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Everything posted by Keith1010

  1. So for anyone with this circle who sees this first I need a screen shot so I can get this to Crystal. Keith
  2. Do you also get the additional information with the circle around it. I already followed up with Muriel but would you please take a screen shot (it might have been posted earlier but easier if someone can just do it again) showing the problem. I've already been in contact with Crystal and my contact asked if I can send a screen shot. Keith
  3. I I you are welcome. Patty’s correct. Information not on invoice or other areas we verve visibility t Keith
  4. I wish I could figure out what the pattern on this is. So far I haven't. Some people get in. Other don't or have issues. I even had one. My drop down menu doesn't show on of the USA airlines and someone else could see it. For what it is worth I've use Safari on an iMac and other than the drop down issue and the fact that I either had to click on the save button multiple times or if that failed click on the next category for the guest documentation which caused the page to turn green I've not gotten those error messages where I couldn't complete everything. Question. Do you have a TA and, if so, have you asked them to try to complete the registration? Also, could you provide more details on where you can't complete the registration? Keith
  5. Before a Crystal Cruise of New England and Canada a visit to the old Yankee Stadium to see the Yankees win plus a pre-game walk of Monument Park. Keith
  6. Very nice FlyterTalker. Thanks for sharing the photos. Keith
  7. There will be production performers
  8. I'll be wearing my Cap but outdoors. We Yankee Fans stick together. And yes bags are packed. Raady to go. Can't wait. Keith
  9. Glad to hear that some of you would like to continue seeing these. Being an OC has nothing to do with this. What does is the hat I wear along with one other person. I can't speak for the long term but near this was not something that will be posted on the Crystal Website. I am not sure if it has to do with the site or resources. Knowing many people wanted to see this information I asked in my role and Crystal was kind enough to provide this to me to share. If more of these can be put together I will share them. In the meantime at least we can see what is planned for the Serenity voyages of July 31 thru August and the voyages for Symphony in September. I view even these as work in progress as I suspect there are some holes to fill. I think what is telling is when some of us said NC would likely be a combination of many of the strengths of Old Crystal along with enhancing other areas some discounted this. Well from what we have seen they are doing just what we said. New ships will be enhanced which is a plus. Time will tell but they are bringing back Umi Uma which most enjoyed and Tastes which many felt the same way about. At the same time it looks like they are not only brining back an Italian Specialty Restaurant but something new based on the photos and description. And from what we can tell enhancing some of these venues some of whom were criticized by some Crystal Society members. I want to address one more item. Some seem to think NC can wiggle their nose and just make things happen such as putting program on the website. I am not sure if these people ever worked for start up companies which NC truly is because when it started there were no people and most things have to be built from the ground up. Well if you ever were with a start up that at the same time planned to rollout its products in very short order you would understand that not all things will be as they were in a blink of an eye, that you have to prioritize what gets done, and after rollout you will continue to improve upon them. I know this is Cruise Critic and some think they know it all. I certainly do not but having spent most of my career starting with what was a start up and then having spun off some start up subsidiaries you don't make things happen overnight. It doesn't mean you are stupid. You know long terms where you'll be but you don't wait for years until all the T's have been crossed and all the I's have been dotted. You can't afford to. Anyway, since some people really care about the programs I will see if we can get more of them. On a related note tell your friends the benefits of reading CC because yes often they can learn things here that they won't if they don't subscribe to CC or other sites. In fact, it was this word of mouth that likely resulted in many on this board becoming members of CC. Keith
  10. I agree. I know with OC on casual nights Jeans were permitted even though they were not explicitdly mentioned in the write-ups as long as they weren't torn jeans. While I agree with some that wording could be better it will never be perfect. I am reminded that when we went business casual years ago where I worked getting it all down on paper so people understood and there could be minimal deviation was next to impossible. In the end, most guests to follow or come close to the guidelines. Do all? Absolutely not as we know from not saving chair inside and outside the ship. Most don't. Some do. So it goes. Keith
  11. I hope many of you found the entertainment/enrichment listings helpful. If you do, I will attempt to post additional ones. If you don't I won't waste your time or mine or Crystal's. I didn't think it would digress into a conversation about why clergy and ambassador hosts are on board but this was mainly driven by one poster. It was funny for a moment a brief moment but between that and the put downs of the Bill Joel and Elton John shows and performances it is a bit much particularly coming from one person who hasn't even sailed Crystal for many many years. My view is they are all human beings and they are all professionals and while trashing them doesn't break any rules IMHO it is really not warranted weather in seriousness and in jest. For those who don't like a particular show or performer don't go. But I will tell you that these two shows, along with Ambassador Hosts and Clergy are back because in the case of the shows they get terrific reviews from guests and in the case of Ambassador Hosts and Clergy because guests say often how much they want both and as we've said the Catholic Priests are very much appreciated by both crew and guests. Does Crystal old and new do everything that guests want? Of course, not. But clearly in these cases new Crystal listened. Same goes for many of the program returning. Not all but many. Keith
  12. The good news is we are talking about Crystal and all of this is reminiscent of many discussions about attire. The reality is once on the ship much of this is forgotten and most people do follow the recommendations. Just as on land many places do have guidelines and most people are good about following them. But just as we see on this board some follow the guidelines while some either push it to the limit or don't follow them. The guidelines are important though as it does allow the HD's to followup when needed. I am not saying each and every time but here are times when they do. But unlike here they do it discreetly so no one other than the person who they are addressing the issue knows about it unless that person chooses to let others know. Keith
  13. Yes. They always have. Normally if there was an issue they would put a reminder in Reflections. Keith
  14. As I mentioned, Crystal was kind enough to provide enrichment/entertainment summaries for the first three voyages of Serenity and Symphony. Today, I am posting the summaries for the third voyage for each ocean vessel. Please note as in the past these are always subject to last minute changes and there could be some missing information as well. Keith Charlie Ryan
  15. Ivi, I am not sure how the program works. What I do know is when I called Crystal and I know a few others who did, they were able to confirm my Crystal Society Number which was the same and the number of cruises coincided with the number I had from our last Crystal Cruises booking with old Crystal. Keith
  16. This is one of those that I am glad that new Crystal just like Old Crystal is not a follower but a leader. Some lines eliminated these positions to sell rooms for revenue. Similarly, both old and new Crystal give up a lot of revenue rooms to have a very substantial enrichment program. This is why when another line does say something else like giving many guests inclusive laundry I always say do you want that or would you prefer less enrichment so they can offset costs with more rooms for revenue. So glad all lines are not clones like most USA airlines. Keith
  17. I will post this for sure either today or tomorrow. Keith
  18. I agree with kool kruiser. Another of the many examples where you won't please all the people all the time. Hopefully enough choice for everyone. Yes to Patty. Ambassador Hosts share rooms. Clergy do not although some clergy such as Protestant and Jewish Clergy will have a spouse with them and sometimes priests do have another person too. There will be Jewish Rabbis on selected voyages. Always remember about the Priest. They conduct services not only for guests but for the crew. This is part of enrichment. Thank goodness a lot of choice when it comes to enrichment and entertainment along with Food and Drink and most other things. Cheers Keith
  19. Ready to eat. Getting ready. Can't wait. Bags packed. Keith
  20. Yes like a wifebeater. I also agree.Wording needs work to clarify this. Much of this is not very new.. I am sure it applies to indoors. And any controversies today there were some who didn't agree with it before. I wear a cap (baseball, sports etc.) outdoors due to less hair on tip. Part of age. But I just remind myself if going to Market Place or other venues indoors to remove it. Just like views on evening attire everyone has their own views on this. On a side note, one time I am in the Fitness Center very early in the morning and a gent I know comes in to weigh himself. I guess he wanted to know his weight without clothes because as the bathroom came off he was in his birthday suit. I know TMI but clearly while not in the rules good common sense say birthday suits are not permitted other than in your own room. LOL. Keith
  21. I am sorry as I just noticed your question. It is not on line yet. Keith
  22. A little while ago I gave similar advice to ATA Hoping it works for her. Keith
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