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Everything posted by Peanut006

  1. My Gran still had an outside toilet when she died in 1986!! The crazy thing is they made a small bathroom in the corner of their bedroom and only put a bath & a sink in it!! Michelle
  2. Fortunately I have got both care and financial for my mum Michelle
  3. That is just awful and terrible customer service. Hope your hubby is doing ok Michelle
  4. Thank you for the heads up on that, I appreciate it Michelle
  5. Good morning everyone on this very wet and miserable morning. Our dogsdidn’t enjoy going out this morning one little bit especially the Cavalier as she thinks she is a bit of a Princess. My mum is still in hospital, they want to send her home with carers three times a day but she can’t get to the bathroom by herself which in only about 10 feet across the ward. I think she needs to go into Rehab for a couple of weeks until she becomes more mobile and a bit stronger. She isn’t eating hardly anything yet either and refusing the ensure drinks they want her to have. I have requested the rehab ward, just waiting to hear now. I am getting a new car on Monday so have to take my mobility scooter to the company fitting the hoist in the new car today. Have a nice day everyone Michelle
  6. Have a lovely time today with your great granddaughter Michelle
  7. Hi Avril, just back from hospital now. Yesterday she was no way at all, in bed and sent us home because she didn’t want visitors. Today when I got there she was sat in a chair at the side of the bed. Drs say she can come home but there is no way she could manage at home. She has told them she doesn’t need a care package she can manage herself, in reality she can’t get across the ward to the bathroom without a nurse helping her. We have an appointment to see the Dr tomorrow afternoon. The other concern is she won’t eat, only having porridge and ice cream and is refusing any other food. I don’t know what to think really. Michelle
  8. That sounds like a lovely day, hope you all have a great day out Michelle
  9. Good afternoon everyone, hope you are all having a nice day. It’s a lovely sunny day here. My daughter and son-in-law have come over with the three boys. Boys have gone out on a bike ride into St Annes and my daughter has gone to visit her Grandma in hospital. Michelle
  10. I know that feeling, the youngest boy is 11 and eats more than me so when we take all three of them out it costs a fortune Michelle
  11. Thanks Jennizor, unfortunately the cruise is at the back of my mind at the moment but I think I will need the rest by then. Will definitely meet up with you Michelle
  12. Good morning everyone, hope you are all well. I can’t believe it’s Friday already, this week has passed in a bit of a haze. My mum came out of hospital Weds and got re-admitted into Hosp at tea-time yesterday. Fortunately the Cardiologist rang yesterday afternoon so I was able to discuss my concerns with him about her. She had pain around shoulder blade, very sleepy and not wanting to eat. She had a CT scan last night, there is a small amount of bleeding around her lung that has stopped now and small amount of air. No invasive treatment needed, just keeping her in for a few days. Grandchildren were coming to stay this weekend but it’s impossible for me to manage that too so they will stay sometime soon. Take care everyone Michelle
  13. Good morning everyone, hope you are ok today. It is a dull but fairly mild day here, forecast a bit if rain later. My mum came out of hospital about 9pm last night. We stayed overnight and I will def stay for the next few days. She is a bit fragile but hopefully will get stronger now she is at home, sleeping better and eating better. Michelle
  14. Thank you for your kind words Jane, I have spoken to the ward this morning, they might try get physio & occ health involved to help her. I have to ring again after ward round this morning to see where we are at. If she is not coming home we are going to take her wheelie walker in even to they told us not to in case it got stolen as I am sure it would help her. You are right we do not recover as quick as we get older Michelle
  15. Good morning everyone, hope you are ok today. It looks pretty miserable outside’s here, hubby and the dogs got caught out in a rain shower on their morning walk. My mum didn’t come home yesterday, they said she could but she didn’t feel ready she said. I went to see her last night and although the pacemaker is doing its job as it should my mum isn’t mobile by herself. She is not even walking to the toilet by herself yet which is only 20 feet away and she is usually up and active. I am a bit worried about this plus she is hardly eating anything which I am also worried about. She has only had one hot meal since last Thursday, she looks to have lost weight. Hopefully she will be home today. Our tiler arrived at 7.30 today, hopefully the wet room will be finished by the weekend. Michelle
  16. Thank you Graham, hopefully home today, I am going to stay with her for a few days Michelle
  17. Well I went to visit my mum this afternoon and they were just preparing her ready to have her pacemaker fitted. I certainly wasn’t expecting that but very pleased it was been done today. I have just spoken to the ward, she’s just got back onto the ward and she seems fine. I am relieved!!! She should be home tomorrow. Michelle
  18. Fjord you get on your cruise in July, to see the whales would be something very special Michelle
  19. Thank you Avril for your positive words, hopefully she will feel fantastic when it done. They said 24 hours in hospital after it’s fitted Michelle
  20. Thank you so much all my lovely Cruise Critic friends for thinking about my mum Michelle
  21. Good morning everyone, hope you are all ok today, Mum update - she is not on list today but that may change if any cancellations so I am not realistically expecting her to have it done today. More chaos here today, the rest of our furniture is been delivered as I type this now we have floors and doors Michelle
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