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Everything posted by Peanut006

  1. Morning everyone, how you are all ok today. It’s a lovely day here today, a breeze and nice and warm at the moment although showers are forecast later. Well I have been doing my ancestry again with some help from a friend. My gran never talked about her mum, aunties etc. Just discovered my gran had nine aunties and one uncle she never spoke about or who she didn’t know about. It is just getting mor complicated. A DNA test revealed lots of distant relatives now I know why Michelle
  2. Oh no!!! Hope you only get mild symptoms and recover quickly. This has happened to quite a few people I know including myself and my hubby. Seems like it’s a sign of the times unfortunately Take Care Michelle
  3. Oh no!! That’s not good at all. Hopefully the dry dock before your next cruise will improve things Michelle
  4. We thought our grandchildren would want to eat in the buffet, how wrong we were. We did eat in the buffet for lunch if it was a sea day but they wanted to go to the MDR every night and for breakfast too. Suited us fine, we preferred that. Hope you have a lovely cruise Michelle
  5. Hope you only have mild symptoms and feel better soon Michelle
  6. Morning everyone, currently 27 degrees here, hubby out with dogs in a wooded area to keep them cool then no walkies until later tonight. We put padding pool up for them and keep standing them in it and pouring water over them to help them keep cool. We too have kept doors, windows, curtains shut to try keep a cool room for hubby to work in. Lounge was 23 degrees yesterday so not too bad. Take care everyone Michelle
  7. We are the same, stayed safe and didn’t get the dreaded you know what until after we returned from Estepona. Fortunately we were both ok. Like you we are both pleased we will be getting a booster, we are mere children too but virtually grumpy teenagers now at 57 & 60. Michelle
  8. Lovely pictures Graham, hope you both had a lovely time Michelle
  9. I have just moved my repo cruise Tenerife to Malta on Azura March 2024 to Barbados to Southampton on Arvia March 2024. I booked select fare both times and both times I have known my cabin number. The cabin I had on Azura was deluxe balcony which I know is currently an isolation cabin. Michelle
  10. Thank you for all your Birthday wishes for my mum Michelle
  11. Morning everyone, hope you are ok today. Happy Birthday Snow Hill 🍰🎂 It is my mums 88th Birthday today. We are doing an afternoon tea for her in our garden. All the family are coming over so there will be four generations today. I hope to get some nice photos as we are not all together that often. Have a lovely day everyone Michelle
  12. I have written to customer services about it. I made a complaint a while ago about the delay over a refund not been made to me so I had a contact. Hope she still works there!! I will have to read up on their terms and conditions and on the DDA. Michelle
  13. Hi everyone, hope you are all well and managing to keep nice and cool in the warm weather. I have just spoken to P & O to enquire about any available accessible cabins on N224 Ventura, 13 Sept 22. I was told just one cabin left E303 NC grade, select fare £516 pp. I asked what the saver rate would be, told I couldn’t have it on saver rate as I knew the cabin no. I told him it was not my fault it was the last cabin and he said he would check with his supervisor. He came back and told me no NC grade cabins accessible or not are available to book at saver fare along with some other grades? Has anyone come across this before? Michelle
  14. After reading all the discussion on check in v hand luggage I really don’t know what to do. I have special assistance at the airport anyway so I often don’t have to queue for quite as long. It’s the only time been disabled is a bonus!! I will have to have a long think about it, 10kg each for a week doesn’t seem much Michelle
  15. It sounds a nightmare!! We go in four weeks taking our grandchildren with us. Going from Manchester T2 and I am dreading it. I have been wondering whether to take just a small case each of 10kg luggage so no chance of no luggage at the other end Michelle
  16. Morning everyone, looks a cloudy day here at the moment but sun forecast later in the day so I will keep my fingers crossed. It is nice to read about all you travel experiences, even the unfortunate ones who caught the dreaded you know what which includes me. It seems lots of us also have future travelling plans which makes thing almost “normal” again whatever that might be. Not much planned for today so far except dog walking and the usual day to day stuff. Take care everyone Michelle
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