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Everything posted by Keith1010

  1. The company I spent most of my career with was one of the originators of e-mail for commercial use. When we developed it we first rolled it out internally. This was around 1982. Initially, Managers and above had their own e-mail and non-managers shared accounts; one for each department. So I was on e-mail before most knew what it was. When my family was on e-mail each member had their own I think we had prodigy for the family and then AOL. But Prodigy wasn't formed until 1984 and we probably weren't on it for personal use for a few more years. WIth that said, where I live there are some husband and wives who share their e-mail. Less than years ago but nevertheless some share it. Then again I remember the days when cell phones rolled out that often only one family member had one. And let us forget dial-up access. We've come along way. Keith
  2. You may make it. But you might not. If it was me I wouldn't do it but I don't want to spend half the cruise worrying about it. See what other options you have. Since it is March of 2024 you won't know the flight schedules for a bit longer. Keith
  3. One of the nice things is often where I live you don't have to go to the store to purchase your food. It comes directly to you. Just kidding. But, we do have quite a few wild turkeys who have made home our community. Keith
  4. Oh yes. I've been using it throughout the winter months at least twice a week and often three times a week. I might have skipped one week when we had the ice storm but other than that I haven't closed down. Keith
  5. Continue to recover Roy and keep the sunrises going. Keith
  6. Crystal will be rolling out the capability to book excursions, specialty restaurant reservations and other reservations such as spa and salon and also provide information such as passports etc. Keith
  7. I left my heart in San Francisco. Well, something like that. Keith
  8. 10 days ago it was feeling and looking like Spring around here even though the official date for us is March 20. Just a couple of days ago our high was in the 80's (F). Lawns are getting green as they are showing growth and some trees are blooming. Well Mother Nature said, Winter is not over until I am telling you it's over so I hope this is one final reminder and we can just get over this. Thankfully, we are not having the cold and wintry weather that some of you are having but we might get one more freeze. This will confuse the landscape and even some of our other outdoor friends. The good news is by this Wednesday highs are supposed to be low 80's (F) and maybe, just maybe, we will turn the corner on cold weather, at least where I live. Keith
  9. Renderings. At the same time, in the Q&A it notes several public spaces will be updated so likely since these are renderings that this venue will be updated but as they say "time will tell" and it will be only months when this is known. Keith
  10. Happy St. Patrick's Day. The board seems quiet today and this must mean people are at the bars celebrating or resting up for a late evening. Keith
  11. Ready for some Umi Uma. Well, maybe a lot of Umi Uma. Keith
  12. Claudia, my pleasure as I know it is very important to your DH. Keith
  13. The e-mail I received was from Crystal Cruises. I didn't get one from Cruise Critic. This from the Crystal e-mail. Keith
  14. I hope so too. My guess is it will because if you are Nobu you want it to return as well.
  15. Ivi, it was first called Silk Road and then Umi Uma. Mostly different menus but we found a few similarities. Chardonnay was the same in the USA. Keith
  16. Another reminder that many things from Old Crystal continue. Not all but many. We loved Nobu from the first time we experienced it on Serenity in 2005 and then when it was added to Symphony. Although they had Umi Uma on Endeavor it was not Nobu and we knew that right away. From their Chardonnay to the food and to the service it is an amazing dining venue. Keith
  17. A couple of photos from our last visit to Marseille with Crystal which will be the embark port for the startup of new Crystal. Keith
  18. Oh well. Wish the prior postings weren't purged but so it goes. We will move forward and create new experiences and memories. Bags are packed. Ready to go. Can't wait. It will be great.
  19. This includes the Captain and one of the Hotel Directors. In addition to the wonderful crew and amenities for us it was a perfect size river vessel. The only negative on its size is it limits its itinerary. Keith
  20. Not sure why it reversed but both ships are having all their work done there otter than anything required in a traditional dry dock which will come closer to their sailings. Keith
  21. We have utilized A&K for several Private Tours. While Individual tours were pricey we found them to be some of the best tours we have taken with highly knowledgeable tour guides and professional drivers. Keith
  22. Not a surprise. As I mentioned earlier there are many cases where a ship is fully booked but rooms open up with cancellations. Same happens on flights, hotels and restaurants. And yes despite some pushback the first voyage was fully booked but cancellations occurred. I have sources too. In this case simply multiple friends who requested a rooms and at the time nothing open. When room opened up they booked.
  23. There was an ATM for sure on Serenity and if on Serenity i would assume Symphony. I took this photo in November of 2021 as someone asked if there was one on Serenity. Keith
  24. On this day nine years ago, we were In Singapore on-board Crystal Serenity during World Cruise 2014. We were on the deck to watch the arrival of Crystal Symphony. Later in the day we were able to visit Symphony. It did feel like the movie Groundhog Day as we had to go through passport control and port security twice before we could board Symphony and twice before we could return to Serenity. Despite this, we were thrilled to visit Symphony. At that point our last Symphony cruise was 2011 with a visit to Alaska. We visited with both Captains who were together, Food & Beverage Manager Norbert who assisted on Serenity a few weeks earlier until a new F&B came on-board, and I remember visited with Micah who was Concierge at the time and several Lido Deck stewards. Back on Serenity we saw some members of Symphony on board such as Paolo, Scott Peterson, Mario who back then was Maitre d’ swinging between the two ships. It was our first time with both ships in port at the same time. Another time we were on Serenity sailing Miami to Los Angeles while Symphony was sailing Los Angeles to Miami and both ships anchored for a little while which was very special as well. And in 2008 we were sailing Milford Sound on one of those unique sunny days when we rendezvoused with Asuka II, former Crystal Harmony which we sailed on our first Crystal cruise and years later while in port in Auckland, Asuka II was there as well and the last time we saw her we were in Sydney in 2019. There is something very special seeing the three ships which comprised original Crystal Cruises and the good news is we can still sail two of the three on-board the new Crystal. Bags packed………Ready to go………..Can’t wait……………. Cheers
  25. LOL. 🤫 In all seriousness, most people in the industry do sail other lines. Smart to do that for a number of reasons. And very wise across most areas of hospitality services if not most industries IMHO.
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