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Everything posted by pinotlover

  1. Go to your Roll Call and check. It will be posted there, not here.
  2. How about this? I don’t care what you tip. You should likewise care less about how or how much I tip. Please tip as YOU feel appropriate and in your conscience correct. You don’t know how Oceania distributes paid gratuities and they aren’t going to tell you. Get over it.
  3. In our tv, with current sailings, if you went to a specific menu, it stayed there for as long as you want. Not sure which screen you’re viewing.
  4. Cute play on words! 👍. Actually they only changed the dosage. The Brix at picking remained the same mostly.
  5. You can likewise thank the Brits for Brut Champagne. The early champagnes including Limouix were all very sweet. The favorite of the Russians was sticky sweet at 330 g/l sugar after dosage. The Brits wanted something different and more food friendly and pushed the dryness to Brut. Now we have extra Brut and Natural with between 0-6 g/l of added sugar dosage.
  6. True on the Swiss village. You otherwise give Champagnes too much credit. Sparkling wine was first developed by the monks in Limouix at St. Hilaire monastery in SW France in 1531. A Century and a half later, the Brits were buying rot gut still wine, with sugar added, from Champagne. In the heart of the “mini Ice Age” the French couldn’t get their grapes ripe, thus sugar was allowed to be added. The Brits decided to try something, almost anything, to get those wines to taste better, so they opted for the methods from Limouix . It was a decade after that the monks in Champagne started doing the process themselves. Dom Perignon by no way invented the sparkling wine of the Champagne area, but he did work feverishly at improving the production techniques and quality of the wine. Lots of funny stories after that of exploding bottles and dead yeasts.
  7. The market moves daily, however Oceania often hedges and sets its exchange rates for tours a year in advance. Sometimes the exchange rates appear very good, other times not.
  8. The blue top Monopole has all three of the grapes, but is primarily Pinot Noir. This gives it a nice fruity flavor and texture. The Pinot Meunière is present but in a far lower percentage than Germain.
  9. With the very maybe exception of Waves, I doubt you’ll ever get the wine steward to bring you margaritas mix to diy your drink. You’ll need to bring the mix in yourself with you.
  10. Yes. But. To be a Brut, the addition of 6-12 g/l of sugar in the dosage is allowed. For Extra Dry, it’s 12-17 g/l. Some people’s Brut can be very near another’s Extra Dry in added sugar. Thus is the case of Germain. Per Champagne regulations, the wine can only be made from three grape varieties:Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Pinot Meunière . Many champagnes use primary one or both of the first two, with sometimes 20% or less of the third. Germain uses only Chardonnay and Pinot Meunière . PM has and adds a very distinct flavor to the bubbly which many don’t particularly like. It’s large presence in Germain is one reason many don’t like it. Add 1 & 2, and you have a very unpopular wine.
  11. A total waste of breath. You are not going to teach manners, etiquette, or medical safety measures to Oceania aged population. They either practice them or they don’t. Case in point; even with constant urging from the staff on scene, look at the people that refuse to use the provided hand sanitizer then grab and use the railings on the gangway. Something so simple, and they won’t do it.
  12. A significant reason for SM is to either replace customers like us, or just squeeze more money out of us. It will be enlightening to see the new release of cruises in the next mon+. We’ll then be able to analyze the cost of this new Program without the sales gimmicks. Oceania may well successfully drive away current customers to make room for more profitable ones.
  13. Maybe a quarter (25%) of the passengers even read their Currents. Most ignore, and are totally oblivious to any and all CD or senior staff announcements. If you want to protect yourself, YOU must take the necessary precautions and not count on your fellow passengers in any regard. A sad state of affairs, but the way it is.
  14. I think he meant some posted the exact postings from earlier that were incorrect. It wasn’t about You! 😂
  15. I haven’t looked today. Must have changed the header. 🍷
  16. Yesterday there was a big header across Oceania’s website saying their website would be down from this morning through tomorrow night at midnight. Try back Monday morning. It will probably all be there.
  17. Guarantee is strictly an algorithm game. That’s it. How many are booked, how many are waitlisted, historically how many cancel. Let the algorithms spin the numbers. If you have a guarantee, you get in the ship. If the algorithm misses it, Oceania makes offers to other passengers until they get an open cabin. The guarantee gets what opens up and is left. Possibilities are endless. Maybe a PH opens, Oceania then offers upgrades to passengers for the PH, then a lower cabin will open. Maybe stop there, maybe keep going. Chances that D Cabin guarantee gets the PH, very slim. No such thing as guaranteed gets the worst cabins. They get whatever is left after the process. Did a Guarantee once. After FP, my category was still full, but they offered us an upgrade open cabin at full new cabin price. We didn’t have to take the offer. We could have let the game continue and wait it out. We liked the cabin and the upgrade and took the offer. Game over. Haven’t played since. I believe details were, we had an A2 guarantee, they offered a PH2 at full PH2 cost.
  18. NO! She will still have by Xmas 2023 to book a cruise and sail by 2024.
  19. The 3 initial bookings to every cruise taken applies to Oceania as well. Do the algorithms occasionally miss the anomalies,? Of course! But over the course of time, the algorithms win out, or are changed based upon current activity.
  20. Is this where we have this male/ female discussion on what constitutes 6 inches? 🤫😂.
  21. For breakfast, they have fresh fruit, a daily rotation of several different pastries, cold cuts and cheese, along with a daily special. That special may be a quiche, fresh pancakes, or other tasty tidbits. Barrista is a great place for the best cup of coffee, prepared as you please, along with plenty for a light but satisfying breakfast. If it has a singular drawback, it’s that some consider it their personal environs and want to move in at 07:00, bogart an table, and sit and surf until 11:00 or later. This makes it crowded and inaccessible for some during the breakfast rush. They know they’re being rude by doing so, but don’t care in that they’re there everyday.
  22. I don’t want to toot it’s horn to loudly, or it will get overcrowded, the the new Barrista on Vista is fabulous. Unless it’s a relaxing sea day and doing breakfast in the GDR, it’s my favorite spot for breakfast.
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