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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. Or even sitting on the lift lobby stairs and making new friends whilst doing so. What's that phrase? Necessity is the mother of invention!
  2. What the heck, just ask for a large platter and have them both together. Then one could chill off a bit so Hattie will feel 'at home'! 😀
  3. Heavens. I hope Hattie keeps her nose clean...in more ways than one! 😀
  4. Lift proximity is an interesting subject. Our preferred cabins open out onto the lift lobby on 'the Vistas' and we are never bothered by passing 'trade' or lift noises. Whilst we will never holiday on QM2 so I have no idea of her QG set up, I sincerely hope you have a marvellous time and you come back and give us your verdict.
  5. To a certain extent, as far as newbie to old timer, you're right but grade of cabin also features in the strange world of table hierarchy.
  6. Def lobster. Ask for some mayonnaise and a side salad and imagine it was meant to be cold! 😊 Seriously though, I hope you're 'released' today so can have whichever, hot!
  7. I'm all for certified testing pre boarding but in the long run, Cunard can't do right for wrong as mask wearing is such a contentious issue so it won't matter to us what others do as we'll do the best we can, personally, to stay well. Masks 'r us. 🙂 As an aside, I took loads of paracetamol with us which I just happened to have at home, remnants of an operation, as I was aware how buying a packet or two onboard might arise suspicion even if it was just for the ear problem I ended up going to the medical centre about.
  8. Hattie, we could count on two hands the number of passengers we initially encountered who were wearing masks. Our take was well good for them who don't but we'll do our own thing*. As the cruise wore on, more started to do so. I hope you won't be disappointed and more to the point, I hope you're 'released' asap and Mr HH with you as soon as he's able.
  9. This was the first time the s/h credit was used and as we spent all the obc etc and then some, I have no idea about any s/h credit and grats. significance. I haven't heard of any but that doesn't mean you are misinformed. Hopefully a member more experienced with that particular benefit can help because unless we have thousands of obc [and it has happened], we easily spend it all!
  10. Are they differentiated? Our obc and stockholder credit appeared as a lump sum on the onboard account.
  11. We usually have noon as a check in/boarding time on QE/QV and get there a little beforehand. You won't be turned away while you wait. I can't think of many things you might need to book apart from hair or general spa appointments and if needed, book those when you board, hair at any rate. You won't be making any Mid Atlantic shore excursions [hopefully] and I wouldn't bother with supplementary dining as you will have a wonderful time in the restaurant. Don't forget the QG mantra of 'if the ingredients are on the ship, the chef will make it for you' if you fancy any off menu dining. The Maître'd or your Head Waiter should be asking if you would like anything which isn't on the menu and if they don't, then ask. The concierge and your butler will be your new best friends. Nothing is too small a query. If in doubt, ask. and most important, ENJOY. 🙂
  12. Not a rant Hattie, just and honest account with some some subjective additions. Very helpful and most informative. Thank you for your continuing to keep us posted. Co-operation is a two way process, Cunard are going to have to up their general care protocols if they expect passengers to report coughs and colds, 'just in case'.
  13. Long Island Iced Tea with an extra hefty shot of lime
  14. No Bidding but passengers [no idea of selection process other than the unticked 'no upgrade' box] are occasionally offered a decent upgrade with a small premium to pay. That's how we unfortunately found our 'sweet spot' om QE and QV. 'Free' visits from the upgrade fairy occur too as you experienced but again, no idea of selection process.
  15. The only time our cabin hasn't been ready is when early boarding [11.30am] , for some reason, was allowed. We waited in the Grill's lounge until it was released. Although the cabin wasn't officially ready, I dropped our carry on stuff in the cabin. Although we had noon boarding, the ship wasn't released until 1pm on our August trip and we went straight to our cabin. Edit Our cruise card was issued at check in pre Covid. This August, it was in our communication 'fan' outside the cabin so whether that will have any influence on cabin availability, I don't know. These days, I imagine if the ship is released, the cabin will be ready.
  16. Lovely post and echoes our experience. We too found passenger mask wearing 'sparse' late August, but we soldiered on and came away Cold/Noro/Covid free. Luck? Possibly but we took no chances. We have cancelled our next trip, Northern Lights, purely for personal reasons but looking forward to '23.
  17. We've stayed at the Chateau and loved every minute of our stays. The restaurants in Old Town are fabulous. So saying, Poutine! Yum Yum x 10 😀
  18. A hotel we used to stay at had a smoked salmon cart in the evenings and subsequently having tried to slice the stuff at home, it hammers home how competent wait staff are as takes a good deal of skill [and very sharp implements] to evenly slice it time after time. I don't have that skill but luckily, M&S does! 👍
  19. Holidaying on/in a tin can with seemingly wall to wall football? Nightmare! 😒
  20. Very sorry to hear Mr HH has the lurgy but [and cold comfort here if ever there was any], you can give an objective [and subjective] view of the Cunard Lurgy Process. Fingers crossed you don't succumb and Mr HH has a short bout.
  21. Oh do enjoy your holiday Thorsten and don't let flying that distance worry you. Easy to say I know but you're flying with an airline with one of the best safety records and is recognised to give exemplary service during the flight. Sit back and enjoy your time in the air and have a wonderful time on QM2.
  22. I saw a Sendak Wild Thing, with a red hat, initially rather than a ship! I definitely prefer the teddies.
  23. Thank you I think it's great Cunard is adding flexibility on quite a couple of issues. Let's hope the modifications encourage newbies to the line. The typo made me smile by the way as we definitely avoided crushing on QV last month! 😀
  24. I get periodic questionnaires asking my opinion on various Cunard issues but haven't had a recent cruise survey for a few years now. Could be because we didn't cruise for three years but we too haven't had one from our August cruise either. Not too bothered really.
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