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Everything posted by Peanut006

  1. Good morning everyone, hope you are all ok today. It’s a lovely sunny morning here at the moment but feels cold. I am picking my three grandsons up this morning, they are coming to stay for the weekend. Not sure what we are doing today but tomorrow I am taking them swimming to Sandcastle in Blackpool(large indoor pool with loads of slides). My mum is doing really well and pretty much managing independently again apart from shopping, cleaning etc. She has done amazing. Hope you all have a lovely day whatever you are doing Michelle
  2. Lovely to see you posting Sarah. Sorry to hear about the health issues in your family, hope your mum gets her operation soon. I hear lots of good things about Flam, it is on my list of places to go Michelle
  3. That is the reason why i didn’t get a full electric Graham, I have a self charging hybrid and my hubby has a hybrid that has to be charged. I think I must be “old school” in my thinking. My new car feels like I am in a space station with all the lights and gadgets. I will get used to it though I expect Michelle
  4. She is a bit old to play tennis now but I do have a video of her playing swing ball in the garden with one of her great-grandchildren Michelle
  5. Good morning everyone, hope you are all ok this morning. It’s a beautiful sunny morning here today. Our plumber & tiler arrived at 7.30 this morning, wet room floor and shower are going to be fitted today. My mum came home from hospital yesterday. The Home Care team brought her home and did an assessment in her own home watching her do things. A carer came yesterday too to help her have a bath although she managed it by herself they were there in case she needed it. They are only coming in once a day at tea time to help her. She is doing amazingly well. I am collecting my new car at 10am this morning so looking forward to that. Sue, hope your mum is doing ok. Have a great day everyone Michelle
  6. Looks like Mrs TigerB is having lots of fabulous birthday treats, Happy Birthday to you, hope you have had a lovely day 🎂🍰🥂 Michelle
  7. I agree, York is just lovely with lots of things to do. I spent six weeks there on a training course a number of years ago, it was lovely. I can vouch for designer outlet, well worth a look Michelle
  8. Glad your mum is ok, they are a worry as I am finding out. The home did the right thing getting her checked out. Michelle
  9. I am going to set off to see her soon, I will definitely give her a big hug tonight Michelle
  10. I think you are absolutely spot on there lincslady. She likes to go out and she also just enjoys staying in relaxing too. We are taking her on holiday to Devon first week in July along with my daughter, son in law and her grandchildren so four generations going. We have made sure she has her own bedroom, bathroom and tv for quiet time for her. She has already told us she won’t be going out every day as Wimbledon is on Michelle
  11. I hope her food intake improves too, I have been to M & S food hall and got her some mini meals Michelle
  12. Thank you for your words lincslady, it explains things really well for me Michelle
  13. It’s cheered me up too Graham. Hopefully she will continue to improve, I think she will need lots of help but she is so much better Michelle
  14. Kind of you to think about my mum Graham. You won’t believe it but when I visited last night she was like a different person. She walked around the ward with my hubby using her Walker. Her mind and speech was a sharp as it’s ever been. She walked around during the day too with the physio and occ health lady. They say she can come home as soon as care is in place at home. Unbelievable, but I am very happy Michelle
  15. I would agree it’s more like a guest house, very clean though. We didn’t park there, parked at ABP. I would say it was about 10 mins to City Cruise Terminal. Michelle
  16. I am getting a hybrid for the first time on Monday. I am getting a self charging Hyundai Kona. They have introduced a new model which is quite a bit bigger than the old one so it can accommodate my mobility scooter. Looking forward to it Michelle
  17. We stayed there in August last year with our grandchildren. The rooms were very nice and breakfast was good. There is a nice pub across the road where we went to eat a meal as no food was available at the hotel. I would definitely stay there again Michelle
  18. Mum update - she is waiting for a bed at another hospital for intermediate care (respite), they have four wards at this hospital offering this so hopefully she won’t have to wait long. She is still not eating much, they are giving her protein drinks now. Hopefully they can help her with her mobility too. She has changed overnight from been totally independent to needing full time care. It is so sad to see Michelle
  19. I hope the patches work for you. I’m afraid I wouldn’t have been as polite as you managed to be, you did well to keep composed. Michelle
  20. My Gran still had an outside toilet when she died in 1986!! The crazy thing is they made a small bathroom in the corner of their bedroom and only put a bath & a sink in it!! Michelle
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