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Everything posted by BonTexasNY

  1. If we do nighttime service, that would be at least 4 wet towels. Is there only 1 hook on the door? I never leave wet bath towels in my bathroom at home. I put them in the laundry area, out of sight out of mind. I think I'm having a problem accepting things as they are now in cruising.
  2. I didn't realize it was deleted. No worries, it'll all work out in the end. I agree! Great version with Miley which Dolly wrote when a red headed bank teller flirted with her husband Carl Dean when they were first married. We do the same. We always have early dining too. We do spend time in the cabin before dinner and it's nice to come back to a clean made up room in the afternoon after a day of sun and fun. What a wonderful dilemma to have! ๐Ÿค”
  3. @dani negreanu Dani, we all breathe a sigh of relief when we see your posts. @h20skibum Mark, except for the 2 gals I worked with, I know nobody that has a gun, although I suspect some do not broadcast the fact. Ms. Congeniality the movie, Candace Bergen: "This is Texas, everybody has a gun. My florist has a gun".
  4. The problem is not extra towels but being in the cabin with wet towels on the bathroom floor for an extended time. Yuck. Space in there is small enough.
  5. Many of Jack's friends in Israel have guns. I worked with many people here in TX who had guns. One co worker was a 24 year old girl, one a 55 year old woman. Both claimed they have guns for personal safety. Very liberal laws for sure.
  6. Thankfully, Israelis heed those sirens immediately to get to their bomb shelters. No casualties were sustained. When I took walks in Israel, I passed many signs for bomb shelters with an arrow. Not everyone is home near their building shelter when those sirens go off.
  7. Jack ordered 2 shrimp cocktails and had to wait quite a bit after the 1st one came out for the 2nd one to appear. Way after he was finished with the 1st one. Wouldn't the wait staff save time if both were served together? I don't enjoy eating by their rules.
  8. We had our stateroom serviced 2x daily on Bella. However, we were not offered a 2nd lobster tail. We usually shower twice daily. Not sure if we should get morning or afternoon (night?) service. Either way we'll have wet towels in the bathroom until they can be replaced and yes we like fresh towels with every shower. What time do they usually make the room up in the afternoon?
  9. Since Dolly wrote it, she sings it with deep emotion. I got 2 lobster tails since Jack doesn't eat lobster. They do seem to get smaller and smaller.
  10. My lobster tail on Bella 01, Oasis. Both are small! I had two since Jack doesn't eat lobster.
  11. I have never been in one, but your balcony looks like the pictures of an infinite balcony on, I think, some Celebrity ships. My sister and BIL stayed in one and loved it. Made the cabin seem bigger. Do you prefer your Adventure balcony or the more open ones?
  12. Many great NYC posts in here, Yours is tops! At one point in our lives, we looked at apartments in Forest Hills. I remember one good one was at Yellowstone Blvd, I think near the tennis center. For some reason we didn't take it but always loved that area. You have my condolences.
  13. As far as micro planning a trip, the only spreadsheets I ever created were work related. We've driven from TX to NJ, to Miami and back, and all we did was get in the car and drive. No advance plans. When we needed a potty break or food, we stopped at the next available area. We don't like driving at night so when the sun started to set, we stopped at the next available hotel, preferably our favorite, Hampton Inn of which there are many along the way. We love the drive down Galveston. We pass 3 Buc'ees! It heightens our cruise anticipation slowly. We love passing the giant statue of Sam Houston on 45. I think @TravelGirlinDallas Bethany and @firefly333 Jane can relate.
  14. Yes!!!! Thanks for finding it. The only restaurant I ever waited in line for was 1-1/2 hours for Durgin Park in Boston. Best prime rib ever. This was many, many years ago when we were in our late 20s. Most we would wait now is 15 minutes.๐Ÿ™„ Some wonderful advice from other folks.
  15. I would definitely fly into Newark. JFK is quite a distance from the cruise terminal and NYC. Quite a few people have posted staying in Newark and maybe Ubering into Manhattan pre-cruise. I don't know much about transportation to and from Newark. Just walking around Manhattan is the best. I would add Chinatown for some authentic ethnic food. Wo Hop 17 Mott Street has to die for Chinese food. I always loved walking along Rockefeller Center to see first hand where the Today Show is broadcast. Top of The Rock is an amazing observatory 70 stories high but comes with a price, approx. $50. Chelsea Market on 9th Avenue is a great place for shopping and eating. Wish we still lived in NY. We loved showing people, especially first time visitors, the city. I don't know how you'll get around the city. Subway and buses are plentiful. It really is an exceptionally, exciting, wonderful city. I look forward to reading all about it!
  16. And how usual is that? AND you get drenched in slush when cars pass you. @bobmacliberty Your NYC plans sound fabulous, best part is the Billy Joel concert. I haven't been back in "the city" for many years. If weather permits, I would walk along the Highline, meander thru South Street Seaport in Lower Manhattan, maybe a visit to the Met for some culture. I remember HBE4 posted some neat NYC spots a while ago. Maybe he can repost?
  17. Goodness, were they all Painkillers? Hope you all found your way back to the ship! Looks like you had a fabulous time.
  18. It really works, honest. Please post results. NYC in January could be brutal. Hope the weather cooperates. Don't forget to have pizza, bagels and deli if they're foods you like. Where in NYC will you be visiting? I once answered a land line phone message for Jack who was on a business trip. Guy was from wayyy down South: Ahd lock sum uh thayim bayinds. Translation: I'd like some of those bands. (for watches). I'm glad I wasn't home when the guy actually called.
  19. There are people here who were born in Dallas as their parents were. True Native Dallasites. Yet, they have absolutely no accent at all. Hard to tell where they're from. Then there are those native Dallasites who talk pure down home Texan. Whenever I meet someone, they KNOW where I'm from.
  20. @dani negreanu Dani, thanks for popping in to let us know you're "ok". I wish I had your email. Things I would say to you I won't post in here.
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