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Mr Luxury

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Everything posted by Mr Luxury

  1. You do really need to get back on a ship again Henry. We are loving the Encore and are just leaving Patmos on our way to Kusadasi. Such great enthusiasm from the young and eager to please crew.
  2. Wasn't Ross fantastic as always on deck five aft last night. We danced our TK dinner off
  3. I only do it to keep the peace otherwise they fight over us.
  4. Hi Markham, Just got on Encore No Captain's dinner or hosted tables due to covid. Bozi is Hotel Director and we are sorry not to be able to have dinner with him. All crew wearing masks,hardly any Pax wearing them. Twenty minutes to board in Athens no dramas.
  5. So eat up and ship out is what you're really saying 😄
  6. On board now. The ship is in excellent condition. 501 guests so an increase to what they have had.
  7. Sitting on the plane ready to fly to Athens to board Encore. I'm ready for a glass of wine 😁
  8. Sitting in the lounge at Heathrow waiting to fly to Athens to board Seabourn Encore. Endeavour does look great and I will book a trip when i get back
  9. I agree but it is dependent on one's palette. Most people find something from the included pour that they like. The problem comes when it runs out which in the case of Sauvignon Blanc can be often.
  10. One thing that I have noticed over the years is that the Maitre d' might mention to a guest that he is not be dressed appropriately for the evening but he does not always get backed up from his Hotel Manager for fear of upsetting a guest that might not return to the line. Strong and efficient management and all singing from the same hymn book makes for a much better understanding for everyone.
  11. I think dress codes on ships are very clear and obvious but some people like to invent their own dress code to suit themselves. Following a dress code is very easy but I guess some people like to rebel because they don't really know how to dress properly in a situation that might not be what they are used to in their everyday life.
  12. I never worry about included wines on a ship. Why drink poor wines when you can buy decent quality wines from the wine list.
  13. Oh I got that part. I just watched another episode of the cruise. It's not a ship I see myself on
  14. Are you taking part in the belly flop competition in the pool?
  15. If we are not careful we could end up with a cruise experience like the Virgin Scarlett Lady.😳 Be careful what you wish for.
  16. Donald Trump is chartering the ship for his campaign to be the next President of the USA
  17. Seabourn have done the pay for wine tastings for a long time but the lunches are new. I don't eat lunch on most days and I can buy the wines at dinner. Not for me a big boozy lunch.😁
  18. Was it cheaper if you had it in Italian 😉
  19. Julie,Seabourn could implement a Naturist cruise and some people would turn up in clothes.😁
  20. Now they have been let out of their suite there will be no stopping them.
  21. You have to pay for it now and then when you are on the ship they can credit you and use the OBC
  22. I had a buffet on a ship closed down once as I had witnessed someone pick up sushi with the provided chop sticks and then pick up some wasabi and lick the chop sticks before putting them back on the serving dish. I never go to a buffet on a ship these days as you just can't trust people no matter how much money they spend on a cruise.
  23. Ok,they both caught it on the CC Boards using the same browser 😁
  24. A Gentleman never removes his jacket at the dinner table. A Gentleman may remove his jacket if he is challenged to a dual.😁
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