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dani negreanu

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Everything posted by dani negreanu

  1. Make it "quatro".... Can't see the first ones too 😢 but thanks for sharing and have a wonderful cruise 🌺
  2. Meantime, DS1 tried to "repair" the video for the ".mov" challenged 😉 c0e6b374-845f-465a-802e-8afadab897f3.MP4
  3. It is, and it's too short... Today is the last day 😢 DH is having a tremendous help with fresh pasta 😎 I think the video is visible in other modes. May be our kind movies in charge, John @Ozark_Kid will help? Thanks IMG_8321.mov
  4. + 1 Mark @h20skibum + 1 Maryann @Luckynana +1 Andrew .... I assume when asking for treats, she's behaving.... 😉 @A&L_Ont +1 @George C
  5. @Jimbo JMHO, after travelling extensively through Europe, and began cruising in 2010, at the ripe age of 59 😕 I'll give the first part of this itinerary a miss. I'll take a cruise which starts in Rome (and arrive 3-4 days before the cruise), which ends in Venice (Ravenna) and add 2-3 days there (or vice versa -- Venice to Rome). Paris deserves much more than 2 days. I'll make a dedicated trip for Paris and London, travelling between the two with the Eurostar. Amazing. Florence I could do with a full long day. Much of our travel in Europe has been driving from one place to another. I absolutely hated having to "live from our [car] boot" and having to pack/unpack every 2-3 days... So glad we discovered cruising, albeit late, even at the "price" of not doing "in-depth" travelling. My "philosophy" is that anyhow I'll not see everything in the world thoroughly... budget and time are big constraints.
  6. @Sea Dog Greg, my 2 cents about different POV with old time friends in those days' "climate" -- Apart from my HS "gurlz" group, we're part of a group of 7 couples going back some 40+ years, and a smaller group of couples whom we met while being relocated to Brussels. The "gurlz" and the "Brussels" -- we're all on the same page regarding the "situation" in our country. Of the 7 couples, one of the "founders" (actually, he's a widower and was set up with another widow, turns out they're on the same page...) is against any compromise and peaceful solution. He's very dear to all of us, and early on, we decided not to talk in our meetings about the "situation". When, somehow, he or his SO start on their views and try their best to "convert" us, we listen and do not reply. Apart of this "fault", he's on the same very page with all of us regarding justice and human rights, so there is that... During the years, there were "attempts" to add more couples, but we quickly discovered that we were not on the same page with the new "additions", and those who initiated the "additions" were kindly requested to see them in "private"....
  7. Sue and Donna, Pls. help me understand... "12 hours shifts" -- does it mean continuous 12 hours, or 4 days [shifts] of 12 hours, and then 4 days off? Same as 3 week end days in a row? When I've served in the army, we had 7 hours shifts with 2 breaks of 20 mins of sitting down. We're patrolling in what may be called the "Grand Central", checking suspects of terrorism activity. I used to return home whipped out. Since then, I'm sitting down whenever I have the possibility....😉
  8. @Etta1213 Thank you for your kind post, one of many 🙏 Not a day goes by that we do not think about relocating. There is absolutely no future in this place. But, at our advanced age, it is, sadly, too late for us 😢 Despite the enormous difficulty of being far away from our youngest son and his family, I'm glad they managed to relocate, and hopefully, they'll find a new and peaceful life in the Netherlands. @helen haywood + 1 Marian
  9. "Sony" in the search feature ...... https://boards.cruisecritic.com/search/?q=Sony&quick=1&type=forums_topic&item=2744452
  10. Beside being apart from the whole family, they're settling in nice. Very peaceful and quiet.... + 1 💐 Marietta and Charlie @DaniDanielle
  11. Thank you ALL for the well wishes. I'm thoroughly moved by some many of you who posted. The happy reunion. From 5C to 34C in one day.... DS2 & Co. are based at our in-laws (the parents of our DIL). We'll get the grands for a couple of days and nights. They're here until Saturday, 4th of May. DH didn't cook much, apart from chopped liver, since until the last moment we didn't know what the "situation" will be and if they'll make it here. He'll start tomorrow on the chicken soup and, more important, on the "gefilte fish". There will be also a new "edition" of chopped liver for the second "seder" on Sunday night.
  12. 10 days of "nail biting" and emotional roller coaster ended today. After the last week Iranian attack upon Israel, most of the airlines cancelled, again, their flights. DS2 was supposed to arrive for the Passover holiday Saturday, the 20th. Rental car with 48 hours free cancellation. Checking with the airline early Thursday (18th) -- the flight is a "go". Friday morning "we" retaliate (who thought to attack Iran a couple of days before the Passover, with the risk of returning everyone of us to the shelters again??? no answer from "above")..... In no time at all, DS2's flight was cancelled. The airline agreed to reroute them via Paris. He counts himself lucky... Friends of his, who already checked their bags Friday morning, were rerouted via.... Abu Dhabi, spending the night flying East in order to get West. BTW, the rental were very understanding and waived the cancellation fee. Finally, we were reunited with our grands late this afternoon. What a huge relief and joy !! Mark @h20skibum -- what a beautiful party. Well done, so glad your granddaughter enjoyed every minute of it. @DaniDanielle -- hopefully Charlie is better and you're taking care of yourself too. @aussielozzie18 -- aussie, as usual, your pics are stunning. Thanks for sharing.
  13. + 1 , thanks And a BIG thank you to all of you, too many to thank individually. It really means so much for me in those trying times. Pls. forgive me, after a tense and sleepless night, I'm simply exhausted. Relieved that our allies and us managed to intercept all that was "thrown" our way, and hoping against hope that this will be the end of it....
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