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Everything posted by Jimbo

  1. That's not a flood, that's just water damage due to a power failure. When the power goes off in cold conditions when it's off longer then 24 hours, the first thing you should do is turn off the main water supply. Only water damage you will have is when the pipes thaw. When turning back on the water check for leaks everywhere to see if any pipes expanded and broke. Most people in Dallas don't know how to handle cold weather, same goes to driving in snow.
  2. Yes, saw terrible pictures from Astor, Florida, only about 35 miles from you. Happy where we are living up on a Mountain here in Virginia, it would take ALOT of water for us to ever get flooded out. We like being outside everyday, and living full time in Florida would just be to hot for us during many of the months in Florida. We are about 3400 ft above sea level. We will get our serene Ocean viewing when we are visiting on vacations. 🙂 That's enough for us.
  3. Sneak Preview of one of the Cabinets that will be installed starting this Monday. This Cabinet design was helped by @dani negreanu and her husband (Thanks). The top opening is for the Microwave/2ndOven Combo, the middle Opening below is for a drawer and the opening below you can barely see that is for the Air Duct return. 🙂 Also this picture should give you an better idea of the color of the cabinets that we will have against the walls, the island will be a different color.
  4. How far in advance do you have to get a reservation at Gordon Ramsay's to get a table. Every time we have been to AC and try to get in a place like that there, they seemed to be booked up the day of?
  5. Little confused here, So Donna's parents will be at the wedding but you won't? If Donna's Parents won't be at the wedding anyway..........then I see no reason to not have a little wedding on one of the islands on your March Cruise....... So Donna's parents won't be at that wedding either? but a Win, Win for you because you will be on the cruise with them. 🙂
  6. Yikes !!! I'm still mowing grass in Virginia. No plow on my tractor yet...........Snow stay away !! 2" of rain yesterday, temperature was 75 degrees, North of us in Roanoke had 4" of rain. Beautiful day here today. Sunny and few clouds. Was in the Hot Tub this morning. 🙂
  7. Couldn't pay me to live there. Even to rebuild now, can't imagine how much higher it will now be there to get homeowners insurance. It's going to go sky high for all those owners. Many I assume will not rebuild, take the insurance money and move elsewhere for sure. There is no need for all the retired people to stay there.
  8. Not sure what his intention was or when the bulldozer actually got there, before the storm or during the storm. But di he have intentions of pushing the water back with the dozer or was he just going to keep pushing earth up toward his house as the waves came crashing into him from behind. What ever he was trying to do it was a fruitless attempt. You can't control mother natural if the wall between you and the water isn't hurricane strength enforced which it looks like many walls weren't. A very dangerous attempt if he was on that dozer during the storm.
  9. Trying to figure out what that yellow bull dozer(2:10 mark) was trying to do and even wondering how the heck it got down there? Just a mess, Total Destruction for some
  10. Hear any word thus far how many have Covid. Any reports from the Captain or from your roll call?
  11. Happy Veterans Day and thank you all who have served and are serving now. My Father was in the Navy, Many, Many years ago.
  12. Has there been any talk of a Gangway on a NCL Encore collapsing? It happened in Panama. Anyone have any more info on this? That had to be terrible, hope everyone gets well soon and it wasn't to serious. Looks like the fall was from deck 6 down to the ground. https://www.cruiselawnews.com/2022/11/articles/passenger-rights/norwegian-encore-gangway-collapse/
  13. I wasn't judging anyone, it's all just so unknown. Just don't know why some people say what they say. Better to say nothing about it don't you think? There is tests that can tell you if you ever had Covid in the past, No idea how much they cost or if they are covered by health insurances. Antibody (Serology) test.
  14. Just think it's way to early if years from now what effects Covid has on the people that did catch 1 strand or 2 strands of the virus..........At this time no one knows what the long term effects Covid might be for all these people that did catch the virus.............So still think it's better for people that never caught the virus. So I WISH some people would stop saying they now feel better since they eventually did catch it. I would hope people would still think it's not a good thing to have caught the virus.
  15. Any more pictures of your trip to NYC..............I see you got back in time for some heavy rains tonight. Be interesting how the docked boats across the street handle this storm.
  16. No idea, but I think it's silly every time someone catches Covid they say that's it's great now I have immunity but yet you hear people getting Covid 2 and 3 and 4 times...........So what is it?
  17. When we listed our house 2 years ago we never had any open houses but we still had 2-3 showings a day for the 1st 10 days or so. That was when houses were selling like hot cakes and the interest for loans was low. Interest rates are higher now , so sales have slowed down a lot. Our offers were all at asking price or higher. Some were even Cash offers, those offers were a little lower then asking price. Some offers even came with no house inspections. People back then just couldn't buy a house fast enough..............Lots of Buyers and fewer house for sale. It was one of the reason we thought the time was right for us to leave NJ and head south. We actually sold our house for more money then we paid for it, we had that house in NJ about 13 years, we bought the house when prices were high and thought we would never get back for what we paid for it. But we did and then some 🙂
  18. Wow aren't you the lucky one, 3 times !! Any winners for you in yesterday's Powerball? Guess your natural immunity didn't catch on yet.............Just how many times do you have to get it before you have the natural immunity?
  19. Who would think a cruise turns out to be one of those gifts that keeps on giving. 😞 Hope you feel better real soon.
  20. Quite frankly, I kind of don't want to know how much we spent on all the cruises we have been on. Kind of scary. Add in Disney Vacations, it frightening!
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