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Everything posted by Tothesunset

  1. As a broad rule of thumb: If you would replace "who" with "he" then you use "whom" where you would use "him". For example: Will he win? Who will win? It was taken by him. It was taken by whom? You got it from him? You got it from whom? Good enough for government work. 😏
  2. Dative singular = foro Forum, as a second declension noun, has no ae ending in any case or number. English doesn't have declension as in Latin which is why we need prepositions such as in. So forum has 2 forms in English: Forum - singular Forums - plural.
  3. Exciting day for Mrs TTS today. She had spinal surgery 2/52 ago and has, justifiably, been feeling somewhat sorry for herself so I wanted to get her something that would cheer her up. So...after much searching I finally found a piece of Clarice Cliff pottery that I knew she would like but it took longer than I'd hoped to acquire said piece. Anyway, it arrived today and she hasn't stopped smiling since! I don't know how well-known Clarice Cliff is over the water but she was a potter who, in the late 1920s, proved so sought after that she was set up in her own factory with a group of women ceramists. Quite something for the time. She created her Bizarre range - art deco influenced - which has become very collectable. Strange how a bit of decorated, fired clay can, 100 years on, give so much pleasure.
  4. Happy birthday, dear lady. 70? Nearly out of adolescence.
  5. We are actually doing an exped on the Wind in 2024. After some time apart and trying different partners maybe we'll get back together again. Unless, of course, this silly D2D at the expense of P2P persists. Some differences are irreconcilable. All relationships are give and take but with D2D the 'take' outweighs the 'give' .
  6. Bye bye, Silversea. We had some good times but are growing apart. Maybe it's time we each went our own way.
  7. Don't know. Upbringing?
  8. And? That's not a point that adds greatly to the argument. It seems he is annoying many people currently on the Wind. More importantly, it would seem that other passengers are having their enjoyment of the shop spoiled by an ignorant slob. How can that be defended?
  9. So how long is it reasonable to annoy other passengers?
  10. So only the very most offensive thing should be worthy of note with less offensive things being ignored?
  11. It is if done without consideration to those around - as with Mr Sense-of-Entitlement on the Wind.
  12. Here's something that annoys me: Silly plates. What I mean is the trend for pretentiously described food to be served on something other than proper crockery. You know, pieces of slate, wood, other unlikely platters. Why? Just why?
  13. Non-alcoholic beer? Carbohydrate-free potatoes? Protein-free steak? Don't know about spirits but they had a very drinkable low-alcohol lager on our last SS cruise.
  14. If you really want to kick the ass out of the system, take all your dirty laundry with you when you board.
  15. If anyone were looking for the definitive first world problem...
  16. On the other hand, you haven't met me yet.
  17. Dealing with trick or treaters is easy enough. They don't realise the shotgun isn't loaded.
  18. It is worrying to read people's recent experiences of post-plague SS. I think we all understand that there are some things that have changed, largely due to staffing and supply problems but I feel this is compounded by a strange new pricing policy, a heart-stoppingly high increase in per diem rates but mostly I think SS has over-reached with its fairly rapid increase in fleet size. Normally we have 2 or 3 future bookings but now have just the one (with SS) and only because we got an offer we couldn't refuse. We do have future bookings on another line. I really hope SS is just going through post-Covid teething troubles but just get the sense that corners are being cut and that the admin support is trailing behind the line's ambitions. Hope I'm wrong.
  19. Looks like the price guarantee really doesn't apply to P2P. From the Ts & Cs on the UK site:
  20. No!!! Don't go giving away SS's best kept secret.
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