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Everything posted by livingonthebeach

  1. Whole Foods here in Florida sells a similar wine called Pierre Sparr, Cremant D'Alsace Brut Reserve.
  2. I believe he said that in jest - emoticons to show humor. I agree that we should be in charge of tipping when it comes out of our own pockets but calling RCI thugs is pretty harsh, don't you think? They do give you the option to remove them and pay as you like.
  3. I don't know at what point, if any, the stewards are told that the gratuities are removed. Would he have been upset if these young people left him a big cash tip instead? It just seems odd to me that stewards would be told -- those auto grats go to the waitstaff and other service people as well. Are they also all told grats were removed? Does the whole ship know? I'm not knocking your experience just that in all practicality I don't see how this would be a common practice -- that's all.
  4. I could be mistaken but I seriously doubt that the room stewards are privy to any information concerning passengers' accounts. Whether one prepays, pays the daily gratuity or opts to have them removed under the guise of paying cash at the end, is not something I believe gets communicated to those providing onboard services. Imagine the time it takes to create such a grapevine? To what end?
  5. Thanks -- hopefully it will be a stop for our cruise of the 13th out of Miami.
  6. Since Chef's Table is a 3+ hour affair, the server has plenty of time in between courses to go to the MDR to fetch some lobster tails. As mentioned before, these warm water tails are hardly worth it -- you would be better off saving your appetite for the Chef's Table offerings.
  7. The Key is advantageous when it is only a few dollars over Surf and Stream and you are traveling solo. Otherwise, like others have pointed out, it is not worth it. I wish RCI would credit the 24 hour Diamond benefit to the cost of the internet package -- but they won't.
  8. What you describe seems to be the most likely scenario, in my view. Maybe the vendor and RCI need to find a better way of syncing.
  9. We will be on Grandeur that is scheduled to dock there on November 14. The cruise continues to Labadee then returns to Miami. What is concerning is that while there are many shore excursions for Labadee and Miami -- there are absolutely none for Key West. I wonder if this is a sign we sill skip Key West?
  10. As I have stated, over and over and thrice over again, I give very generous cash tips. I just erased the rest of the stuff I had in store for you!
  11. Really? And you care to comment on my travel experiences which have probably been less exciting than yours?
  12. Yes maybe not every day but often. Criminals target the most vulnerable unfortunately.
  13. Wow -- thanks for sharing. I think things have changed a bit since then but then not by a whole lot. I agree that maybe this country needs to take cues from the European Model of having tipping included.
  14. I would never patronize those places. Sorry that you did.
  15. Yes I definitely have --- I live in a tourist resort area and there are many "junk" fees added and no idea where they go and certainly abusive but they are usually just a few dollars and not the fees that RCI charges on a daily basis.
  16. Agreed. But why don't just include whatever tip (and tips are optional), in the cruise fare then we wouldn't be having this conversation would we? Not bragging but since we live in a tip culture and cash is king aren't we doing what we usually do? Really?
  17. Understood, that was your experience but that's not how it works everywhere else. I also worked in a restaurant and know that not all of them operate the same way.
  18. Thanks for sharing this. Now we know that the tips are not spread out shipwise -- only commissioned employees get tips. Interesting that he says that employees on American cruises get more tips than on Asian, European or Australian cruises. The US is has more of a tip culture and those tips are usually more in cash.
  19. Tips in our society have always been optional. In some countries in Europe tips are included and in Japan you don't tip at all. I really don't care what RCI spends on their costs to do business and what they charge me for my overall cruise but when they tack on some phantom tip charge that I don't know where it goes, I would rather pay generous cash to those that provide service directly to me, YMMV.
  20. I have to believe that when I go to any restaurant and tip my waiter/waitress it goes directly to them and not to the owner to be divided by some unknown formula to contribute to the busboys' and dishwashers' salaries.
  21. The problem some people have is that there is no way of knowing exactly where the gratuities go and how it's broken down. Like some others, I bring lots of cash and tip generously. I do have a problem with RCI charging me daily for something that is far from being transparent.
  22. I didn't either and I hopped on the local bus not knowing where in the heck it was going. Never saw any bad areas at all. I loved the pink sand and all the shades of blue and green waters. It was way more upscale than some of the islands in the Caribbean, IMO and nothing like some of the 'hoods in Miami.
  23. I've been on several transatlantics (precovid) and they were loads of fun! I don't know what the situation is now. I imagine the countries visited would have different CV19 requirements. I met a lot of lovely people on the TAs I've taken and would do it again in a heartbeat when the CV19 thing gets more relaxed.
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