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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. Victoria2


    The occasional 'no' does happen and usually accompanied with a reasonable explanation but if folk don’t ask about an issue which is quite easy to resolve, then they have little room to complain.
  2. Victoria2


    I don’t doubt for one minute that unusually, your butler wasn’t up to par but instead of letting the issue fester as it must have done as you bring it up on butler threads, ultimately it was down to you to make sure you got the service you were entitled to. Along with all QGrill'ers, we were green newbies once but if we weren’t sure of anything, we asked, and still do, which is what I hope new QGrill'ers will do. Ask, ask and ask again and that goes throughout ship. That is what all staff are there for.
  3. None of the apparent ‘cutbacks ' will have any effect on us and it must be noted, those who post to complain on this and any other type of social media are but a drop in the ocean of cruise passengers. Drink nibbles still seem to be available; up charges are few at the moment; apart from party cruise a long time ago, it wouldn’t occur to us, and many, to take a bar full of bottles onboard, preferring to PAYG onboard. Sad for those to whom the small changes matter. Acceptance of these small changes for the rest of us.
  4. Sure any cutbacks will be annoying to some but it’s the larger ‘picture' which draws us back and until there are major changes, will continue to do so.
  5. Victoria2


     And as I have said, the butler has a pager so he/ she can be paged…nudged. The Concierge is also available as a nudger and failing those two, the Front Desk. I would have thought the first instance would do the trick and if I had to follow through eventually with the third option, the Hotel Manager would also be involved. There is no reason to accept poor service and it’s in our own remit to follow any such, up.
  6. Victoria2


    Ah, a chap with a sense of reality!😀 DWs are known to be quietly right… on most occasions! Do hope you get upgraded to a 1 or 2 and will keep my fingers crossed for you. I think you're on QE which doesn’t have the redesigned 1s but even so, both cabins are pretty special.🙂
  7. Victoria2


    Do you have a Q1 or 2 with so many places in which to put the clothes? 😁 Sorry, but there aren’t that many places in which to hang stuff! I'm with your wife. DIY!🙂
  8. Victoria2


    and will the butler use the hanger you’d choose, to hang up your clothes? Will you put to one side your dresses to wait for the butler? On paper, it sounds very grand but in practice, far easier to do it yourself and in my case, there is no way I’d ask, or want anyone else to hang up my clothes.
  9. Victoria2


    If I emptied a bottle of gin a night, I think I’d lose consciousness !😲 Seriously though, like you, we have always had our bottles replaced, usually without asking but if not, a slight nudge to the butler will be all that’s needed.
  10. Victoria2


    Replaced when empty, or nearly empty and you can swap and change although even I haven’t bottomed the gin yet.
  11. And you won’t be charged this time either.
  12. Victoria2


    Snap, but that’s not just for 1-4, so the bed configuration is still a mystery, well to me at any rate.
  13. I haven’t asked yet, but I haven’t seen any on my travels around the ship.
  14. Took some photos of deck 11 before anyone would be featured. I won’t have faces in any of my photos. The deck pads aren’t out yet.
  15. Victoria2


    The mind boggles! In a word, NO.
  16. I can only comment from a QG aspect and with a lovely cabin and restaurant table position and we are very satisfied in comparison of the same on the Vistas. There are snags but the main one, namely the speed of lift door closure is, according to my visit to the front desk, 'being addressed'. We haven’t noticed any issues on deck 11 other than the twerp who couldn’t read and took two bottles of beer into the hot tub with him.
  17. I had this conversation on Wednesday with our wine waiter ( fabulous chap, the best we’ve ever had on Cunard) we collectively decided to pre buy the table wine in order to avoid any possible extra tax, Spanish or not.
  18. Victoria2


    The beauty of many questions is they can be answered.
  19. Victoria2


    In hundreds of nights in QG on QV we have never asked our to unpack but yes, you can ask the butler to unpack but don’t be upset if it’s not immediate. Far quicker to do it yourself. No idea on the cocktail shaker and if it’s that important, take your own to be sure of having one available. 🙂
  20. Lovely relaxing afternoon on deck 11 with a cup of tea ( declined cakes and finger sandwiches) and a great book. Not at all busy, just pleasantly populated. It really is a lovely set up. Interesting to see if hot tub rules will be policed. The no glass near the tub didn’t seem to be important to one chap this afternoon.
  21. Nobody should be worried about social issues on Cunard. We have come across the nicest and kindest of folk, from billionaires ( I checked in the WSJ) to ordinary folk like us. Yes there have been a couple of folk over the years ( not bad really in over ten years of Cunard sailings) who were to be laughed at behind their backs for their uppityness but they were to be ignored because in truth, folk like that generally have nothing to be uppity about and to be fair, the only judgemental attitudes I have come across have been on this board and most definitely NOT on the actual ships. Everyone is as good as the next passenger so any social anxiety should be put to rest if possible. First toe in the water and after that, bingo. Hooked. 😀
  22. The mobility challenged passengers on this ship haven’t managed to let the sea air rejuvenate them, as has happened in the past. There really is a large contingent of those whose mobility is pretty awful but, as we have noticed, we have come across a lot of help and kindness from fellow passengers so I hope others have experienced this too.
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