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Everything posted by S.A.M.J.R.

  1. Good for you? We paid our TA. I do think it's up to the purchaser to understand what cancellation policy is, whether for cruise, air, hotel, whatever.
  2. OP filled out the online form and never got a response back (at least within 10 days) Granted, we don't know what exactly they wrote, but how much time does a simple "we can not help you" take to respond? If it takes more than one minute, you need better trained CSRs.
  3. Keep in mind there are some ships that use RFID tech in their cards. If you punch the hole wrong, you'll break the antenna and the RFID will no longer work. We used these for our lanyards on our last cruise: https://www.amazon.com/Gripper-Standard-Thickness-ID-Individually/dp/B004XWD53K/ref=sr_1_6?crid=3F8ZGT9KQX4SI&keywords=id%2Bcard%2Bgripper&qid=1675011563&sprefix=id%2Bcard%2Bgripper%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-6&th=1. I'd give them about a 7 out of 10. Other options: https://www.amazon.com/Pack-Vertical-Plastic-Magnetic-Specialist/dp/B076JN11TW/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?crid=3F8ZGT9KQX4SI&keywords=id%2Bcard%2Bgripper&qid=1675011563&sprefix=id%2Bcard%2Bgripper%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-3-spons&smid=A259KVW6HI7JTA&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEySk1CRktEMVlQTENPJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNzE1NDgxMjY4SDlTSE1EQTEwNiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwOTgwNDk4NURJNEE0RTBESFQxJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ&th=1 (wish I would have known about these) https://www.amazon.com/Black-Round-Badge-Clamp-Slide/dp/B00AJJX2PC/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=3F8ZGT9KQX4SI&keywords=id+card+gripper&qid=1675011563&sprefix=id+card+gripper%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEySk1CRktEMVlQTENPJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNzE1NDgxMjY4SDlTSE1EQTEwNiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwODk3NDEwM1RPTFAzRUU0QktYQSZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU= (kind of expensive IMO unless you need a lot)
  4. Possibly. Here's the lines from the OP: I wrote an online letter to RCCL -using the template on their website- and got the canned response that they will answer my question asap, that was 10 days ago. I never heard back I called a customer service rep and she was not empowered to help, and I was told a manager would be in touch. That was six days ago. I'm a strong believer in customer service returning calls/emails, even if it's an "I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do." Going "radio silence" is NOT an acceptable CS response IMO. I don't care if the question/request is reasonable or not. As I said, I have no problem with Royal NOT making an exception, and do think the OP is being entitled by continuing to try (unsuccessfully) to justify why they are "special" and should be allowed to do what they want. I just think it's poor CS to not respond.
  5. In the OPs defense (and don't get me wrong, I totally side with Royal on the decision to not allow an exception), I think they(OP) have a valid complaint about Royal not getting back in touch with them when they said they would. Of course, that part is buried in the original post surrounded by the "I'm diamond and I should be allowed to do what I want".
  6. Rental cars? Restaurants? ( A few might have a cancellation penalty, but not many)
  7. You answered your own question. They don't want to set a precedent. All it would take is a comment during the cruise or on a message board, and someone else would be asking because "you let itsnowjoke do it!" Would it be NICE if they allowed your change with no penalty? Sure. But trying to justify why YOU should get special treatment (and yes, that's what it is) IS "entitlement".
  8. Airlines require payment in full as soon as you book them, which could be 11 months ahead.
  9. Without knowing what's included in the policy, it's hard to say (does RC insurance offer "cancel for any reason" for an added fee" Did it have extra for lost baggage or hotels or something?). Unless you're able to compare apples to apples, I don't think you can look at what you've paid before. Personally, I would advise her to book with a 3rd party. Better rates and you can select what you get.
  10. Well, good luck with that. You also don't see prices for 3, 4, 5, 6, whatever until you start stepping through the booking process. It's a marketing gimmick. They will show the lowest possible price (cabin and time) to attract interest. Then you find out it's $x more to sail when you want to sail, $y more for the cabin you want, and $z more for the amount of people you want. $210 IS a legitimate cost, and you CAN book at that price, on a certain cruise, at a certain time, in a certain cabin. If you have two people paying their own way (friends), then they'll each pay $210 (plus taxes and fees which are listed on the page). I've said it before and I'll say it again... if you don't like the way a company does business, don't do business with them. Take your money elsewhere where you like how they do things. OR, you can reach out to the company and complain. If you're interested in how much it would cost a solo person to sail, find the cruise and cabin you want and double the price. Add a little for taxes and fees.
  11. In the OP it mentions the BC is with the government waiting on the passport. OP, is it possible for them to get replacement BCs in the next two weeks (will depend on where they were born, where they live, etc)? That might be a simple way to accomplish the cruise.
  12. No one gets to see exact numbers for their cruise until they start the booking process. If you go to "Find A Cruise", you can select length of cruise, departure port, destinations, etc to show you the sailings that fit into your filter. Then you get something like this: But, notice those prices are AVERAGE PER PERSON. That's going to assume two people on that cruise. So, for a single person, double that amount and add the taxes and fees (listed under the cost). So, just looking at these three destinations, you'd be looking at ~$520, ~$525, and ~$490. BUT, that doesn't include: sailing difference. Clicking on the 3 Night Ensada Cruise brings you to a different menu... Based on when the sailing is, the price of the cabin changes (again, double the amount for a solo). Then you have to settle on what cabin you want. That will change the amount also. How exactly do you want them to present prices for all sailings and all cabins?
  13. This is from our July 2022 Mariner cruise. I doubt things have changed, but any way... We were never asked for transportation plans (or we missed it). I thought they did that to assess who needs to be off early vs who can wait. The night before disembarkation we got our luggage tags. The time we were assigned was like 7a. I went down to GS (we had four teenagers with us and our flight out wasn't until 5p, so there was definitely no rush) and they easily changed us to the 8-8;15 group. When we woke up the next morning (around 600) we were already docked. I texted our driver (we had already arranged a pickup) with what time we were supposed to be off the ship. He replied that he won't be able to get to the port until 9:30. We were off the ship, collected luggage, through customs/immigration by 8:25 (as per the time stamp when I let our driver know we were ready). I think he showed up around 9;45. There were some benches just outside that we sat and waited at.
  14. Disagree. While yes, I have at times found myself with a "lead foot" and going faster than I desire, I set my cruise control at 8-9mph over the limit. That's an "intentional act". So, since you say you use cruise control, do you set it at the speed limit or the 7-8mph over?
  15. I don't vape and don't smoke, never have. I don't think people should be doing either except in dedicated areas. HOWEVER, all of those up on their high horse going on and on about "rules" and how they must be followed 100% of the time, I have a question for you (and we'll see how many people answer honestly)... How many of you follow the speed limit EXACTLY, every time, every location? I'll readily admit I do about 8-9mph over AND I get passed by about as many cars as I pass.
  16. Try not to think about: * Elevator buttons * Door handles * Railings
  17. In addition to the triple tap outlet, I also suggest bringing some magnetic hooks (like these, but I'm sure you can find some locally: https://www.amazon.com/Magnetic-Maximum-Neodymium-Corrosion-Protection/dp/B0787Q54M1/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=21T6E9F242LZ1&keywords=magnetic%2Bhooks&qid=1674253361&sprefix=magnetic%2Bhooks%2Caps%2C261&sr=8-1-spons&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzSEJXN0pXOExQN0IwJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMTk0NTY0OFI4REoyN0pYNzdMJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA4MzAzNzcyMTFCQVE2QzI3VlNGJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ&th=1) In our (rear facing) cabin on Mariner, the closest outlet we could find was literally across the room. I had a couple magnetic hooks I put on the ceiling and ran the extension cord through them. That meant not having to worry about tripping over the cord.
  18. Totally agree it's rare for something to be stolen out of checked luggage, but since I don't put anything of value in it, I don't worry one bit about something being stolen. If something is stolen, yes, it might be something I'd "miss", but I can either do without or fairly easily replace.
  19. Again, you don't pack anything valuable or anything you can't afford to lose in your "checked" luggage.
  20. OK, I don't get it. Where's the concern? A) If someone wants to go through our luggage, all they're going to find is clothes, and not expensive ones at that. OK, maybe some deodorant. Anything of value, or anything we'll need before getting our luggage is with us in the carry ons. B) Most anyone who flies has to give up their luggage to strangers. So why are people so worried about porters going through the luggage? I have ZERO concern about anyone going through my stuff when I leave luggage with the porters.
  21. The Swiss Gear backpack I got a couple of months ago has the strap to slide over the carryon's handle. BUT, I wish it had a second strap a little higher up. It "leans" away from the roller handle and I'm afraid over time either the elastic will stretch or break. I'm trying to see if I can come up with a clip to attach the top backpack handle to the roller handle if I so desire.
  22. Good for you? I personally would rather have multiple small vacations than one longer one (not against long vacation, I just don't want it taking up all of my vacation time). My point was I've never had an opportunity/desire to say "let's go to Mexico (or Caribbean or Europe or anywhere requiring a passport)" and NOT have time to get a passport. So those who argue "with a passport, you can just pick up and go don't have much of an argument IMO. YMMV.
  23. I'm guessing because it's been taught that you tip anyone handling your luggage (think bell boys at hotels). And it just carried over.
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