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Everything posted by Keith1010

  1. They have done many full World Cruises. I know they were on for the Full 2007 World Cruise and most if not all of the World Cruises we were on. Keith
  2. We actually don't agree on the issue that it was fully booked at one point. As to today, I haven't heard from anyone who tried to book so I won't comment on today's availability unless you tried to book today and can share your actual experience. What time tells you is that bookings change up until the cruise begins. That is the case on every cruise I have ever been on including NWP and WC 2015 when things changes up until the last minute, That is reality.
  3. Great to hear that. When you try to book and nothing is available it doesn't mater what a reliable source has to say. Nothing is static so if something is sold out and one or more people cancel then there is availability. If this has never happened you are very lucky. But it does happen across flights, hotels, cruise lines, tours and a multitude of things.
  4. Simple. A good friend of mine tried to book Serenity. When they tried no rooms were available. They didn't just ask about any category. At the time they asked if anything was available. I take them my friend at their word.
  5. No first sailing was sold out and not by category but people do cancel. I know some who did and moved bookings to other cruises. It happens. It happened on NWP and WC 2015 and happens all the time.
  6. Yes there was a report on it. Google is your friend. You just have to work hard to find it. I found it before he purchased the two ships this gave me confidence back in the day when I said I am hopeful.
  7. I know you are a very seasoned cruiser. As such, you probably know that there are times a ship is fully booked. Even a hotel. Even an aircraft. It is booked. No room. Then people cancel. Then there is availability. Then people can book. Does this happen? Yes. Does this mean you are mislead? No. It happens. And Crystal never said they were fully booked. My advice to everyone is whether it is a hotel, flight, cruise line, sporting event,, clothing, or anything just keep checking because if one one or more people cancel you might be able to book it or for merchandise purchase it.
  8. No one has been mislead. And who really cares. People broke cruises and sometimes they are fully booked but this changes if people cancel. I feel like we are back in Junior High School with some of the comments. But so it goes. Read post 11. Keith
  9. Do the research before just saying. Manfredi did sail on a Crystal vessel and was very impressed. We were too. And the rest is history. By he way on Serenity the list of major milestones was displayed on Deck 6 and not by a restroom. On Endeavor although they really mess up on the list it was not near a restroom either. I do have a list because I took photos of those who have 100+ sailings. For me it brings some tears to men eyes as at least 30 of those listed are not with us anymore. Keith
  10. I did hear from some guests trying to get on the first voyage along with a few other people that it was sold out. However, I am reminded that a certain percentage of rooms do get cancelled on any voyage as plans change. Even the first voyage of NWP and WC 2015 where they were selling like hot cakes and had waitlists had some rooms open up. If everyone who booked and didn't cancel cruise lines would not have implemented administrative fees. Keith
  11. Since the OBC is not cash, I am 99% sure (maybe even 100%) you spend it or you lose it. In other words, spend, spend, spend. Keith
  12. Trying to get the thread back on its original subject I will provide another comparison. World Cruise Segment 2024 from Miami to San Diego 16 nights. Saphire (Former PS) Total Double Occupansy 29,740.00 or $1,860 per diem. Grand Voyage 2022 Miami to Los Angeles 14 nights (Former PS) Total Double Occupancy $29,936.00 or $2,138.00 per diem I haven't yet seen the pricing for the full World Cruise. When I do I'll compare one of the categories for that one with the original 2022 World Cruise before it became a Grand Voyage. What I have learned so far is the price comparisons do vary based on type of accommodation booked, and whether or not it is for two people or one person. This is why some people say current pricing is similar to previous pricing, somewhat greater, somewhat less whereas in other cases they say a lot higher. Is anyone wrong? No. It's example of the devil is in the details. Keith P.S. In the old days for all cruise lines if you kept the brochures you would have the pricing. That all changed when pricing was shown on-line versus in hard copy print.
  13. I am not sure if you are serious or not but there won't be a casino and putting the furniture there was not to buy time for a casino. Will the space eventually be used for something else, that is anyone's guess. A casino, I would wager (no pun intended) that a casino is not in the cards (again no pun intended). Keith
  14. I would post this on the Ports Of Call Board. Also check out Trip Advisor. Keith
  15. The cruse is sold out. Keith
  16. Thank you for posting this. Some ports do a great job updating their sites such as New York, San Pedro, Sydney. Some are very slow. When it is posted is not up to the cruise line but up to those who manage the port websites. Keith
  17. I think they need to reword this so it is clear smoking is only allowed inside the ship in one area. In terms of outside, smoking was permitted on the back of all the passenger decks, on one side of the outdoor pool and on the top deck. Can't remember about the promenade deck but they removed the ashtrays. I did ask about this earlier today and they are still working through the designated areas but I can't think of anymore areas than they had before. Keith
  18. Last Friday Crystal added frequently a section to their website (found at the bottom of the site with frequently asked questions. I recommend continuing to visit the site as more information is added. https://www.crystalcruises.com/faq
  19. If your cruise does not include Victoria Island i would go over there. The downtown area is charming and there is Butchart Gardens to spend a few hours strolling. I would visit Stanley Park which you can walk to from downtown. About a 45 minute walk and also walk around Gaston (downtown) and Canada Place where the ships dock. Also visit Granville, Island. A nice place to walk and to enjoy lunch or dinner. Keith
  20. Maybe but if this is all about positive I would never have started this thread. Regardless we have another thread comparing pricing between cruise lines. A great opportunity to compare lines and for everyone to praise or criticize another line. Sad that we have to beat this to death. for those who want to make every thread about Crystal a comparison to other cruise lines mission accomplished
  21. This is not a positive thread. Just simply comparing current pricing to previous pricing. It actually could be a factual thread. Price today x dollars. Price in 2018 y dollars.
  22. A thread that is focused on comparing new Crystal pricing to previous Crystal pricing does not need a comparison to another cruise line. Likewise on the SS board if someone asks how ,any formal nights on a SS cruises they do not need to know what other cruise lines do. This is not my first rodeo.
  23. You do know this is not my first rodeo so I am very familiar with CC. If I want to know about other cruise lines I know to go to their boards. And I have. All threads on this board do not need to turn into comparisons with other lines. Next.
  24. I am just stating fact. And yes after I posted that this was about Crystal a very nice poster started a new thread. Mariners has it right. And I do not ask for posts to be deleted. but if I want to learn about Silversea, Seabourn, Regent or any other line I know to go to their boards.
  25. Choice is good but this thread was supposed to be about Crystal pricing of today versus prior pricing on Crystal. There is another thread comparing pricing on multiple lines that is the thread that one can compare. With that said some of the posts do remind me of grade school. Mariners gets it. Keith
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