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Everything posted by Peanut006

  1. Hope you you have a lovely day tomorrow Graham? Are you going out to celebrate? Michelle
  2. Lovely photo of you both. Sounds like you had a fabulous day. It’s my daughter’s wedding this weekend so everything in in full preparation mode. Michelle
  3. Sorry to hear about your mum. Hope everything goes as well as it can. Muchelle
  4. I can vouch for that!! Its a beautiful morning here but feels cool at the moment, forecast 15 degrees later. Just going out to a coffee group that meets every two weeks. Disaster last time, they had got a fancy coffee machine. It made two cups and packed in. Back to the good old traditional way, make your own Have a nice day everyone Michelle
  5. Morning everyone, hope you are all well today. It’s a lovely day here today, I have been out sweeping up the leaves that have started falling. Dog walking before lunchtime, then gym then booster jab later this afternoon. Hope everyone who had been preparing for their cruise have a lovely time. Take care everyone Michelle
  6. You sound just like I was. Had the dreaded you know what in May, still coughing weeks after. Two lots of antibiotics antibiotics and steroids later I was better. Then a couple of weeks ago I started coughing again, for three weeks until they decided it was a chest infection. Two lots of antibiotics again I would say I am 90% better now. Hope you are better soon, take care Michelle
  7. I had D703 booked and I know it is an isolation cabin as a friend has been on Azura and confirmed the door just before the cabin is closed. How long for ? Who knows? They tried to sell me the same cabin on a different cruise telling me the isolation cabins are changed at times. I wasn’t taking any chances with that statement!! Michelle
  8. You sound just like I was. Had the dreaded you know what in May, still coughing weeks after. Two lots of antibiotics antibiotics and steroids later I was better. Then a couple of weeks ago I started coughing again, for three weeks until they decided it was a chest infection. Two lots of antibiotics again I would say I am 90% better now. Hope you are better soon, take care Michelle
  9. Morning everyone(just), been busy this morning, starting to tidy the garden ready for Winter. I can only do bits but I do try help my hubby if I can. Having to rest now because my back is aching. Loved reading your comments about the ice on insides of windows, fluffy dressing gowns etc. My Gran still had an outside toilet when she died in 1986!! It’s my daughter’s hen night tonight(she has already had a weekend away), going to Fazenda in Leeds. I will try remember to take some food photos!! Have a lovely weekend everyone Michelle
  10. Same happened to me after having you know what in May, two courses of antibiotics and one course of steroids to clear it. Started coughing again five weeks ago, two courses of “domestos strength” antibiotics as the Dr put it and a chest x-ray(clear) to clear it. Michelle
  11. Hope you get your water back on soon and that you start feeling better soon, it’s exhausting coughing all the time. Have a lovely time with your grandson today, I am sure he will cheer you up Michelle
  12. The battery in my key fob stopped working last week, a quick trip to the dealership, battery changed, in and out in about 20 mins Michelle
  13. There hadn’t been much posted on the thread today so while I was sat down with my afternoon coffee I thought I would catch up with everyone. I too would be sad to see the thread go, I feel like I “virtually” know you all. Michelle
  14. Hi everyone, how are you all? It’s been a pretty miserable day here, raining and very windy. There has been a bit of sun for a few minutes at a time then raining again. Bring back the Summer. Tonight we are going to see La Voix at Lowther Pavilion in Lytham. I have read lots of reports about this show on P & O discussion boards saying how good it is so I am looking forward to it. Otherwise been doing normal household stuff plus going to gym and a bit of online Xmas shopping. Take care everyone Michelle
  15. Hope your father-in law recovers quickly and is back home well before your cruise Michelle
  16. Hope you have a fab cruise and that you get a special restsurant booked for your birthday. Like you I haven’t been called for my Covid booster yet but I had my flu jab today. Michelle
  17. That is such awful service, it’s just not right in this day & age. What if someone for example is really not capable and too ill to sit on the phone for hours? I have had a chest infection for two weeks now and I am currently just about to finish my second round of antibiotics. I rang on Monday at 8am, I had a second lot of antibiotics by 11 and a chest X-ray-ray by 12. It doesn’t seem right that one area can be so good and one so bad Michelle
  18. Morning everyone, hope you are all ok. Its a beautiful morning here, taking my mum out for coffee and a bit of shopping this morning after not going out for three days. I have been coughing now for three weeks. After second trip to Drs, said I had a chest infection and to rest. Dr said she was giving me “domestos strength” antibiotics. After feeling rubbish for a couple of days I feel better today. Son, daughter-in-law and two grandchildren arriving today for the weekend so it looks like a trip to see the illuminations in Blackpool for the little ones. Have a nice day and a good weekend everyone Michelle
  19. I am sure it’s a nuisance having to re-arrange everything but on a positive note you will get some natural immunity from having Covid now plus your booster Michelle
  20. It’s a brilliant thing you do Josy but I don’t know how you do it. I bet you are on your feet as well for most of it. Hopefully a more relaxed day today for you. Take care Michelle
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