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Everything posted by S.A.M.J.R.

  1. Airlines? That it's not unusual for bags to go to the wrong flight? That bags are put in the collection area for anyone to walk off with (just like the cruise lines, I know)? Not that it means anything, but I found this sign when disembarking at PC:
  2. Don't carry on bags have to fit through the x-ray machines (sized like the airports)?
  3. Well, it's not just what one WANTS to do, it's what one is ABLE (whether with time off and/or money) to do also.
  4. My point, that I did not express well, is there is no "requirement" that people travel internationally. They can have perfectly fine vacations in the US and therefore not require a passport. I'm *NOT* saying no one should travel internationally. People should do what THEY want to do, and not allow others to force them to do something they don't want to do.
  5. Nope, one can travel to MULTIPLE places in the US, never get on a plane, and have wonderful vacations. There's nothing REALLY "special" about other countries that requires anyone to go (for vacation). And I say this as someone who has been out of the country. Were the trips nice? Yes. Did I see some "neat" things? Sure. Could I have seen "neat" things in the US? Absolutely. Would my life be any "less" if I didn't get to go? Nope.
  6. How many of those saying "everyone should have a passport!" self insure their trip? Why don't people get so worked up over folks who don't have trip insurance? Is that also not a good thing to have "in case things go wrong"? What's the difference? Don't give me "you can travel elsewhere with a passport" You can travel all over the US, find heat, cold, history, beaches, everything you can find throughout the world and NEVER need a passport.
  7. I agree, it's better to have one and not need it, than need it and not have it. And I have no problem with someone saying "if you have to fly home from a cruise, it will make things easier." However, IMO, they should also point out the ODDS of having to fly home early are pretty slim. Does it happen? Yes. "Often"? Not really. It is just insurance.
  8. DLs are: A) Cheaper B) Easier to carry C) Quicker to obtain I have never in my life thought "oh, let's go on vacation overseas" and NOT had time to get a passport. If you're in a spot in your life that you can all of a sudden go on an international trip, good for you. The MAJORITY of people in the US don't have the time or money to do so.
  9. "Countless"? Doubtful. A "handful"? Sure. Here's when you NEED a passport: * Traveling internationally OTHER than by cruise ship. * Needing to leave a cruise early (for medical or other reason). What else? I got my first passport for a class trip in 1987. My next international trip was 2012. That's over 30 years of no use. I would think MOST Americans would KNOW they don't have a NEED for a passport. Now, we always take passports on cruises. But I'm not going to fault someone for going with the minimum REQUIRED documents. There are people who don't get trip insurance. But no one criticizes them (until it's found out they need it). That's all a passport is on a closed loop cruise... insurance.
  10. No, you do not NEED passports (you will need some extra paperwork... birth certificates, photo ID, and "bridging documents" if the names between the BC & ID don't match). Are they a good idea? I think so. I also think trip insurance is a good idea.
  11. We used these for our last cruise: https://www.amazon.com/Gripper-Holder-Plastic-Standard-Thickness/dp/B0B4VP78PV/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2H5NHX1PF02X7&keywords=id%2Bcard%2Bgripper&qid=1672761378&sprefix=id%2Bcard%2Bgrip%2Caps%2C115&sr=8-5&th=1 Put them off of center so we could slide the cards through readers. I did have two times in the 8 day cruise where my card got snagged and pulled out (once I recovered the card, the second time I didn't even know it had happened until later... retraced my steps and couldn't find it. Went to GS and they replaced it no issues).
  12. I think airlines offer refundable fares (obviously more expensive). You might want to look into that if you're concerned about changing flight plans. Regarding college & HS schedules, my son (freshman college) finished 12/9 and returns 1/9. Daughter (junior HS) finished 12/20 and returns tomorrow (1/4).
  13. I think you misunderstood my question. The "why" was "Why is on a ship the only time you get to dress up?" You (and your SO) can get dressed up and go out anytime you like. Heck, you can put on your tux and go to McDonalds. Why are you only "allowed" to dress up on a ship? How about the folks who need to dress up to go to work? Maybe on the ship is their only time to "dress down".
  14. Why? You can wear your fancy duds wherever/whenever you like (ok, maybe not work depending on what your job is).
  15. The other way you could look at it is for 40 years of purchasing a passport, that would be over $500 PER PERSON. If you only need it once, that's a pretty large outlay. Your project manager should have talked to the company and asked if they would help defray some of the costs.
  16. It's not that difficult to go get a state issued photo ID for someone too young for a DL.
  17. I ended up cancelling. A couple weeks before we got on our cruise, they changed the times we were going to be in St. Croix (moved Sail Away to 1p). Big Beards was willing to change the time of the tour, but it would have meant getting four teenagers up early (we would have had to be off the ship by 7:30). We elected to cancel. Sorry.
  18. Well, that's incorrect. If it's before final payment, you should keep checking prices since you can take advantage of them. If it's after final payment, only look IF you are interested in moving up in category.
  19. First, I can't believe someone would keep a constant eye on a lounger/chair to know no one has been there for 30-45 minutes, much less hours. Second, I can't believe someone would intentionally leave ANY electronic (laptop, tablet, phone) out of their immediate REACH (not just sight) when out in public. I get a cruise is a "closed" environment, and with all the cameras probably easy to track down who took it, but I still couldn't take that chance.
  20. Oasis was the first ship DW & I cruised on. Aside from immediately after the muster drill and immediately following shows, it never seemed crowded. I was really surprised. Maybe because it is so large with so many things to do/places to eat & drink, everyone was able to spread out. Can't help you on the sound proofing.
  21. I am by no means an expert and have no practical knowledge, but just putting some logic to this... Isn't a T/A significantly different than a (presumably) closed loop "Mexican" cruise? Wouldn't PVSA prevent disembarking early?
  22. Not surprised by that either. I was just saying there is definitely housing on the island. Here's a picture I took from one of the slides...
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