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Everything posted by Tothesunset

  1. I must admit to an outsize hypocrisy over P2P/D2D. I deplore the D2D concept, not for itself (even though the included elements carry a huge mark-up), but for its promotion at the expense of those of us who prefer to make our own arrangements. And now I've only gone and booked an expedition cruise on the Wind which is only offered in D2D. In my defence, it was an offer from a UK agent that was hard to refuse. But I can't help but feel slightly soiled by being a traitor to the Provisional P2P Army.
  2. What? D2D only? Or P2P on equal terms like in the before times?
  3. Ooof! That's a kick in the gut. So the price guarantee now, presumably, is only on D2D fares? They really don't like independent travellers any more. Another customer lost?
  4. We've been looking after No 2 son's Irish Doodle for 3 weeks while he's been busy adding to South Africa's GDP on his honeymoon. Thankfully, he gets on well with our 2: Waiting excitedly for our granddaughter to arrive!
  5. Brazil is a stunning country. They aren't too bad at football, either!
  6. Indeed. Mrs TTS still remembers the floral circlet you made for her on her birthday. Our first and most memorable cruise.
  7. If British politics of the last 6 years were made into a film script, no producer would touch it because it would be just too unbelievable. British politics needs to hit control-alt-del and reboot with a general election.
  8. Cameron then May then Johnson then Truss. Who's next in that sequence? Hanibal Lecter? Coco the Clown? The Chuckle Brothers?
  9. You'll have yourself a great wee cruise, so you will.
  10. I'm playing "Name that Car" but failing abysmally.
  11. You guys should complain! We UK taxpayers pay the government up to 45% to manage our money and they lose the lot.
  12. On a similar point - UK veterans wouldn't normally wear Awards and Decorations, or Miniatures outside a military event. On recognised national occasions such as a state funeral or wedding, Remembrance day service or parade, or a similarly significant event, medals are widely worn. Also, direct next-of-kin may wear the late owner's medals at such occasions where they are representing that late relative but the medals would be worn on the right side, not the left. For serving members medal ribbon bars are worn on formal dress, the medals themselves only when stated by the relevant event's admin instruction. To see a UK vet flashing the tin on board ship would make me wince. Yes - I can be this boring!
  13. Don't know how it works in the US but wearing a UK military mess kit outside the military environment would require special permission from the relevant military authority. I'm sure it will be fine - you guys are much less stuffy - but I'd hope no RN, Army or RAF retirees would do the same - I think it would just strike us as wrong, somehow. (I'm a retired RAF Officer, BTW.)
  14. Who is Dawn? Why is her temperature important?
  15. Democracy: The tyrrany of the minority by the majority.
  16. If you really want to escape the things that harass you, what you're needing is not to be in a different place but to be a different person. Lucius Annaeus Seneca
  17. We haven't entered the EU except for going ashore on Brest in July from the SoA. There were no formalities at all. My son and his wife went to Stockholm in June. He passed straight through the EU channel with his Irish passport but she had to queue with the other great unwashed. 45 minutes he had to wait for her!
  18. However, remember that the white jacket would be infra dig outside the tropics. More Northerly or Southerly latitudes would be better served by the purple ensemble.
  19. While we tend to use the phone for boarding passes, tickets etc, I always carry a hard copy of those same items. A4 never runs out of battery or signal!
  20. She was a remarkable woman. I doubt if we will see her like again.
  21. As of a minute or two ago we now have a King and Queen Consort.
  22. Not just old people but also the blind, those with impaired dexterity etc cannot reasonably be expected to use a smartphone, at least not without assistance.
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