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Posts posted by tennislvr8

  1. We did the Anthem last december, about the same time you are going. It was great. We enjoyed cruising around that time so much that we scheduled another one this December. Leaving out of new york for us was an added bonus as we live in PA and was less than a 2 hour drive. Two 70 was out favorite place on the ship. We spent just about everyday in there reading and relaxing (our main reason for the cruise).


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  2. Please read above in red. It reads as though you aren't a fan of child care/day care.


    As you said in the second post I quoted everyone has a right to their opinion. This discussion is like a revolving door. You are not a fan of RC child care and others are. There is no end to this type of discussion.

    I stand corrected and apologize to you. That's not what I meant to type. What I meant was I wouldn't let JUST anyone watch my 5 yr old. Daycare is necessary, I used it for my daughter and she's using it for my grandson. Again, as I have said before,IMHO the cons far out weigh the pros in leaving your 5 yr old on a ship while you go on an excursion in a foreign country.


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  3. What are you talking about? There are tons of threads on this board researching child care on RCL and every other cruise line. The cruise lines also publish their requirements. RCL follows all of the DHS laws of the state they are departing from, and require much higher requirements for the employees than any on shore daycare and more than most schools do of beginning teachers. All employees must have a 4 year college education in early childhood education or similar, plus two years of applicable work experience. They are all CPR certified, and from my understanding have many other certifications required and do continuous education. Further, they never allow a single AO crew member to be alone with kids, everything is done with at least pairs of crew members.


    I take my DD to one of, if not the most, highly rated daycares in my city, and the adventure ocean crew members are far more qualified than the vast majority of employees there. I was extremely happy with how they took care of my 7 month baby on Liberty, and I paid lots of attention to how they interacted with me, my baby and the other kids in the club. I also showed up earlier than planned without warning most of the time. It was very nice that my wife and I could go to the gym and adult comedy while DD played and slept.


    Obviously you are just against the idea of child care. Since you are claim you are a teacher, I have no idea how you think letting your child go to AO is any different than them going to school. Except it is easier to talk to the AO staff than most teachers and the AO staff is never in a 1 on 1 situation with any child. Not to mention the ratios of kids/staff are much tighter than most schools.


    BTW: I think a lot of people choose their ship and line based on their research of child care. I will not go on anything smaller than Freedom class until my DD is older. Look how many people will pay double for Disney due to their kids programs. Every first time cruiser with kids I know has thoroughly researched the child options before booking the cruise.

    Reading is fundamental. My issue is with leaving a 5 year old on the ship in a foreign country while the parents leave the ship on an exercising. As I have said in several posts, the cons far out weigh the pros. No where did I say I was against child care.


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  4. Yes, but she specifically said she didn't want to hear about whether it was a good idea or not. That means she wants that door closed, not left it wide open. Not after she said she didn't want to hear about it. You're allowed to ask for general info afterwards, it doesn't mean you suddenly want to hear comments about something you specifically said you didn't the paragraph before. But people still talked about it and said it anyway. And no, I am not saying you did. Others did though, I'm just saying it's why she commented about things to those who did.


    So it's basically the leaving the ship you don't agree with. Which is fine, some people don't agree with that. If you're not comfortable with it, you shouldn't really. Every parent should stick to what they're comfortable with, and what they feel their child is. Others obviously will think otherwise, and are comfortable with it. That's why we have differing opinions *grin*

    Yes, I said that long ago, leaving the ship for an excursion while your 5 yr old remained behind was what I had an issue with.


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  5. Well, I know if I say I don't want information about something specific on a topic, then ask about anything else, I STILL don't want that specific thing. If you tell me it anyway then I would be annoyed by it. For example. "I am looking for a dessert. I don't want anything with Chocolate, because I hate it. Can you give me any suggestions. If you tell me chocolate, I'll be annoyed. That's exactly what happened with that.


    I should have been more clear of it, sorry. I meant they do the process on whether they will use the onboard daycare or not. They won't choose a ship based on it, but they will decide if they are comfortable using it or not. In this case, they are trusting that the cruise line, RCCL in this case, does proper vetting to get good help. Considering they handle millions of kids ever year, without many incidents, it's probably a good bet to say they're safe. I'm not sure what research there is to do at that point. If a place can handle millions of kids every year, they should be able to handle mine. *grin*


    Well. how are parents supposed to get away from their kids on that point then, if no one is allowed to watch them? Or is it only ok if a family member goes onboard? No daycares? No babysitters? A parent with no family member nearby can never do anything without them at that point.


    And yes, differing opinions are good. They give you an expanded view on things you haven't thought of sometime.

    I wouldn't tell you about chocolate if you said you didn't want chocolate. She asked what else should she know, that left the door wide open. She said she didn't want to be called a bad parent, I didn't call her that.

    I would let my 5 year old use the kids club w babysitting as long as I remained on the ship, when I leave so does my 5 yr old.

    On land, I would let someone I trust babysit my child when I needed to ship or have dinner. Not a complete stranger.


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  6. Well, with the mention of not wanting those specific opinions on whether it should be done or not, it seemed clear she was asking that to find anything else she might have not thought of in relation to the process of adventure ocean and leaving their child there. When you specifically say you don't want something, that doesn't mean she wants it when asked for anything else. Those are the comments she did not agree with.


    I disagree with that. For two reasons. One is this is also a process a parent goes through with onboard daycare. Do they want to do it and do they trust it from this company. It being on a ship, and for only a week, does not change that process. The second is some people use temporary daycares. Heck, there are places like restaurants and other areas that have childcare for parents to eat, go shopping, etc for an hour or two while they watch their children.


    I do respect your opinion to have on things, even if we don't agree with them. I am just trying to put the reasoning behind my side of it.


    I believe she was unhappy with anyone who disagreed with her, and asking what else to think of, she got just that.

    I disagree with the process a parent goes through on a ship. In all my years on CC not one parent has ever chosen a cruise based on the onboard child care. Parents do not question it at all, they take it at face value. Once on the ship, they tour but at that point its just routine. They have already decided to use the child care....WITHOUT research. Your second point. If I am at a restaurant eating, and my child is in the daycare at the restaurant, that is a HUGE difference than being on a cruise ship while I am off who knows where in a foreign country. Having said that, I do not agree with that either. I do believe parent(s) deserve time out and away from the kids. I do not agree with letting anyone watch your kids, if even for an hour or two.

    Thanks, anyone can have a difference of opinion, its how you discuss it that matters. I respect anyones right to have their opinion.

  7. She asked how the mechanics of of Adventure Ocean asked basically, not whether people's opinion of doing so matched it or not.


    Wait, you mean people have to do every single thing together in vacation? Or is that only for parents and younger kids. There is reason Adventure Ocean exists, for the very purpose of kids, older and younger, to do things on a cruise without the parents. It's good for the parents, and it's good for the kids who get to play with others their own age and their own interests.


    And millions of parents leave their children in daycare every day, with virtual strangers not at home. How is this so different?


    She may not have asked directly but she asked this, I copied it from her post: Any things I should consider with RCCL and kids staying onboard?

    She was given that, the good, the bad and the ugly...some of it she didn't agree with.


    As I said in another post, I do not believe leaving your 5 yr old on a ship ina foreign country can equate to day care or school.

  8. She asked for how it worked onboard. Not to be judged for doing it.


    As a teacher - you of all people should realize that going on a vacation with family is a wonderful thing and far better of a memory than being left home alone with a sitter. This doesn't mean that you can't use a sitter for a period of time while on vacation. The OP doesn't plan to leave her child everyday - just some.


    As for leaving her child with virtual strangers - I'm guessing that you never had children in a daycare center. On any given day - a new teachers could be responsible for caring for your child - even being the one you leave them with in the morning. Daycare parents learn to trust in the system. And it's a good thing - as once you enter elementary school - you know even less about the teachers that are with them for a full day.


    I interacted more in a week on Navigator with all 9 kids club staff members than I have with any of my sons last 4 years of elementary school teachers (who I actually TRY to get to know but can't!)


    I don't know why everyone feels the need to judge - clearly by now everyone in America who lived thru the election cycle should be well aware that we don't all think alike and that there are some stark regional divides. Is it really that hard to think that we might also have other things besides our political views that are different? No need to damn those who think differently than you....you probably wouldn't want them doing that to you....










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    That's the HUGE difference. I do not in any way shape or form equate leaving a 5 yrd old on a cruise ship while I am on an excursion with sending kids to elementary school or daycare (which involves a process most parents go through before making a choice).


    I feel bad for you having more interaction with the kids club staff on a 9 day cruise than your child's teacher the 180 days they are in school. That's a shame and should not have happened.


    I do not believe everyone on this thread is judging her. We may disagree but judging is different. Often times people misuse judge with difference of opinion. When you judge someone generally that means forming an opinion about them.... I personally have no opinion about this person. Yes, I disagree with her decision to leave her 5yr old on a ship in a foreign country while she is on an excursion. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, whether they agree or disagree. Just as she is entitled to have her own opinion and voice it about leaving her son, others are entitle to disagree and voice it.

  9. Have you met the AO staff? They are all certified teachers with college degrees. Far more qualified and adored by children than most relatives and neighbors. I think you and many others are being too judgmental and overreacting here.


    ~Cel-Cruise...who has never done what the OP is asking but totally respects that every mom (or dad) deserves a few moments to see or do something new on vacation that might not be fully enjoyed if they have to care for little people at the same time!



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    No, I have never met them. Perhaps another reason why a 5 yr old should not be left with them in a foreign country.

    Those little people are their children that they brought on vacation with them.

    IMHO, the cons FAR OUTWEIGH the pros. We will have to agree to disagree.

  10. I think that in the very first post the OP said she didn't want feedback about her decision, just about what was available. I am pretty sure that she was NOT seeking validation when this started.


    I agree with you that parents should know how to stop their children from running away - and I would bet that this poster does as well. But - being ABLE to do that - compared to WANTING to do that every minute on a vacation is a different thing. I know that if I as visiting Norway, I would want to enjoy it and actually take it all in! If I didn't think I could do that with my kids - I would definitely consider using AO for some stops.


    Your last paragraph confuses me the most - where is it being said that the OP is doing something she wouldn't do at home? Clearly - she is not one of those helicopter parents that would never let her child out of her sight!



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    She asked how it worked on RCI and I believe she was given that, even when it did not agree with leaving him on board.

    Not wanting to do that on vacation, I am sorry but you are the parent. If you don't want to do that on vacation, go without your child or stay home. Depending on the age of your child I might agree with you, at the age of 5 I don't.

    Would she leave her child with virtual strangers in a strange place at home? Not sure what part confuses you??

  11. Umm, not really. The OP wasn't looking for any validation from anyone, they had already made a rational decision on things. The only thing the OP wanted was how the kids club works on RCCL, since they had sailed on other lines and wanted to know how it was handled on this line. The rest of it came from the responses from those who sent it on a tangent on whether it was the right thing to do in their opinions.


    I do agree kids should be pushed sometimes, as it's natural to be fearful of trying out new things. I regular go with my daughter to try things out, even if she's unsure of it. Sometimes she loves it, sometimes she doesn't. All I ask her to do is try.


    I don't agree with the last though. Virtually everyone acts and does different things on vacation then they do at home. That's partly what vacation is, to get away from the everyday life and do new and exciting things you don't get to otherwise. This is true for kids, teens, young adults, adults and seniors. No, that doesn't mean doing dumb things or acting completely immoral, but you certainly are going to stretch the bounds of what you are accustomed to.

    She asked for things to consider when leaving her child while on an excursion. She got that some positive, some negative. Based on her responses to both, I stand by what I said.


    I agree with you vacation you let loose and do some things you normally would not do. But some of what I have seen parents on this thread as well as many others allow their kids to do because of the pseudosafety of being on a cruise is what I was referring to. I should have been clearer.


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  12. Thank you!!! Exactly...my chances of getting into a car crash at home and not getting to my child is far more likely than me not getting back to port. 14 cruises and yet to have an incident with excursions.


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    NONE, NOT ONE of thise mentioned, teachers, relatives, neighborswill be on the cruise ship with you and you are in a foreign country NOT AT HOME!

  13. I have read most of the responses on this thread and it's clear to me the OP was seeking validation on her already made decision to leave her 5 yr old on the ship. That was evident by the kind things she had to say to those in agreement with her and the snarky comments to the others.

    One of the reasons given for not taking her son is that he will not enjoy the excursion, even at 5 there are things we have to do that we don't want to do. As an educator, I am tried of seeing students who aren't made to feel uncomfortable or do things they don't want to do.

    Another reason she gave is because he is the type that runs off. I mean this with all due respect, if YOU can't control your 5 yr old on the excursion, what makes you think the staff will be able to safely control him. Perhaps you should stay home, stateside and on land, until you have better control.

    I will never understand how people think and do things because they are on a ship and/or vacation but would never do at home.

    This entire thread reminds me of the one from the young man who was propositioned in the spa showers....let that sink in.

  14. Am I the only who thinks some of the comments here are troubling, i. e. They speak and are taught English and they are getting over on you. I can't believe people don't understand why it would cost more for an English tour, you are in a non English speaking country for goodness sake. Speaking English is an extra and of course will cost more. Geez, common sense is not so common.


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