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Everything posted by BonTexasNY

  1. @Sea DogGreg, you were in my thoughts today and knowing how totally considerate you are, I knew there would be an update. Glad the surgery is finally over. Pain killers (not the JVD kind) and therapy to come and soon this will be a distant memory.
  2. Best wishes for a wonderful improvement getting back to your previous normal. I've posted this before but I will repeat. When I first moved to TX I met a gal with a teenage son. The chat followed: Her: My son is so excited to be going to a Rangers game. Me: Where are they playing? She: Here in Dallas Me: When do they play home? She: They ARE playing home Me: Your son must love sports She: Oh he does, especially baseball Me: How does he like ice hockey She: Not so much Me: Then why is he excited to go to a Rangers game. This line of chat went on and on until we both realized we were talking about 2 different sports. We couldn't stop laughing.
  3. My computer audio goes thru my hearing aids via blue tooth. I would love the tv audio going thru my hearing aids as well, but then I think it would prevent Jack from watching tv since it would block regular audio for him. I hardly ever watch tv. Closed caption is annoying to me. I can't complain. Hearing aids re-opened a whole new world to me.
  4. Hoping you get good news about your daughter. I echo @Jimbo's post that maybe someone can come stay with you. Can Toby bring your granddaughter to your place? Both will live down in history and provided all of us with some wonderful chuckles.
  5. Not possible to do better. You shouldn't mess with perfection. Jack and I are sending best wishes for your successful surgery on Friday.
  6. Your video popped up on my computer when I opened You Tube. It was thoroughly enjoyed! I agree. Best to always check with your doctor first. Every person reacts differently to meds even over the counter.
  7. We were fortunate that the garages in our 3 houses, we owned at different times, were large enough for our car(s) and storage. Our house in TX had a large loft and huge walk in closet that we also used as storage. And, your Andrew is growing up mighty handsome! @jagsfan Mimi so glad you're relieved and back to planning cruises.
  8. So lucky it was caught in time! My friend's father was diagnosed at first with arthritis. His neighbor told him to ask his doctor to test for Lyme Disease. You're right about him taking too long to be diagnosed correctly. He sadly was diagnosed it too late to get pain relief.
  9. Jennifer, you couldn't keep up with this thread because you were busy living the good life in Paradise. Kudos to Greg for sharing it with us.
  10. Thanks, Greg, glad it helped. I'll show it to Jack. His knee is not the same after meniscus surgery even though his orthopedist insisted it healed properly. No pain but just not 100% better.
  11. I hope your Lyme Disease is controlled. It can be very painful. My friend's father contracted Lyme Disease when he was in his 70s. He hadn't left the Bronx in at least 20 years. For those not in the know, The Bronx is a NYC borough, heavily populated, not a place you would find deer. Took a long time to diagnose.
  12. We had friends who visited almost every Presidential Library except for 2. They also did a car trip stopping at every bbq place rated as tops for each area in TX. I know I posted this before. I once ran out of Halloween Candy and my daughter was scandalized when I started giving out fun size boxes of raisins. @akcruz Looks like you had a fabulous Anniversary celebration. Your pictures are wonderful and your wedding gown is gorgeous as is the bride and groom. Wishing you many more years of happiness together.
  13. Looks like Charlie already gave your leg a good soak. Did your knee brace help? Can you let me know which one you used? Jack has knee problems and I thought it would help him until such time that he needs to take care of it surgically.
  14. My friend was a "friend" of the library and one perk was bringing a guest (me!) with no admission charge. I never got to Papa Bush's library. Too far.
  15. I visited the Presidential Library around 4-5 years ago. I don't recall his autograph collection. He had his paintings on display which were really nice. No matter what one's politics are, it really is an eye opener to visit a Presidential Library. So many facts to learn. Me, taking an important call in the Oval Office:
  16. Did George W throw the first ball? Yes we're getting deluged with rain here. Can't complain after all the sunny days we've had.
  17. Nothing more I can add that I haven't posted before. Can't improve on perfection. Hope all have a safe trip home. Greg, I hope your tummy is more settled. I'm looking forward to your wrap up. Good luck in advance with your 2nd knee replacement. I hope your recuperation is less painful than the 1st one. You can do this successfully! Onward to your next cruise feeling invigorated and pain free.
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