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Everything posted by Peanut006

  1. Good morning everyone, hope you are all ok today. It’s a lovely sunny morning here, hubby is out walking the dogs. The decorator should be arriving soon, he papered the lounge ceiling yesterday and is painting it today. Coffee morning group this morning for me, then hospital appointment with my mum this afternoon. Michelle
  2. Hope everything is ok for you this morning Josy. I have to take my mum this afternoon for her first pacemaker check after it was fitted in February. Michelle
  3. Good morning everyone, hope you are all ok today. I am awake Graham!!! Just had breakfast and need to start the day now as all sorts of bits of things to do. The floor in the kitchen/ dining room is finished so hubby paining that today. Indiana123 hope you are feeling ok today Have a nice day everyone Michelle
  4. Nice to have a new member posting, welcome from me too. What could be better than cruises and dogs? as well as everyone on here too of course Michelle
  5. Glad everything was good for you today Graham. My mum is doing really well, she is pretty much back to where she was. I am so relieved, she is even talking about going shopping for new clothes for her holiday(a woman thing I presume) Michelle
  6. Fingers crossed all goes well for you today Graham Michelle
  7. Morning everyone, hope you are all ok today. It looks miserable outside here today, heavy rain forecast for this morning and really windy. We had a wall knocked down between kitchen and dining room while we were on holiday and have a joiner here for next few days putting new flooring down otherwise I am not doing much today. Have a good day everyone Michelle
  8. Sorry to read this Jane but it’s also a good thing that it’s been found and any necessary action taken. For me last year DCIS was found accidentally following other surgery, thankfully now have yearly mammograms to monitor it. Hope you are generally feeling better in yourself after your fall Michelle
  9. Lovely photos from you cruise Graham, glad you had a nice relaxing time Michelle
  10. Oh heck Jane, what a day you have had. The good news is you are ok despite a headache and a bit of an un-planned day. Hopefully you will feel a bit better this morning, I am sure Ted will be giving you lots of loves and kisses Take care Michelle
  11. Good morning everyone, hope you are all ok today. It’s looking a bit if a damp and rainy morning here today. I have three grandchildren staying with us for a few days which is nice, they are all still asleep. We took them to Pizza Express for tea last night. They are going to help me with a Tesco shop this morning then I am taking them to Clip and Climb this afternoon. Have a nice day everyone Michelle
  12. It sounds like you didn’t have the best experience leaving the ship. You just can’t believe how unhelpful some people are can you? “Be Kind” seems to bypass some people Michelle
  13. Sorry to hear about your experience on Iona, we were on Arvia following you I believe. I have to say our experience was completely different, could always find somewhere to sit and the food was good. It was busy in the lifts on disembarkation day but that’s always the case on any ship. As a disabled passenger I was expecting problems but it was a very smooth procedure and straight to our coach for journey to Manchester Michelle
  14. That’s awful to come back to after such a lovely cruise. We had a similar experience, we turned on the central heating on the way home but when we got home there was no heating or hot water. We had work done on our house while we were away & after a call to our plumber found out they had turned the gas off. Richard turned it on and all was sorted thankfully. Michelle
  15. Good evening everyone, hope you have all had a nice Easter. We are back from out TA on Arvia, we had a lovely time and we liked the ship. The food was lovely, we ate in MDR, Epicurean, Green & Co(exceptional), Sindhu, Limelight Club x2, The Beach House. Our cabin was good one we got a new mattress put on the bed as it had practically collapsed at one side and I was getting awful backache. Lift etiquette wasn’t too bad from a disabled point of view with most people giving me time to get in the lifts, but I have to say they are the smallest lifts I have seen on a cruise ship, The weather from Tenerife wasn’t good with 7 metre swells, thankfully we were both ok. We met up three times with one of our CC Members, Jennizor and her husband, lovely to put a face to a name. Take care everyone Michelle
  16. Hope you have a lovely holiday, just had two fabulous weeks on Arvia, brilliant food and great helpful staff Michelle
  17. I love a Warners break, have a great time Michelle
  18. When Countryfile ask viewers to send pictures in you should send that, it’s brilliant Michelle
  19. Take care and speak to you when you return to the forum Michelle
  20. Good afternoon everyone, hope you are all ok today. We are in St Lucia today, just been on ariel tram ride, now sat outside having a beer or two. This is the view from our balcony
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