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Everything posted by Vict0riann

  1. I just took a little nap. Last night we had a lovely dinner at The Modern and I had my favourite thing, moules frites. I am usually a bit nervous of mussels when traveling, you never know if a bad one will appear and take you by surprise! And then I had a chocolate mousse, which kept me awake for a long time So I needed the nap. We did the HoHo bus and the canal ride this afternoon. The boat tour was really interesting. The bus was meh… it looks like Pat’s bag is still at Heathrow, but I’m still hoping it will appear in Copenhagen later this evening. The hotel lady says they do deliveries all night, but if it isn’t here by check-out, we will head for the airport and try to find it. The AirTag app has a way of telling you if you’re getting closer. I hope. Gerry is that $2300 a Canadian thing? I don’t see that much for the EU, just a few hundred, and evidently it can take months or never appear at all…. Pat has filed a claim though, to get started. Still hoping for the bag, though. my best to you all!
  2. Crack of dawn, is it? I’ve never made it this early on the Daily 😊. I always respect my country! We just came back from the Magasin du Nord, and replaced a few items, in case Pat’s suitcase never appears. What a beautiful store! Kind of like Macy’s or Niemann -Marcus (sp. ? My autocorrect keeps changing it. ). now we will try for a ride on the Copenhagen HoHo.
  3. I’m not sure if it’s still Thursday where you are - it’s Friday here in Copenhagen. I’ve just skimmed the Daily and thinking of you all. We flew in safely yesterday, just a little under 2 hours late. I think the rule is if it’s more than 2 they have to do reimbursements , so of course they didn’t bother to load all the luggage, in their hurry to get away. My bag made it but Pat’s didn’t. We’ll be heading out today to buy a few things. Copenhagen has never worked for us - last time we were here, DD’s purse was stolen, passports, money, phone, cameras, credit cards, everything gone! We spent the next day getting to embassies, getting police reports, etc., and setting her up to wait, alone, for a new passport. She missed St. Petersburg, a regret for her. Perhaps on a third try, we’ll have more luck. It might be an interesting place to visit!
  4. @StLouisCruisers, so sorry to hear about Buddy. My condolences to the family. we are at Heathrow now, we got in early to have our Covid tests. Fortunately, negative, but they would only send an email with the results and there’s no QRcode. Hope HAL will accept it.
  5. We were in 5108 on Koningsdam, and the room was very quiet, although it backed onto the elevators. We really liked the location, midship . It was fairly spacious, and except that I would have liked to see out, it was a good room. I thought I would leave the TV on all night showing the outside of the bow, but it would not cooperate and always shut off after a few hours.
  6. Good morning Dailyites! It is afternoon here, but never mind. It is 84 here in Kingston upon Thames, I think that’s the coolest it has been since we arrived. It was quit pleasant when we walked out for a cappuccino this morning. We have checked out of our hotel and are just waiting for our 1 o’clock taxi to take us to the airport hotel. We’ll have an early morning tomorrow, and figured it would be wisest to be near Heathrow. sorry to hear that Covid is affecting Dailyites again. Prayers for Graham’s Sarah, Camilla and family, and everyone with near and dear who has contracted the dreaded Covid! Hope we pass our tests tomorrow with definite negatives! There were a few peoples weren’t able to see here because they either had, or had been exposed to it.
  7. Good morning, Dailyites, from a hot and steamy Kingston. We begged off going in to London with my cousin, she decided to go without us, so we will just meet up for dinner. We went for a walk to the large Bentalls shopping centre just around the corner. Sixty years ago , probably this month, I bought my wedding dress in Bentalls in Kingston. It’s not the same any more, and even though it’s still called Bentalls Centre, the big shop in the mall is Fenwick. Looks like the mainstay in a lot of the shops is at least hats and “fascinators “ - no wedding dresses , though. Fenwick hats John Lewis hats Street art in Kingston Sunset on the Thames last night where cousin Eleanor went today
  8. Sorry to hear the recent news about Roy’s cousin and Melisa’s brother. Sad news. At least a bit of good news that it’s not a DVT, Sandi, hope you do get a proper diagnosis pdq. I feel silly complaining about temps in the 90’s when others are way up in the 100’s! But this is a dirty old city, there seems to be no fresh air anywhere. I had a really bad time on the busses yesterday, I could hardly breathe with a mask on, eventually had to take it off, no one else was wearing one, although there were signs up to wear them. I did cancel our outing to the Tower, DC agreed, but said she would go in anyway, just to see Superbloom. We’ll meet up for dinner. It was very pleasant last night for dinner along the river, outdoors.
  9. Is it still morning there? Anyway, good morning, or happy Monday. Thinking of you all, and prayers for those needing them . Hopefully not a DVT, @StLouisCruisers, what a worry, and @kazu, hope the toe gets better quickly. Funny how we don’t even think about them until they get hurt! I had a little cruise this morning on the Thames, between Kew and Hampton Court with my cousin. It would have been enjoyable if it hadn’t been so hot! tomorrow we’re supposed to do the rest of the river down to the Tower and look at Superbloom in the moat of the Tower. I don’t know if I can do it, it’s supposed to be even hotter. We docked at La Goulette in 2011 on Eurodam. We went to Carthage and Sidi bou Said, the souk in Tunis, the museum, the military cemetery and other places, including a carpet place, of course. Dd bought a carpet which she still loves. I tried to download a few pictures but my phone is having difficulties, or maybe it’s the internet.
  10. Doesn’t often happen that I’m here so early in the day! Thanks for the daily news. Rich , I noticed on the Live From post by zgscl that the When and Where on the ships has been replaced by The Daily Program. I wonder if they got the idea from your threads!
  11. Good to know about the tetanus shot. I had quite a reaction to the DPT, maybe it was the pertussis serum that did it.
  12. Do they do just tetanus shots now? A few (well, many…) years ago I was on a stepladder in a large rhododendron, doing a bit of pruning, and I disturbed a paper wasp nest. They started buzzing around me, and I automatically swatted at one near my face, with my pruners. I hit myself, fortunately my eyebrow protected my eye, but I split my eyebrow, checked my records and I needed tetanus. But I had to accept a DPT shot, they only made it as a cocktail.
  13. Good afternoon from a hot Kingston! So often when we have visited England, we have brought a heat wave, and this visit is no exception! It was 27 yesterday , and I think even warmer today. I am not enjoying the walking even though the river is very interesting. I did over 12,000 steps yesterday, and I’m paying for it today. I am taking it easy today, Pat will go for a walk and check out the train station and the bus depot. We are going to take the train to New Malden to visit one of Pat’s old friends from many years ago. Yesterday we had lunch with Pat’s cousin John, at the French Table in Surbiton. A delicious lunch, but we couldn’t get taxis and all the walking just about killed me! The wifi in the hotel is very intermittent, and a lot of the time I can’t “like” or post, but I’m thinking of you all. I’ll try to give you a glimpse of all the goodies we have been eating. In Gander - moose stroganoff and “DutchBaby” At the French Table, lamb, vegetables and a crème caramel for dessert
  14. Thanks for the Bon Voyage message, and we are already voyaging - got to England a few days ago. They’re having a heat wave. Looking forward to getting to cooler places.
  15. Coming from the west coast, it is difficult to fly to Europe and takes much longer to recover than flying west, I have found. Fortunately for us, this time we broke our journey in Newfoundland, slept a lot, and I plan to do a lot of napping during our week in England before we join the Nieuw Statendam in Copenhagen. We have booked a cruise on Rotterdam in April next year, so I want to hear all about her! Thanks for your Live From.
  16. The whole lobster , if they have it, is amazing! (No extra charge in Sel de Mer)
  17. It’s Friday here in Kingston upon Thames, and I’m up early, having a coffee in our hotel room while Pat sleeps. Our plans are changing, as Pat’s friends that we had planned to visit have Covid after a cruise, and a cousin in Tunbridge Wells is looking after grands, one with Covid, so they are off the list, too! We will be able to sleep away the days and get ready for our cruise. very few people are masked here, but we are trying to be very careful, we have appointments to be tested at Heathrow before our flight to Copenhagen. What a mess everything is for flights and airports here. We’re thinking of booking a backup flight to Copenhagen on another airline out of a different airport, maybe Stanstead. Even if we lose our testing appointments. our neighbour who was just on the NS said her flight home was cancelled, she had to stay over a night and find another airline. This is not a good summer to be traveling in Europe. But I’m so excited to be heading for a cruise that has been on our bucket list for years. My plan is to carry all the name tags and holders for the M&G in my carry on, can’t afford to lose them! We have over 90 signed up, the cruise before ours has had their M&G , I don’t think their list was quite as long as ours, but fairly long, and only 10 people showed up. I hope ours goes better! We’ve been to Corner Brook on a driving tour of that part of NL . Wonderful island!
  18. We made it to Halifax in the pouring rain. Sorry Roy won’t have a nice day for touring here. Now we have 6 hours to wait for our flight toLondon. I think we will just hang out here, rather than heading out into the weather. Pat has gone on a recce- a lot of places seem to be closed. @StLouisCruisers, sorry about Buddy, I’ll pray he is comfortable. And for the rest of the family.
  19. Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks for the lists, recipes and news snippets! We enjoyed Geiranger too, I have pictures somewhere. DD was on the cruise with us, that made it special. Pat had an email from a friend in England, who we had hoped to see, that he got Covid on a cruise and is isolating. One down! We are heading to the airport soon for our flight to Halifax - Roy, we should have made plans to meet up! Although we will probably stay in or near the airport as we leave at 10 pm for our flight to Gatwick. I found a plant here in Newfoundland that I had never seen before, “goowiddy”, a low-growing ground cover with pink flowers. When you look at it closely, you can tell it’s a rhododendron!
  20. DD was on duty as an ATC in Vancouver on that day. She said it was a giant parking lot!
  21. Absolutely! Shoppers called Victoria, and immediately gave him 30 days’ worth. Easy peasy! Thanks for thinking of us.
  22. Hello from beautiful Gander, Newfoundland, we are having a great time! Lobster yesterday, and moose stroganoff today. We are so lucky that DD ‘s boyfriend is a great chef, he reminded us while we watched Come From Away that he cooked for three days after 9/11, kosher chili! We went to the Aviation Museum this morning and saw the piece of the Twin Towers that was sent to Gander in thanks for all they did. the restaurant yesterday nearTwillingate Typical scenery! Planes converging on Gander, 9/11 E49D82FF-9F99-45AE-906D-D2DB52697C28.MOV
  23. Good morning from sunny, but windy Gander. We finally made it here (with bags) at 4:15 a.m. Pat and DD are still asleep, it’s almost noon here. Thanks for the Daily news. Today we’re going to take it easy, tomorrow I think we’re going to Twillingate for whale or iceberg hunting, and then a proper Newfoundland lobster supper. I’m looking forward to that! I have to recommend AirTags during this risky time for luggage. I was able to track our bags as they moved around with us. Montreal airport definitely was short staffed. There were cheers when pilots or cabin crew arrived for flights, and it took over an hour for them to find people to load the luggage onto the plane. We were supposed to leave at 8, but kept getting delayed until 11:30. We finally took off at 12:45. Pat has to shut up about my forgetting my glasses when we left! When we went to take our evening meds, he discovered he had brought an empty bottle of one of his BP drugs! We will have to see if he can get a refill here. Thinking of you all today, Happy Fourth of July tomorrow, in case I’m not around.
  24. We are in Montreal, Pierre Elliot Trudeau Airport ( much easier when it was plain old Dorval!). Our bags are here, too. Dd gave us AirTags and I have been able to track them when we have internet. It is poor in the airport, and I haven’t been able to sync my Fitbit. The joys of technology. thinking of you all. Hope this posts…. I haven’t been able to like.
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