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Everything posted by alfaeric

  1. I, too, see it as two types of complainers- some who do it to tell others there may be issues. And others who go over the top and think that a small issue is a lie that comes from high. And to me, the point of the complaint is totally different. One is to help other cruisers, the other is to scare off cruisers. The other issue with the complaints is when people offer a rational explanation are constantly labeled cheerleaders or loyalists or crazy. That gets really old, and before long, all of the rational people will just move on. And the complainers are bothered when you suggest moving on when they are clearly trying to make people worried about cruising. Somehow it’s bad to tell the complainer to do exactly what they threaten to do, lol.
  2. But it’s ok that people who have some explanation or reasoning are called loyalists or cheerleaders or crazy. Got it. Two things, hearing people complain calling something pretty trivial a “lie” is more over the top than telling them to go to another line. Second, prices are so high right now that suggesting people go to another line helps financially. So, personally, I’m tired of being labeled a cheerleader. Especially when it works it just increases demand. So it’s a lot easier and cheaper to tell you to move on.
  3. The people you call crazy are probably royal fans who don’t worry about this. So they will continue to book. So the people that are bothered by this should move on, thus lowering the demand and therefore cruise fares. And saving the “crazy” people who defend Royal money. it’s not hard.
  4. If it means people stop booking over priced cruises, bring it on. The people you label as crazy also need to save money.
  5. It’s there, and uses a BeeGees song really well because of the story.
  6. Fwiw, almost a decade ago, we did Alaska on the Rhapsody. Did the fjord before dawn, and the captain woke up the ship a 6 am to see the glacier. This was in mid May, and we only got about a mile away- but we prepared by taking binoculars. Later in the season, we saw some pictures where the ship got way, way closer than we did. So even small ships have issues. Also, we didn’t see the glacier that was on the itinerary, the captain mentioned both a lot of ships were doing that and there was a lot of ice. So we were by ourselves, which was nice. The captain circled the ship 3-5 time (I can’t recall). while we love the Quantum ships, I’d rather be on a small one.
  7. As far as I can remember, the only storyline that *might* be sensitive is one character whose GF gets pregnant, and he falls off a bridge later in the play. The musical is really good, for us.
  8. Just looked up our symphony cruise later this year, and the theoretical menus are up on the app. Doesn't show the theme name, but all of the dishes are there.
  9. Another option is to show up for MTD without reservations. They are not required. And the earlier you eat, the shorter the line will be. We like to eat pretty early, and the line is quite short within the first 30 min or so of opening. edit- just remembered that it’s possible that IF you eat early when the crowd is smaller, you may be able to secure a reservation for the cruise that way.
  10. Being positive is tough here, as the OP implies, it’s a clearly a lie. And many others that are happy are accused of working for a cruise line. Things have changed, but not by that much wrt that.
  11. That storm must have come up really, really quickly given how many people were still outside. And there was probably no time to tie down the chairs, since it was boarding day.
  12. We bring our wine to dinner, even when it's included.... And never run out of drinks. We are some of those super cheap Pinnacles that supposedly are going to ruin RCI, since we barely spend any money on board anymore. Nice getting old and your alcohol tolerance wanes a little. Generally have enough to finish the evening off getting a few bottles of water for our cabin.
  13. We've only been on one cruise where we've not been allowed into the SL. But to make up for it, they made a specific area for Pin's to have their own specific happy hour- food and drinks all there. There were a lot of Pins on that cruise. And I never recall them counting them. But I would put the trend the opposite- Pins have access to the SL unless there are too many Pins, and then they are given an alternate. As for meal with officer- so far it's just a cheers with officers, and then a meal. Not sure when they will have the officers spend the lunch with the Pins- but many of the officers say they want to be allowed to have lunch.
  14. so why do you continue to whine about it? Do you think people will stop sailing? I hope that happens, I want to save money.
  15. Then why are you? I honestly don't get it. So many other choices in the world and this is what you choose? Seriously? It's your money, I guess.
  16. You complained about the layout- it's exactly the same as it was 8 years ago. You complained about the distribution of chairs- it's exactly the same as it was 8 years ago. You complained about some of the entertainment- which was exactly the same as it was 8 years ago. You complained about your fellow passengers- pretty much they haven't really changed in 8 years in my cruising experience. The only real massive change was the movement from twice a day to once a day room cleaning if you are sailing in a balcony or lower. As for the prices, yea, they are higher. If you were shocked by them, where have you been? It's been 8 freaking years. And there's always, always, always been a debate over the menu. You didn't like this one, big deal. I didn't like it 8 years ago, but do now. But since we get Coastal Kitchen, I'll go there. So if by "everything" you mean some of it, yea, sure. But you 100% knew of some of your problems you complained about. And you should have known that the drink prices went up- thankfully, you got 4 free drinks a day. Which was harder to get 8 years ago. And how many free bottles of wine did you get to your cabin 8 years ago?
  17. I feel for the people they are travelling with. How can you deal with a person who knows before stepping on board that the experience is going to be bad? These are really expensive things to do, after all. If someone asked them to go, and they said "yes" knowing that they are going to be unhappy- what a terrible situation to be in as the host. But I kind of doubt that was the OP. They claim to have experience cruising, so they just go. And it's that experience that they should have found a different option with- as every single thing they complained about was part of a previous cruise as well. Kind of sad that people subject themselves to this kind of torture. There are so many different types of vacations to take, why would you chose to have a bad time?
  18. What's interesting in this thread.... we have to remind ourselves that the OP knew exactly what the cruise was before booking this trip again. The ship wasn't going to change shape and deal with the layout issues. Pretty much everyone knows that the shows never change. The cut backs have been really well documented here. The actual cost of the beverage package was known going in. The people who cruise are the people, etc. All of that was experienced before going on this trip, yet the OP chose to go on it again. So who is really to blame for them having a bad time? As far as I can tell, the cruise vacation pretty much met their actual expectations based on previous experiences. With every additional post by the OP, I'm reminded of that. Sucks for them, but they knew that going in.
  19. To add to this, it should be assumed you will be using the app to make the reservations. It's quite quick and we've been able to book as Biker19 suggests to about 2pm of boarding day. The only show we've ever had issues with was the comedy show.
  20. So it's ok for you to tell someone that their opinion that they are not noticing the downgrades is not true (aka a lie), even though everyone has their right to their opinion and they have their own expectations. That makes no sense. Then again, you see the downgrade, other's express that they don't. Which one of those alternate opinions is telling you stay with RCI? I have yet to see the alternate view tell the OP or any of the ones who are bothered to try it again. Honestly, if you complain now about the downgrade, and then cruise more and complain about it more- well that's all on you. You knew the changes, you know your downgrades, you know the extra cost and still you may sail again. Just don't. Unless you are ok with wasting your money. Expressing yourself and being critical is fine. That's what this board is for. But at some point, if the experience is really so bad that you have to call others who don't share your experience "cheerleaders" or "employees"- you should ask yourself if you should find a better way to spend your money.
  21. IMHO, more should encourage people to cancel all of their future cruises. Please. I'm sure we are not the only ones who are ok with the cut backs (since they don't really affect us), but want the costs to go back down. The only real way that will happen is if sailing goes down a lot. (but some of the comments directed at RC are to other passenger, so those should be dismissed)
  22. So you think that there's a 400% mark up on alcohol because you know, but you think that the three bottles of wine were each u$50? Each? They are not even a combined U$50. We've found them in stores, and most of them are under $15 each. While I totally get your complaints about the layout and entertainment- some of these other complaints are odd. Also, cruise companies make most of their money on the fare, the rest is gravy. So full enough ships rule. That being said, if you are actually correct that RCI is going to lose a lot of money because of customers leaving, bring it on. Every time that actually happens, fares go down. Those of us you insult that we actually still like the product would love to save money because people like you leave. Nothing against you, personally, but my bank account would appreciate it if you and others like you leave, cancel, never come back, etc. I really want to save money.
  23. "Truth" in this case are just opinions. And opinions vary depending on the person. Sure, opinions are true to you, since you generated that opinion. But extrapolating that to everyone, well, you can try. Also, in many cases, it's interesting how people don't expect to have someone explain why things are the way they are- like why shows never, ever, change. Although, I also find it interesting how many "experienced" cruisers don't seem to know that. Or they just like to complain about it for reasons. Which is fine- it's their money they are spending. But at the same time, nobody is forcing you to take this RCI cruise, let alone a cruise. Sucks that people have a bad time. In the end, if this means less people on Royal cruises, that's fine with me- anything to get the costs down.
  24. But that is Royals fault for appealing to them, it seems. And the “issue” with the shows has been around since we started cruising. Costs a lot to change shows, so they don’t do it. Unless there is a more expensive licensing problem. The shows on the Adventure are the same ones we saw in 2004. As for the layout of the ship, it’s certainly an issue for some. But less can be done about that than the shows.
  25. Go in the bank, then. And use the CC to get money- that will have most of the same fees as and ATM.
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