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Everything posted by Peanut006

  1. Morning everyone, hope you are all well this morning. The weather here looks sunny/cloudy at the moment. We have three grandchildren staying for three nights plus their dog. Mum and dad have gone to a wedding in Barcelona - lucky them. Hubby is just making pancakes for them all then going to take the three dogs for a walk on the beach. It’s 1940’s weekend here in Lytham so we are going to that today. It’s a good way to spend a couple of hours, lots to see. There is a marquee with a tea dance with instruction on the dances and Winston Churchill giving a speech(he looks just like him). No battle re-enactment this year in respect for Ukraine. Hope you all have a lovely day Michelle
  2. I enjoy looking at the food pictures and any other photos, keep them coming everyone. This thread is to discuss anything and I for one have bern grateful for it over the last couple of years. It has been interesting to see what we have all been up to going about our daily lives. Keep on posting everyone Michelle
  3. Oh no!! Hope you only get mild symptoms and recover quickly Michelle
  4. Sorry to hear of your positive test result. Hope you only have mild symptoms and recover quickly. Take care Michelle
  5. Morning everyone, hope you are all ok this morning. I just wanted to say thank you everyone for your kind words and support about my mobility scooter and it’s own “walkabout” adventure. Much appreciated Have a nice day everyone whatever you are doing. At last it’s a cooler now to want to do something and we have had some rain. Michelle
  6. My missing mobility scooter from my flight home last Friday has just been delivered to my house. I can get to my hospital appointment in the morning now thank goodness. Michelle
  7. I hope so because I have a hospital appointment on Tuesday and I can’t get from my car to outpatients department without it Michelle
  8. My scooter has been located It is now with a company called Firstflight who should deliver it to me. It is the company TUI use to deliver lost luggage. We tried to contact them by phone today but they do not accept telephone calls, only contact is by email so we have done that. No reply as yet, fingers crossed for tomorrow. Michelle
  9. Thank you everyone about your kind comments about my mobility scooter and it’s extended holiday. Never heard of a tracker on them before. Fingers crossed I get it returned soon Michelle
  10. Thanks Avril, I know, it’s hardly a small item and it does stand out. Michelle
  11. Hi everyone, hope you are all well this afternoon and managing to keep cool-ish. Well we landed back in Manchester yesterday from Salou after a lovely but very hot holiday with the grandchildren. They behaved fantastically well for us as well. It took two hours from landing to getting our luggage, my mobility scooter did not arrive at all. We reported it to Global Baggage Solutions and they had a look too. No joy so lost luggage forms completed. Still heard nothing and they are not taking phone calls. This is a massive inconvenience for me as I can’t get out without it. It goes in the car attached to a hoist so I can get out and about. As look after my partly sighted mum too I am feeling a bit let down at the moment. Sorry for the rant folks from a very frustrated Michelle Have a lovely weekend everyone Michelle
  12. Hope your grandchildren have arrived safely and you are all having a lovely time x
  13. How true is that!!! My daughter gives me clothes to alter for the grandchildren. I don’t understand why she can’t do it, she did GCSE textiles. It’s a sign if the times I think, younger people do not seem to “mend” Michelle
  14. Morning everyone, not a bad morning here in Lytham, a mixture of sun and clouds and there has been a odd shower. We are all packed and ready to fly tomorrow to Spain, taking four grandchildren with us. I will probably need another holiday at the end of it to recover. They are all super excited. I must admit I am dreading going through Manchester Airport even though I have booked special assistance as we are taking my wheelchair and mobility scooter. Dogs are going to dog sitter this afternoon, they love their visits to her. Hope you all have a nice day Michelle
  15. That’s warm!!! Nothing like that in the North but the grass is getting a good watering. Hope you get some rain soon Brian for the crops and plants Michelle
  16. Raining here too in Lytham St Annes. Started raining last night about 6pm and had been more or less continuous since then. Dogs had their rain coats on for walkies last night. Tomorrow looks a better day - hopefully Have a good day everyone Michelle
  17. It is lovely day here today, not a cloud in the sky and was 19 degrees about two hours ago so maybe a bit warmer now. There is a breeze but it is pleasant. A bit different from yesterday when it rained all day. Have a nice day everyone Michelle
  18. We have just got home after taking three grandchildren on mini hovercraft rides at Hoverforce near Chester. They absolutely loved it, going across marshes and lakes. A nightmare getting there though, a lorry fire on M6 closed all three lanes and we were stuck in the traffic for nearly two hours. I don’t know the outcome of the driver but hopefully he is ok. I feel fizz Friday might be happening soon…. Have a nice evening everyone Michelle
  19. A sad day for you both but also lots of happy memories Michelle
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