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Everything posted by Oxo

  1. A bottle of Opulence Cabernet Sauvignon costs about $52 here in the states. Michele Chiarlo Cerequio Barolo about $114. I think the reason for the difference in the Luch:Dinner price is the Dinner bottle is aged more. LOL
  2. I am not trying to give anyone a hard time. I just posted my opinion to her response. I have enough cruises behind me to know from experience when there is a concern or question. In addition, who should respond to the question. Celebrity is the one who knows the answer. Just like why are lounges being removed from the balcony? Remember, it is easy to identify a problem which has been identified. The solution is the answer people are looking for. Not some opinion. Opinions are many and normally not the answer. I hope I answered your question?
  3. Sorry, been there and seen this happen. If I am asking for a specific vodka it should be the same in each and all bars? Why would a drink list in a particular venue menu not be changed when prices changed? This is 2024 and we have or should have a Centralized Data Base. How do stores operate now with the many line items they have? I have asked for a specific drink such as a Cesars Bloody Mary and was told to go to another bar. It is Vodka and Clamato Juice. Martinis are $17. That is high. Why did you try to explain a Companies short comings? Let them explain it to us, their customers/clients who paid for a product.
  4. Not to be funny or snarky. I don't know what you paid for the penthouse, however, you should get the SRs free. I'm sure that was added in the total of the per person cost of the Penthouse cabin. JMHO!
  5. 1. Glad to see people leaving RCI. With the size of their ships and capacity, it should make a big difference when you all move to another line. We will miss you. 2. Let us know how you like Viking as we already know how you like Celebrity as we do. 3. People are leaving Celebrity because of over 55, must wear long pants in MDR, can't wear a baseball cap in the MDR, too many kids, etc. So, where are you all going????
  6. Not all passengers on Celebrity are over 55. Some are over 80 and very lucky to live that long and still enjoy a cruise regardless of cruise line. May you all live past 55 to remember those who feel those over 55 should not cruise on Celebrity or that if they cruise on Celebrity they are ruining it for those under 55. SMH!!!!!!!!
  7. For those who don't like or want to follow the rules, cruise on another Cruise Line. There are many others out there. If you need, here is a list: Carnival, HAL, MSC, NCL, Princess, RCI, etc.
  8. OMG! Now were are reviewing WalMart. LOL Wish I had their money.
  9. Book early and save will always be true. It's just that agencies and the lines keep promoting to keep the momentum going. Pressures to meet shareholder expectations, revenue targets etc. They need to show a year over year increase, not the other way around.
  10. Was the Observation Lounge (OL) reduced in size when the Joy went into Dry Dock this year? The OL was on both sides, Port & Starboard. I read somewhere it was reduced due to NCL adding more cabins on that Deck. TIA
  11. What can I say? I personally believe that the Ice Shows and Aqua Shows on RCI are great, regardless. I have not found anything on any other cruise line to match them. Have you? Why is it when someone disagrees, it is considered arguing? Done!
  12. Thanks for your opinion. I appreciate it. SMH
  13. Amateurs? Another opinion. Everyone has an opinion. If they are amateurs, why doesn't Celebrity hire the cheap help? LOL Let me know when you are going to join the Ice Show or Aqua Shows as an amateur. I would pay to see that.
  14. You are from Canada and I know you cannot mean that - 'they look like they are in slow motion.' These are skaters from Russia and many European Countries. Like they say - 'you can please some of the people some of the time, while some people cannot be pleased anytime.'
  15. RCI has had professional skaters in the Ice Shows ever since the Oasis came out in 2009 and the other Oasis Class ships have the shows. There are a minimum of 2 shows per 7 day cruise. So, I don't know where you get your info from on the rink is way to small for them to do anything? Happy Cruising!
  16. What is cheap booze? If you mix it with water, pop or etc., it becomes cheap booze. In the end, it all comes out a urine. LOL What does the packages cost on Celebrity? Yes, I know. Almost as much as a 7 day cruise. Premium From $79.99 up to $99.99 + 20%/day. $80*7+20%=$672.00. $120*7=$840. On RCI I can do with 5 Drinks anytime during that day for free. So, 5/day*0=$0. Celebrity 5*$10=$50*7=$350. RCI has Ice Skating shows, Aqua shows and Production shows. I still cruise Celebrity as Elite+. In fact have 2 celebrity booked this year and a TA next year. JMHO!
  17. To add on to what another person said. Who do you believe as everyone has an opinion? One says, 'Yes, worth it and the other said NO, not worth it.' The more we accept the charges and pay for them, the more they will charge us. It is your decision and only you can decide. Happy Cruising!
  18. Things change on a daily basis with Cruise Lines. What can I say except - You can call or deal with any Cruise Line and get different answers hourly, daily, etc. Many TAs will not even deal with MSC because of their poor service. I have dealt with MSC since Jan 2006. Many people try to call MSC and never get through or the correct answer. TAs are the only way to go as they get priority access.
  19. MSCPromoverification@msccruisesusa.com My TA tried to give MSC my Military proof and they wanted me to send it to them via the address above. That address was very responsive and within hours not days.
  20. MSCPromoverification@msccruisesusa.com They were very responsive and within hours. Not days.
  21. Oxo

    MSC & ME App?

    FYI - You being USN. I was a SPO contractor for POMFLANT back in 1981 upgrading their IBM360 System. Even went to Brimington, WA which was their other Sister facility. Been in IT since 1961. When I compare SW or APPs, I see what Celebrity, NCL, Princess & RCI have compare to MSC. There is no comparison. MSC is totally useless before getting on the ship. That is why I started this posting and said MSC & Me is totally inadequate. However, many people find it OK. So, I will refrain from providing my opinions on this. Thanks for all your inputs.
  22. Oxo

    MSC & ME App?

    I guess that keeps IT software programmers employed maintaining two separate applications. It sure would be easy to sync both the Internet and APP. Thus, having valid information using either one. JMHO!
  23. FYI - I sent emails to MSC this morning and have received many replies. Here is some of the contents: 1. Do I need to resubmit anything to verify my Military Career of 20 years in the USAF to obtain a Military Discount for these cruises? I have four cruises for 2025. MSC: To avail of the Military Discount, we kindly request that you submit verification such as a DD214, or your Military ID, or a Commander Letter. 2. I sent my Military ID. I then asked if I am now fully verified in MSC's System as Military and no further action is required? Will I need to resubmit my Military ID for each MSC cruise that I book in the future? MSC: Please note that we will need you to resubmit proof every time you request a Military discount to be applied on a cruise you have with us. I didn't understand their need to have a client resubmit the required Military document for each cruise. They maintain a database that has all your other personal data such as address, passport data, etc. Well, if they want it and it saves me 10%, I guess I will do so. LOL SMH
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