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dani negreanu

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Everything posted by dani negreanu

  1. Thank you for your thoughts and kind words, Mary & Mike 🌺 They are very much appreciated. We're also very sorry that all travel was cancelled to our country since the attack upon us. It is the longest we've been to war, and, sadly, no end to it in the foreseeable future...😢 We've been to Amsterdam since the war started just to see the kids, but our heart wasn't in it. Best wishes, in the hope that our passes will cross again,
  2. I'm holding an EU and an Israeli passport. Since DH holds only the Israeli one, I'm standing in line with him out of "solidarity". We travel business and have a son studying at Utrecht, so have no choice but to visit if we want to see the grandkids. Mid September 2023 the entry waiting time was 50 mins!! Only 2 stations were manned. In mid January 2024 it was only 20 minutes late in the evening. What I can't understand are the very long lines to exit NL ?? I really wish I could find a way to bypass AMS, but due to the war, we have no other option....
  3. +1 John @Ozark_Kid @Luckynana Maryann & Jim, wishing you an amazing cruise with beautiful weather and calm seas 😘 + 1 Graham @grapau27 @h20skibum Mark, if my poor math is still working..... Happy Birthday to you, hope you'll have a smashing celebration with all your dearest 💐 + 1 Debbie, @brillohead + 1 , missing her posts too. @ReneeFLL Same here, Renee. I appreciate the time you took to find the "right" emoji.....😉 + 1 Marietta, @DaniDanielle
  4. To the other "side"??? 😕 I saw your reply yesterday very late at night (for me), was planning to reply and forward this morning... Thanks anyway, appreciate it.
  5. Nancy, my dear friend Jim, who is temporary "unavailable", is asking you this: "Could Nancy break down her thought(math) process starting with the total price for the cabin.......how many people etc in cabin, and her est. cost for each perk she listed as to how she came up with $757 per person per day. Checked another sailing on that same ship, 4 day sailing and it shows the cabin costing like $21,000 for 2 person." Thanks, Dani
  6. Long lines as well as for border control if you don't hold and EU passport. Awful airport.
  7. @Ocean Boy The Jewish Shabbat starts at sunset on Friday until sunset on Saturday. DH was amazed with their professional knowledge too. He traded in his old Nikon for a new one, and they gave him a very favorable rate, for the camera and for the lenses. @grapau27 Graham, funny that you mentioned @davekathy ... Just the other day, when thinking about people who didn't post lately, Dave was one of them. Checked, saw their last post was in October and was sad to see it. Was thinking of asking Pat, aka @island lady , since I remember they seem to know each other... Mystery solved (thanks Marietta @DaniDanielle -- Dave is now @doghog and I'm very happy to see him "back" 😉 @jmh2006 Jennifer, have an amazing cruise and enjoy every minute of it🌺 @Sunshine3601 + 1 Debbie & Eric (glad you had it treated !)
  8. I've asked DH... He said: "at this stage of TV's technologies, OLED is better than QLED" 😕 In the end, there are only 2 TV screens producers -- Samsung & LG... Based on this article from the last month -- https://www.cnet.com/tech/home-entertainment/qled-vs-oled/
  9. @DaniDanielle So sorry for you and Charlie, Marietta. As if the transplant, your mom untimely death, your daughter losing her husband and all the other Charlie's health setbacks were not enough... It seems that "someone upstairs" is constantly challenging the strongest people, and you have been chosen 😢 Best wishes for health and take care 😘
  10. I've sent Bonnie @BonTexasNY an email a week ago, after noticing she didn't post for a while.... No answer. I'm WORRIED.
  11. Speaking of which.... Spent a few enjoyable hours with my HS friends. We were supposed to meet a day after the war started... So glad that, after more than 4 months, everyone is OK and younger family members are back from reserve duty. Hoping against hope for even a temporary cease fire in the next week or two.
  12. + 1 OB @Ocean Boy + 1 John @Ozark_Kid + 1, Glad you got to see the amazing views from the 57th floor, Sue & Gary @sgmn + 1 Marietta @DaniDanielle
  13. @firefly333 Jane, I used to manage an eye clinic. Your "problem" is very easy to deal with, and known to every eye doctor. Mine used to recommend hot drenched in tap water compresses for a few minutes on every eye, stressing that's one remedy which is "free".
  14. @Ozark_Kid John + 1, and I was really hoping that it will be a very very slow progress, or at least, a complete "standstill" with the new medication 😢
  15. Mark, @h20skibum + 1 Marietta, @DaniDanielle + 1 John @Ozark_Kid How r u feeling? Noticed that you're posting less, missing your grandkids pics
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