:. . . . . . "Sorry, I Really should use spell check! That should have read "Wi Fi ."🙃
  2. On our last cruise a steward that was working cleaning a cabin above our balcony threw a part bucket of liquid over just missing the Mrs but wetting the balcony . I phoned reception and they sent head of house keeping who told me it was only fresh water and the steward sent his apologies to us. To us that was the matter closed but within about 15 minutes a big bunch of flowers were sent to my wife . We wanted nothing but P&O were more than decent about it .
  3. Nowt up with that Capt , it's what you are that counts and on the bottom of my posts is a reminder to what I am .. " Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else "🙂
  4. Hope you get it sorted to your satisfaction as that was inexcusable . Going into "light hearted" mode I hope you didn't use some of your big words that even we have to Google to understand 😉 Hope you enjoy the rest of your cruise and the cartoon below 🙂
  5. You should now have an E-mail confirmation from P&O and using that with your name date of birth you can log into your booked cruises using link below. https://my.pocruises.com/mycruise/login?otprrf=1
  6. 🎵 I wanna fly with common people..🎵 Hope you and Mrs Zapp have a good time 🙂 Which you will 🙃
  7. Adding to what John has said and you decide to book direct with P&O , then be sure to screen shot the TA 's price and get P&O to price match it for you.
  8. Morning all a very bright clear sunny 7.c here but rain this afternoon is tipped . We got plenty of rain with the thunderstorms yesterday . Those pictures of the Punch & Judy stands take me back a few years to all the fun of the fair that used to come and visit us .
  9. Morning all, dry and 10.c and overcast at the moment . We have got a little Yorkie that's cute but sadly need to rehome him as no matter what we do he keeps barking all the time . He goes by the name of Rex and is about 8 month old ,so if you think you could give him a home, let me know and I'll jump over the neighbours fence and grab him for you .😉 Just fancied something light to eat this morning so I settled for egg on toast . Hope you all have a good day -Take care 🙂
  10. Not the first time a ship has had it's name changed . Anyway sound better than bean can .🙃
  11. Take no notice of them Presto ! No Way would they turn your beloved ship into a tin of old beans 🙂 Here she is 🤣 🤣...
  12. Maybe it would be an Idea to state online prior to printing that no middle names are shown as this seems to crop up often with the folks who are new to this.
  13. Don't let @Presto2 read this 🤣
  14. To me that's fine that you didn't like it . There is no such thing as a bad cruise ship, We did F O ship a few years ago ,very nice but it wasn't for us ,yet we love the Azura and people have to find a ship that suits them . I'm sure we have all watched You Tube films and thought "No way ,that's not what we are looking for " and the other side of the coin we see a ship that we hope to have the pleasure of cruising on one day . Like buying a pair of shoes we all buy what suits us and we feel good in .
  15. Sure you will have a great time ,enjoy !
  16. Morning and happy Easter guys . This year due to the recent shortages ,we are cancelling the kids Easter Egg hunt in our garden and sending them up to the supermarket to look for them instead . My Easter Joke of the day ... "Dad, why is my sister named Teresa?” "Because your mum loves Easter and Teresa is an anagram of Easter" "Thanks, Dad" ..“No problem, Alan" 😮 Hope you all have a great day
  17. Looks like others are doing the same . For example .. MSC from Southampton 14th April 7 nights inside £337 pp (£48.14) or splash out on a balcony £440 pp (£62,85) They do status match as well . Again the ship is not for everyone but the prices are good
  18. From what I am reading P&O need to re think the App as when your seeing tables going begging for up to 3/4 of an hour on a maxed out ship at Easter, questions need to be asked at the P&O planning stages for such cruisers . I'm not sure what the answer is but when everyone's trying to bulk book these venues on the basis they might use them, is not helping the matter . Going to the theatre onboard we used to like to stroll up and if we fancied the show we would go in, just like we have done at home in our towns and city's on a night out . If we were sat there in the onboard theatre half hour early with a drink in our hand ,just like we would in any other bar, it wasn't a problem to us . I'm sure the Apps will work fine in the long run but personally I enjoyed being on holiday doing what I fancied at my time of choosing and not booked days /weeks in advance . Maybe that's the answer, only allow booking say 36 hours before a venue onboard . I used to hate B&B's that wanted your meals booked the day before as I did not know if I would eat it . Providing you get what you booked and paid for ,regardless of price /cabin ,that should be the very least regardless of the size of any P&O ship customers get. Just my personal thoughts !
  19. Morning everyone ok I hope 🙂 Nice to see @brian1 one feeding the cats (and Magpie) whilst the neighbours are away 😍 Our neighbour has gone away and left us a set of spare keys to feed the dog with . I've tried but think it's fretting for it's owners as it's refused to eat any of them .🤔 Do you guys do folklore /superstition ? Why I'm asking ,yesterday being Good Friday one of the old lady's near us put her white bedding sheets out on the line to dry as it' was a nice sunny day . Back in the day my gran or mother ,hell would freeze over before they would have put the washing out .Same went for New Years Day . This got me and the Mrs talking about it and her parents and relatives were exactly the same and that is why the Mrs also never washes clothes on these days . Just wondering if any of you abide by this old folk lore ? Take care 🙂
  20. Not forgetting that large cod that I just ate with chips and peas and a sausage . I would have shown you but I forgot to photo it but I can tell you ,it looked good and tasted good and ... Sounds like a Makeson stout advert 🙂
  21. You would hope so ,we replaced ours but one decided a month or so was enough . Not much fun when it decided to let us know it was a bad un at 1.30 in the morning , better than any alarm clock I can tell you .Replaced and all is well again .
  22. Nope I can't think of any but my Mrs once asked me "Have you seen the fish bowl anywhere?" I didn't realise that they could .😉 I once was taking a truck load of Omega 3 capsules, down the M1 but I crashed it . Luckily I was okay, I only sustained super fish oil injuries 🤣
  23. I'm with you all on this one , quiz shows and the music gets louder as the contestants time runs out ,drowning out the quiz masters voice , or the adverts come on at what seems twice the level you had set your TV volume to. I had a TV that used to stop this with the Ads but our new TV doesn't do that option . There is no end to it ,the TV announcers are just as bad and do not get me started on the You Tubers who put films together in various volume levels with a good blast of very loud music ,do they never check these before posting them ? So no your not alone far from it. I'm sure they could sort this out but as yet ,I've not heard owt 😉
  24. Good morning on this Good Friday ,hope you are all well.🙂 Accents and sayings from different parts of our country are great aren't they ? When I'm in the Lincs area I note more often than not, someone thanking us will say.. "Cheers Doll " ,which I never seem to hear anywhere else. Around my neck of the woods ,this turns into "Cheers Love" as we are lovable people. A lot of words around here are turned into just one word to save breath and energy ... For example " hasthargooraquidtolendus ?" (Could you lend us a pound ?) Which is often met with an energy saving "NO " Once in our yard at work I thought I had met a terminally ill lorry driver from Birmingham , when he said " I wuzz told by me gaffer to come here to die "😮 Scotland chippy's will want to sell you a fish supper regardless of the time of the day . And as for the Russian president ,I don't think his accent is Russian at all .. To me he's just Putin it on 😉 However you say it ..have a lovely day and take care
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