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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. I usually got a couple of the round Lindor type petit four chocs to go of an evening, in a drinks paper napkin. My choc treat the following day! πŸ™‚
  2. I guessed it had to be QM2 which is why I was specific with my comments re cabin/ship. To imply Cunard QG cabins have no separate shower is misleading. edit most do edit again Dining I don't see how QG menus can be used as a comparison because if there's nothing liked on the menu, ask for a special. A great feature of Cunard QG dining experience.
  3. P&O Arvia is the clear winner, it is just that little bigger inside bigger seperate lounge, most wardrobe space, but with an outstanding balcony. along with Saga it has a separate bath and shower, Cunard shower over bath let's it down for money you pay. I won't and can't debate this comment as we have no experience of any other cruise line suites and have no desire to find out but I would say as an overarching point, I guess cabin comparisons depend to a certain extent on the grade of cabin and also, the ship. The Vistas and QA are our only QG experiences and we've never had a QG cabin without a separate shower.
  4. Whereas we say hold the pretty veg the entrΓ©e comes with and we will have steamed x y and z. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
  5. I'm not sure what UK tastes are any more. Yes trad. fish and chips could be termed 'British' but so many dishes these days are 'of the world'. As a Brit, my Asian cuisine floats my boat and is my frequent choice onboard, either main menu or as a special.
  6. We then went up to Emerald Lake which had to be by coach. Looking at past photos we made two lots of rail journeys, fourteen years apart. White Pass first then the longer trip actually into The Yukon and that was the trip where our passports were required.
  7. Thinking about it, we went up to Carcross as we definitely saw Bennett Lake and got out of the train to inspect the bridge over the lake.
  8. Not having Alaska on my bookings, I can't see the excursions offered but if you list them, we can give an opinion. πŸ™‚
  9. The standard [40mile] White Pass excursion, the focus of this thread, is a round trip up to the Pass and back down on the same train.
  10. Can recommend the choc chip from the buffet. Not too keen on the cranberry ones. Best bib and tucker not required!
  11. Thank you I know which is why I apologised for cross communication. see #219 and #225
  12. Want a cookie? The Lido or Kings Court or Artisans Hall. call it what you will often have a stash of cookies. on request if not in view. A bit like a currency. The server reaches under the counter and puts a couple in my napkin to take away!!πŸ˜€ Choc chip or cookies with cranberries.
  13. and I have taken a plate of lunchtime bits back to the cabin on a few occasions when I didn't fancy room service or bother showering sun screen off to go to lunch upstairs.
  14. I now have to eat my words as of course, you are NOT on Annie but are on QM2 so I apologise for cross purpose answering. I now see your point and would have thought a napkin with your macaroons wouldn't be out of the way.
  15. I totally understand your frustration but knowing Sir Sam's as a chargeable venue, I would have expected a charge and as it wouldn't occur to me to use it as a 'take away', would therefore not have gone in and asked but would, as I say, asked as a special from QG.
  16. If I was having them at the end of a paid for meal and was too stuffed to eat them then yes, I'd ask for a napkin to take them away. As a walk in just for one chargeable item, then no, we wouldn't expect to be able to walk out with any but then wouldn't go in for that as we'd ask for it as a special from QG.
  17. Order them through your Butler from the restaurant or phone QG when it's open and ask for a special to be delivered. Bit of a faff especially as you'd been promised them but pistachio macaroon hunger pains will be satisfied. Just don't be surprised if you get fed up of macaroon deliveries!!! πŸ˜„
  18. No. One allowance per whole Voyage plan. Use just one and the other credit is unused. The way we got round it was to judiciously apply both our Diamond credits to daily internet purchase. We ended up with a zero internet bill for a 14 day cruise. but that's using our both our $135 Diamond credits.
  19. I'm sure you're correct. The excursion doesn't actually enter The Yukon as such. We went as far as Fraser and then looped back again and I don't think the route has changed all that much over the years although the latest itineraries, if a 40 ml round trip, will mean the White Pass Summit will be the loop area to come back from which also means it is a shorter distance than travelling to Fraser.
  20. To quote one of my favourite conservationists, John Muir who founded The Sierra Club 'In every walk with Nature one receives far more than he seeks' edit Trivia The Muir Glacier in Glacier Bay is named after him
  21. I agree on portion size. Who needs to be wheelbarrowed off for disembarkation!!! The only pud I have is the occasional Crepes Suzette. I'm a cheese fan but am very particular and once staff get to know your likes, you find 'your' cheese has been carefully brought out of the fridge to let it 'mellow', just as I like it. That's great staff for you. πŸ™‚
  22. If you want more, ask for more. I often end up with double appetisers if they are tasty. It just means any carbohydrates with the entrΓ©e are ignored!πŸ™‚
  23. The appetiser menu occasionally doesn't suit and I do like a couple of the a la carte appetisers but I have French Onion soup as a stand by and always caviar on the first and last night. I also admit the menu hasn't changed much over the years but so what as let's face it, in QG you can have what you want as long as it's ordered in advance to allow the kitchen to prepare it.
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