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Everything posted by Peanut006

  1. Morning everyone, hope you are all ok today. It must be fairly warm out here today as the bin collection has just been and some of them had t-shirts on. Yorkshirephil, hope you have a lovely relaxing cruise. I had a fall yesterday at home just a couple of steps after getting up off the sofa and twisted my ankle inward, sort of stood on the outside of my foot. A trip to local medical centre and x-ray shows I have fractured my fifth metatarsal bone. Foot strapped up and going to fracture clinic this morning. He said it might need a pot or boot. Just what I didn’t need as it’s my bad side anyway so can literally not walk at the moment. Frustrating!!!! Anyway enough moaning from me, have a good day everyone Michelle
  2. Totally agree Graham, Icon is a bit too much for us too Michelle
  3. I think you are right, I THINK a folding manual wheelchair can go in an ordinary cabin but check with the cruise line. From memory I think we stayed on one with a wheelchair but think it was on Royal Caribbean Michelle
  4. I don’t know but just in case I will be keeping a close eye on my bank account transactions & credit card Michelle
  5. I followed the link from CC, asked me for my user name, email & tel no. Nothing requested for bank details. I was able to log back in later through Google Michelle
  6. Morning everyone (just!), only just been able to log back in again. Hope everyone is ok today. Just collected dog from the groomers and booked her Christmas appointment. Forecast to get very windy here shortly so going to take dogs out for walkies soon. Congratulations for those who have been celebrating Anniversaries. Graham, happy and sad memories today for you I expect. Take care everyone Michelle
  7. I just want to say thank you to everyone who offered good wishes for my daughter’s wedding this weekend. We had a perfect day, a lovely ceremony, good food and good company. One disaster though, her dress ripped as she was putting it on down the seam that the seamstress stitched only on Thursday so it was held together with safety pins. Michelle
  8. Exactly Harry!!! We are taking our grandchildren on Anthem in August and that’s big enough for us. I am sure they would love Icon but not for us oldies I’m afraid Michelle
  9. We currently pay £360 per month for gas and electricity, currently £900 in credit. Our smart meter shows we are using £9/10 per day Michelle
  10. We got the same letter. Might be good for the kids but don’t think we would go alone, poss a tad too much…. Michelle
  11. Happy Birthday!! Hope you are having a lovely cruise Michelle
  12. Fingers crossed it will be but we will be in Yorkshire where you can get all weathers in one day Michelle
  13. Thank you. Hopefully the weather will be kind to us, fingers crossed. They are getting married and reception is at same place so we wont have to go outside. Going across to Yorkshire tomorrow, dogs to dog sitter then relax. Out for a meal Saturday night and wedding Sunday Michelle
  14. Happy Birthday Graham, hope you have a lovely day 🎂🥂
  15. I think I remember you posting some beautiful photos of your garden with lovely countryside views. I hope either it never happens or they don’t build too close to you Michelle
  16. Hope you all have a lovely time with a few glasses of fizz Michelle
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