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Everything posted by indiana123

  1. I am with you there Sandance. I have found nothing but kindness on our cruises. On our last one we hadn't realised it would be about 80% full of our friends across the pond, but the same applied there, and it was great. All in all on land as well, I personally would dismiss what I had heard before disability, that I would be invisible. Thanks everyone.
  2. Did you say "I've been chucked out of better places" I would have had to 🤣🤣 Unfortunately when put on new meds I was warned about weight gain. I have put on another 8 kilos after three months. Unfortunately they aren't something you can just stop, being Cat C. I am waiting to go to a dedicated pain clinic soon, so will hang on till then but my problem is weight bearing so can't win. Dr. explained it's a right dilemma. We had to laugh when we read other side effects that could happen which included every symptom I had in the first pace ie joint pain, muscle pain and the like!!!!
  3. Oh dear, did I put the mockers on them! Sorry to hear all those catastrophes and hope all goes well with your injury. OH was sceptical about the price, especially as he had recently sold his site, which was owners only, but the offer was genuine and we went to Weely Bridge near Clacton. We will be looking for their spring offers after Christmas and would have no hesitation in booking again. One tip.. Although the cheapest ones are brilliant value (£79) we found it best to book the second ones or above.
  4. I would be happy if the suggestion made above by Trevor Fountain materialised. There would be an initial outlay of course but I would be prepared to pay reasonable hire charges. I don't expect it will happen.
  5. That happened to me. Cunard said I couldn't take my tiny one. We had to hire a motorised wheelchair from Mobility at Sea which cost £230 for about 12 days or so. When we got to the terminal OH was preparing to take the scooter back to the car, but it was laughable that the chair was more than double the size and weight of my scooter. Staff agreed, photos were taken. The outcome was that an Officer came off the ship, agreed, and all was well, I took my scooter, but lost the £230!
  6. Apart from in Benidorm where it is well known that many hire mobility scooters to get around even though ablebodied I doubt many would buy one just for the fun off it. It is no fun, believe me. I am bitterly disappointed every day when I get out of bed and cannot walk properly (due to someone elses negligence)
  7. It depends on the aid. I can get around a cabin and to the toilet, but cannot walk much further than that and I have never been asked to have an accessible cabin on P & O, including IONA. All welfare forms have always been filled out. Admittedly my mobility scooter is very small, only 17 kilos, which we just fold up and put in the cabin.
  8. I said a while ago that I liked cooking meals but just could not do cakes or pastry, no matter how hard I tried...Well reading on here about all the Christmas cakes and mince pies etc that were being prepared I attempted Weetabix and Blueberry muffins. It was a super easy recipe. Anyone got a hammer!!🤣
  9. I'm not really a dog person, never having owned one, but she is gorgeous.. it's those eyes.
  10. Usual place, usual time Anyone else up? The coffee and bread and marmite are out again!!!!😀🤣
  11. So sorry too hear your sad news Sue. Thinking of you and your family. You have a good supportive family and also all of us virtual but good friends. Please also take care of yourself x
  12. I saw a GP today, so exciting as it's a rare occurrence round here. We had a chat and in 5 minutes sorted what half a dozen virtuals couldn't. Family all coming tonight. They want fish and chips from the van up the road. House is decorated as it was my daughter's birthday a few days ago. Then it's on to non woke or pc games and a lot of wine and noise!!!
  13. Was going to say open a bottle of wine and a box of Ferraros and get some nice magazines and enjoy, but perhaps the first two might not be a good idea today with the monitor!!! What about tomorrow then...after the return of the equipment.
  14. You probably would if you tasted my efforts!!!☺️🤣
  15. We live in your postcode too, on that famous roman road, and as there are quite a few short bursts of the road with the same name in villages etc we sometimes have the same problem. At one point we were receiving lots of Police communications but we tumbled he lived in the next town with a similar address. Good luck with all your lovely baking everyone. I can cook nice meals but I have never been able to make good pastry or cakes. Good old Morrisons/Waitrose do all my fancy Christmas cooking for me!!!! I will not feel guilty... I will not feel guilty..........🤣☺️🤣
  16. Well.. I go of on a short coach trip, and as soon as my back is turned you do nearly three pages in a day. Breakfast will be late today.🙂 OH has always said he wouldn't like a coach trip but saw one for London Christmas lights so booked it then someone mentioned a lunch mystery tour so I booked it out of devilment and that is where we went yesterday. It was fun, a country ride through Kentish villages then a stop in Canterbury then off to the seaside or a really good pub lunch and free timer. It was a pleasant day and a very comfortable coach.
  17. OK I know its only 4.29 but just had a pleasant time catching up on posts drinking tea and eating brown bread and marmite. Delicious. Now you'll all want some!🙂
  18. Well I have just seen it all now 🤣 OH can flash the cash say in a restaurant, or on cruises etc, but having worked 7 days a week in the past, sometimes I think he thinks it's still the '70s. Some call him Mr. 1970!!! On selling up, as you don't know him personally I can say, he gave most of the proceeds to younger members of his family to get them on the property ladder. On the other hand he can be frugal He was when he lived alone. Anyway got lunch guests arriving in half an hour, so asked him to get serviettes out of he drawer, but not those at the bottom they are all creased. Get nice ones I said. A few minutes later I turned round and he was ironing them I cannot believe he did that🤣❤️ get a life luv xxx
  19. Do your family have silly little rituals? When my grandchildren were small I used to give them ice cream money for their holidays (after a silly episode regarding Haargen Das, but that's another story!) As they got a bit older I would put the pennies in an envelope and write a message in the language of their holiday destination, or I would draw ice creams on the envelopes. They are well into their 20s now with Partners, but my daughter tells me they would all be a bit upset if nothing arrived "as Nan always buys us a Haargen Das" Anyway at the moment they are all in Disney Paris. As there are quite a few of them the pennies sent will literally only buy them all a cornet each, but they love getting it all the same with the "french letters" that dear Google helped me with!!!🤣 I have heard from them and they are all having a brilliant 'family' time with Mickey Mouse and Minnie!
  20. Yes it sure is, although these days, (or rather.. nights) I don't seem to lay worrying but my brain won't get tired, it just goes from one subject to another. It sounds crazy but I find coffee works better at night. I confess I have raided the fridge😗
  21. Here we go again. Tried to sleep for over an hour, now given up. Wide awake. I should have been a bat. Well I am an old bat but you know what I mean! 🤣🙃
  22. I am desperately trying not to eat. I'm starving. Its so difficult not to in the middle of the night. New meds are known for weight gain so I am trying to resist!😊 We hadn't heard about the new book, but saw it yesterday so OH has just started it. I'm not a great book reader.
  23. Good morning.., anyone else up? My sleep has improved a bit but I still have some bad nights. I'll go back to bed about 5.
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