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Everything posted by not-enough-cruising

  1. Also, including it in the fare makes it revenue and there are other financial implications for the company in that case.
  2. No I wouldn’t be able to cruise at all under those wages, because I (and you) live in a first world country. One needs to stop looking at the crew compensation through American or Western European eyes. NO ONE on the ship is working 84 hours per week; this is illegal. The maximum work hours are stipulated, by international convention, as no more than 72 hours on any 8 day period, no more than 14 hours in any 24 hour period. A MINIMUM of 77 hours rest is mandated every 7 day period.
  3. No, I have never been asked a reason why, it is just done, without question
  4. Nowhere does it say “recommended” wages, it is a mandated minimum guarantee. As well as maximum hours allowed to be worked in a 7 day period as well as minimum hours off duty in any given 36 hour period. regardless, folks take the jobs knowing terms, and they keep signing up. https://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/newsroom/news/WCMS_845493/lang--en/index.htm
  5. Because it is set by the International Labour Organization and is published every year.
  6. I wonder how folks will respond to this “mid time” as it doesn’t seem to coordinate well with the 2 set listed times for evening entertainment
  7. Exactly, thank you. We all know what the minimum pay scale is, the “behind the scenes staff” is doing just fine
  8. I agree; nearly 900 nights at sea among multiple lines, certainly not enough.
  9. I use Trawick International for travel related issues and Geo Blue for medical and evacuation.
  10. Calm down; I’m just starting the facts, I never said you could t find what you are describing. All I said was a travel policy that continues primary medical coverage upon return to your country of residence is very rare-that’s a fact. I don’t need a TA to handle insurance for me. I have used annual policies for a long time; one for travel related issues, one SOLELY for primary medical and evacuation. I know exactly what they cover, and have no surprises.
  11. Cup is included in any of the 3 drink packages
  12. If you have found a policy that continues to offer primary medical benefits once back in the states then you have found a unicorn.
  13. This is absolutely normal, you were home and your primary medical coverage takes over at that point, no travel policy would have covered the shoulder surgery
  14. Do your FIL a favor and get him to stop the diet sodas; they are HORRIBLE for a diabetic and can actually make his disease harder to manage.
  15. As an addition to, not a contradiction of, your statement. Geo Blue also has excellent medical transport benefits in their annual policy, as well as medical benefits outside the US.
  16. Kinda like the peeing and non peeing sections of the swimming pool.
  17. You can drink it anywhere, no problem. Over 400 nights on Royal and have NEVER been charged a corkage fee, and I leave my cabin with a bottle most nights
  18. No, one bottle per person, there is no allowance for any more than that
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