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Everything posted by indiana123

  1. How the three way temporary traffic lights near us and all the signs survived I don't know, but they did. Yesterdays family lunch went great, everyone chipped in moving table etc and carrying hot dishes which I can't do. After a lovely laughter filled family lunch it all went into reverse and all was cleared in a few minutes.They knew I am off for a few days (all inclusive!!😃) so made sure everything was done. It still embarrasses me a bit when they do things I would have done in a heartbeat, but hey ho, they understand. I will not overeat or drink on my break, I will not overeat or drink on my break. Who am I trying to kid. Just myself!🙃
  2. For Avril and the girls... Help!!!!!😂 I used to sort out events and things when I was in Ladies Circle many years ago, but seem to be doubting myself now. Can I prepare potatoes and other veg and put in water in saucepans tonight at my leisure? Then I can open the Prosecco and wallow in the morning?🙃 ps the above post makes my problem look miniscule
  3. Kids!!! Well my daughter suggested a meet up for Sunday Lunch somewhere, us, her and her OH, the grandchildren and their partners, eight in total. It was a bit late to book and also it is getting a bit of a bill for eight of us so I told her there was a nice Cafe at £$ *&*&* Road (my house). They said that would have been nice but felt me being partially disabled that it might be too much for me to cope with!!!😏 Well that was like a red rag to a bull and adrenaline clicked in , of course I would cope. Even if on my hands and knees (but I didn't tell them that) What I had forgotten was we are going away for a few days so preparing for that, and must clear everything away afterwards. We have a compromise, I cook etc. Two come early to carry tables and lay up and carry hot dishes to and from the kitchen (which I can't do). With my daughter helping it will be chaos, and I am really looking forward to it.
  4. I can well believe that Avril, it happened to me when I was in the Cardiac Ward. A rather loud family were visiting someone behind the curtain and he gave them strict instructions yo bring him a big mac and chips, and not to forget his fags for when he went home. I was a smoker then and never had the willpower to give up but I did then, very easily, although I still keep some in a drawer after all these years and still crave occasionally and miss the social aspect.
  5. We were lucky enough to have the massive suite at the front of Adonia, which was fine in calm seas, but when it got rough we couldn't move in the cabin, we couldn't get from one side to the other. Everything landed on the floor.. nearly us too. But we loved Adonia and we were very sorry when she went. It had a lovely atmosphere.
  6. Oh no, I would be gone. Even the word sp*d*r makes my skin crawl😼
  7. No their not Dollys.. she's more like a 36 JJ or more!
  8. EEEEEK.. I would have run half a mile down the road. In the past I have been known to accost some innocent person in the street wimpering "Are you scared of spiders?" When OH and I lived in separate houses (down a lane) he was so good when he got a call at 1 am to come and rescue me. He knew what a state I would be in.😶
  9. I love it like this and moan and moan through July and August. I will never know why😏
  10. Thank you Selbourne and Pete14. That made me laugh out loud, which is something really needed this morning. Really made us laugh out loud. Good old CC x
  11. Have you seen the Ryanair advert with well behaved children at the forefront. I reckon they did that on purpose, having seen the awful Love Holidays one
  12. I do wonder what the 'boy' thinks when he sees the advert, he could be a father himself now. Isn't it the advert from many years ago... or am I mistaken
  13. So looking forward to the rest of your blogs on this great tour of yours. I have always fancied Bermuda. Never been. Your fair critiques are a great read for us.
  14. Ooooh word for word what we have said Terrierjohn . I like kids but when that boy runs on I cringe. I wonder if it was done on purpose.. kind of reverse advertising.. after all we are talking about it. (I know what I mean 🙃)
  15. Very pleased to hear your good news Avril. Even at 5.30 in the morning!😂
  16. and to relax and do something you enjoy doing for the rest of the evening. And to eat chocolate if you have any over from Christmas (or finish any Prosecco!😃
  17. Yes I got nearly four hours. I saw there is a bad weather warning for this week ie ice and snow, so have just done a food shop online just in case. Only a day or two early. Good Luck at the Drs Lincslady or rather 'fellow owl;😄 The cheese sandwich was delicious. Just off back to bed.
  18. Good morning.. any night owls about? I am a food fancier who gets cravings. Here I am really fancying a humble cheese sandwich. I am also trying to lose weight. Should I /shouldn't I. I never have had good willpower!!🤣
  19. As we missed having our own turkey this year we managed to finally find a turkey crown a few days ago. We missed the cold meat and pickles next day, then the turkey stew then the curry. I am cooking it as a roast today, but have decided to do it all in the Ninja. I am wishing myself good luck.
  20. Thanks Kalos, sounds like a good service. I'll ask my pharmacy.
  21. Kalos I have googled everything I can think of re Sure Med packs and have found the makers/distributors, but can't find anything about chemists who provide this service. Even giving my post code didn't help. Any ideas? My meds are increasing and getting a bit complicated. I would even pay a small charge. Goodnight x
  22. I enjoyed your last honest and fair 'log' Selborne. I am going to try to resist reading it every day and read en bloc every few days or so. Looking forward to them. Best wishes to you and Lady Selborne for an amazing trip.
  23. Enjoy every minute.. Have fun We have no cruises booked yet, but are taking off to Potters Five Lakes in a couple of weeks. Looking forward to it. ps,, OH said we had a podiatrist appointment this afternoon. I felt something was amiss. Drove there. Wrong day!! So embarrassing being turned away My New Years Resolution of no more ear bashing worked!!! I said nothing and fought the urge to gloat... nearly😄
  24. Oh dear, am I the only person here who likes grey days. Also grey cities.I agree there is too much rain at the moment but as I just said to OH, I would love to be in Wales at the moment, walking the fields, hood up and wind blowing. I wish I could but I can't. We are supposed to go to town today. I would happily go in the rain, but OH has suggested it might not be a good idea with my scooter or two sticks🤣 Strange, we are all different. Sitting on a desert island beach just doesn't appeal. I am getting better, I am liking summer a little bit now. I often wonder if it was something to do with being brought up high up in an old victorian house ... well in an attic really. I just don't know.. but at least one person is happy if the sun don't shine 🙃😊 Please don't throw me out. I like it here!
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