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Everything posted by indiana123

  1. Same here, I was getting really uptight and muddled because I couldn't understand the breakdown of the cost of our NCL trip. OH has the attitude it's paid now so what. I got uptight that he wasn't bothered! I don't like to feel ripped off. I think now that the breakdown might be right but if not it's all paid now enjoy the warm up to the cruise. I am not going to moan or investigate anymore, just enjoy looking forward to it.
  2. So far, being a new mobility user (I use two sticks at first then a tiny scooter when tired), so far I have been amazed at how kind people are, including on cruises, but also in supermarkets etc. I always make a point of saying thanks. I don't think I have a right to expect priority but it is nice when everyone is so polite. I really hope it continues. It is a bit ironic me posting on here about a lift, when it was a *&^*&*& lift door on the way to a cruise that made me disabled.
  3. Megabear, after my little flutter on Dutch Decoy the other week I dragged poor OH into Paddy Power today to get my winnings. We were like two naughty children!!! I got £16, so I asked him to check when his next run was and it is Thursday so i put my original stake back on. He said the odds were very high a few days ago but were going down and down. He said he thinks it was even 20/1 yesterday. I only got 9/1. Then I went next door to the Charity Shop and bought a load of jigsaws with my winnings. Happy Bunny here! 🤣
  4. Full life sentence .. yes Just technical I know but it is whole life for each murder. Thank goodness
  5. Unbelievable... big e mail ad from Boots today. Here is a snippit!😼 . It's the "don't miss out" bit that got me " Don't miss out on the opportunity to secure your advent calendar ahead of the rush! Picture this: Every day, you'll unwrap a little piece of magic, discovering a delightful selection of brand new releases, bestsellers, and exclusive products. Our advent calendars are brimming with surprises that will leave you glowing with delight throughout the festive season."
  6. We have been trying to book an excursion or two on this cruise but they have said they are full for months. We go in to it every few days but to no avail. I'm not planning to get off much on this one. Just a bit of rest and relaxation, hopefully a bit less pain everywhere. Seeing pain man Tuesday but whether he can help we are not sure, but it is his speciality. I saw him a while back but unfortunately he cannot prescribe drugs in in the strength required. Hopefully he will point me in the right direction. I have the Plus Package so it could be champagne all the way!!!!!🤣 That's my plan anyway.....
  7. Going NCL soon, round Britain, as far as Stornaway, then back down then France, Belgium and Netherlands, the last three just a flying visit. Normally I know what to pack but stumped this time with all the changing weather. One website said Stornaway 6 - 10 degrees. I think I will pack 4 or so jumpers and rewear them if need be. We have a boarding time of 11 - 11.30.. seems very early but we are not complaining. I love formal nights and NCL is quite informal. There is a big contingent flying over from America, apparently. It should be fun. Also sending our luggage on ahead. We decided for 40 quid a case it was worth it for losing all the hassle.
  8. What might be a good idea is that when quoting just quote the relevant wording, ie highlight the text you want and it will just quote those words. That might save some space and the pictures wont be posted multiple times all down the page. Just wondering!
  9. Yes I think I watched that too. Loads of cars moving and also loads of mini buses returning a while later, and about half a dozen or more blokes getting out. All happening in CPS car park
  10. Goodness, was there a reason you dragged up this old thread from ages ago? Asking for a friend! ps there is a starred thread in the index with loads of dress comments.
  11. When I lived near Gravesend, some 20 years ago there was suddenly a trend where certain buyers started to find fault and kick up on exchange day and ask for extra things to be included and they picked holes in everything and threatened to pull out just to get a reduction. It was happening all over, then stopped.
  12. Oh no. So very sorry to hear that Peanut. I think "a bit cross" must be an understatement.. you must be putting another brave face on. Stay strong and cheerful. x
  13. Hallooooooooo Here we go again, joining the Insomniacs Club. It's my fault for boasting that things had been better sleep wise for a week or two. I am fighting myself at the moment, I have a hot drink but I do not need biscuits, I do not need biscuits, I do not...........🤣🙃
  14. Oh sorry to be a bit thick here. Is he racing on Friday or Saturday. I don't want to show myself up again when I collect the last winnings and have a little flutter again🤣
  15. Petanque tonight for us by invitation of 41 Club, in a Sole Street Pub. Well, I say we, but only OH will play. With two sticks now, I would break my neck!!! Then lasagne and garlic bread provided by the pub, then a leisurely drive home. Sometimes when you don't want to get up and get ready it all turns out to be really good,. That often happens to us. We took ages to rally ourselves this afternoon, but all ready now.
  16. I have been looking to see how to arrange to purchase flowers for our cabin. I have looked at Celebration Packages but no mention of flowers. Has anyone done this on Norwegian? Any ideas? Thanks
  17. And very pleased you did too xx Better than medicine quite often😀🤣
  18. I did a reply but it's flown off somewhere!!!!! Definitely worth the extra to have it checked at the Post Office. I made a small mistake which was rectified but could have held it up. Passport arrived quickly too. Well worth it
  19. I definitely think it is. I paid at the Post Office, they checked it and found a small error which would have held things up if I had sent it. It came back very fast too. Well worth the bit extra.
  20. It was one of those crazy nights again. They took some getting used to as I'm used to doing tihngs myself, but some I can't now. Daughter, Husband, and clingons (aka grandkids and partners), arrive, two go up the fish van, the others pick up the other dining table from spare room and carry it through. All I do is put plates and everything on kitchen top. Eating is chaos with all the bits and pieces, then they all clear table and dishwasher is filled, THEN out come the silly, and sometimes non pc games. Riots ensue! The game that caused the most noise, believe it or not, was the old Connect 4 found in the shed. Well the laughter carried on for an hour or so then like magic they lifted up the other table and returned it where it came from, and still laughing they departed. We came in and it was like no-one had been. It was ridiculously tidy considering.🤣🙃 How times change.,. if my mother heard some of the funny comments and conversations with the grandkids I would have had a red bum for weeks!!!!!!! When I think of all the planning in the old days when having guests, I now realise sometimes the impromptu casual ones are the best judging from the texts I had this morning. They are still laughing.
  21. When I collect my last week's winnings I was going to put a small bit on his run on 24th. I presume it is unlikely he will run this Saturday. I'll have a look nearer the time. I enjoyed my little flutter last week!
  22. Me too. Unfortunately new meds have weight gain as a side effect, (well that's my excuse!). Also we keep getting involved/invited to events and unfortunately that is my downfall especially if it's a buffet. I am really trying but I don't have a good willpower where food is concerned.
  23. Ooooh, I might have my second flutter of the decade then!🤣
  24. Thank you.That that will do for me. On line they wanted photo id and all sorts. I was getting confused. So I dragged an astonished OH into Paddy Power in town. I made myself look a bit stupid as I said I would pay the tax now, instead of on any winnings. Well how would I have known that that was all stopped years and years ago. Anyway it gave the blokes the other side of the counter a good laugh!!!🤣☺️🙃 Thanks Megabear, it gave us a bit of fun.
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