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Everything posted by alfaeric

  1. OR use your app to reserve the shows as soon as you board. It's pretty quick to do that, and there are plenty of spaces- as we didn't get around to doing that until 2pm, and all the shows (except comedy) was open. Really easy to reserve your whole party.
  2. I’m honestly so glad that what I wear bugs you so very much. So nice to help ruin your experience. And I know you will try to make me look bad, but I’m not the one judging people on their looks ALONE. The idea that you have the idea that what other people wear is a rule for coexistence…. Wow. You can look away. So I can travel light.
  3. I’m sorry, but that is a dumb analogy. I chose to go on a cruise ship, knowing full well that there will be shorts and sandals as well as seeing a lot of people in swimming stuff sunning themselves. I’ll care when the person stinks and I can’t taste my food. But do not care if they have hairy legs. Or a cap. But if you want to care, it’s your money you are wasting. Not mine. I’ll wear what I can pack, and not worry at all if you look however. It’s telling you use a trailer park, since all you are doing is pretending you are better than someone else just based on looks. Doesn’t the saying go “don’t judge a book by its cover”?
  4. Once again, it’s both funny and sad that people put so much of their enjoyment in how OTHER people look. And don’t tell me it doesn’t, else you would not be complaining about it here. You want to pretend you are wealthy, go for it. I would rather dress how I want- shorts, slacks, suit, whatever. Given how we cruise now, luggage space is a lot more important than worrying about what someone else thinks about what I am wearing. If you really think I’m lazy, good o you. I’m glad I can make you think so highly of yourself.
  5. Finally, some movement to get the prices lower.
  6. While I appreciate some times to dress up, I also see how they are pointless. And if someone has a problem with what I wear, that’s seriously not my problem. I’ll wear what I want. Your “offense” is yours to keep.
  7. Farther up the coast does limit how far you can go, but the airport location has no impact on that. Still, this thread sure makes it seem that some have no choice in departure ports. Nothing stopping you from flying to New York or Galveston. And Boston is awesome to depart from.
  8. Do they force you to go to specific ports to sail from? Florida seems to be an odd state, then. When we fly in, we are allowed to choose which port to sail from. Some of the Miami stories are fine to reduce the demand so that the rest of us who are really happy can get cheaper fares.
  9. F1 says it’s canceled. And hopefully travel around isnt too affected. Sorry to those who lost their lives.
  10. We saw them at Dazzles, the Royal Promenade, and in Central Park. Not a single spot- but there is a jazz combo on board.
  11. The jazz is still on board, just different locations. It was really nice in Central Park, FWIW.
  12. The other thing you can do is make reservations as soon as you board via the app. The shows are not completely sold out- allowing for those who didn't to do so once they board. We did that on the Allure back in Feb.
  13. If it matters, the track is around the baseball stadium, west of downtown. Some of it runs under a freeway pass. But I see that as lots of traffic between it and South Beach. And it and the downtown luxury hotels.
  14. Well, you are the one whining about needing tickets and working on a schedule. As if it was a brand new thing- which it's not. And as if the lack of tickets would mean no schedule- which does not. For someone who has cruised so long to complain about something that is pretty universal for the Oasis class ships for 14 years now, well, yea....
  15. Saw it on the Allure and Radiance in Feb, less of it on the Harmony a week ago. They used it at Blaze and Boleros but not in Central Park. And not the roving piano player. may not be consistent, but they still use it.
  16. no, they still do it. And with some of the shows they do, it's nice to let the "act" have space in front of them. We've been on cruises where the area was so crowded that w/o the ropes, the party would have gotten right into the band's area. Then again, I'm not really sure why they are so terrible. It's not as if they are anywhere near blocking your view.
  17. Well, that time would have been before 2004- when we first sailed the Adventure of the Seas, and we required paper tickets to get into the ice show. And at that time, that meant standing in line to get them just after boarding. But there's no real requirement for you to follow the schedule- even though the show will start even if you show up late. Heck, there's no requirement that you even cruise. You can be free out in your backyard. Too bad that if you want to see a show in your home town, you will be ruled by a darned schedule. It's not all that common that you can demand a show to start on your impulse....
  18. The only way you can do it is to show up at the reservations desk for CK on deck 17. And you will have to knock to get in. And then hope you can get reservations- as JS's are subject to availability for CK.
  19. Good thing they don't force people to cruise on Oasis ships, right? The other choice is to treat the Oasis ships like the smaller ones, and just go to the headline shows- which require no reservations.
  20. The reservations are only for whatever Broadway show they have, the aqua theater, the skating show, and the comedy club. Other that, there are no reservations. So not for that juggler. They do this because the venues are small compared to the ship, so that everyone can get a chance to see the show. That's why Spectra's requires one, but We Will Rock You does not on the Anthem.
  21. Technically, you are reserving the ability to go in up to 45 min before the performance, and before the non-reserve line opens at 10min. You don't get to reserve a specific seat, unless you have a Genie cabin.
  22. We did this on the Allure just in Feb. As soon as we got on board, we opened the app, and reserved all of the shows when we wanted. Except for the comedy show. But we just saw the comedy show on the Harmony, and didn't find it any good. And because of that, there were tons of walk in spaces for the show we attended. For the most part, the comedians repeat the show for the late night comedy in the main theater late in the week. So you can see them there. But the rest- easy booking as soon as we got on board using the app.
  23. Don’t need to worry about luggage tags, your state room attendant will help you- you will need to pack some of the stuff and hang the rest on a hotel dolly ( I can’t think of what they are called, lol) and your attendant or you will move it to your new state room. You will have run of the ship and can just do normal stuff, like use the pool or gym or whatever you want. B2B lunch *might* be included, it’s pretty variable. The one big difference between you and onboarding guests is that you get access to your room as soon as you get back on the ship with your “in transit” cars.
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