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island lady

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Everything posted by island lady

  1. The answer is no if your friend does not share the same address as you. And you would have call/email or visit the LA to link your C&A status if it is the same address.
  2. Oh boy...another smoking thread. OK...what's next...chair hogs? 😄 😄
  3. Oh no...the money made off of my simple folded piece of paper was priceless. 😄 😄
  4. Agree there. I don't like the bands either. Simple sea pass card slipped into my back pocket...just fine with me. 🙂
  5. You two... and we as well at the same time, same ship. OMG the MTD system was totally flawed on that cruise. Happy we all switched! 🙂
  6. Thanks my friend! Yes, I knew about the long bus ride to the city. Not usually our "cup of tea", but would have put up with it for the tour we booked. But that was booked before we knew about the summer Olympics there. Will be interesting if they still run that tour at that time. Hello to your beautiful bride Pauline. 🙂
  7. Ahh..the various "flavors of life". 😉
  8. Agree...and is why I think MTD system has failed. When it first came out, there was a separate dedicated deck for just MTD. It was great and we enjoyed it. Now...anxious MTD pax waiting for the early diners to finish up to get their table. We used to eat later as well. But now that we have joined the "blue plate special" crowd (and you have to be much older to know what that means 😄 ), and the early dining old farts dinner time...we are good with the 5-5:30 dining time. Also means we have no problems going to the early shows. At home our happy hour is 4 pm, and dinner at 5-5:30. It is simply what you are used to. Plus time is relative. Traveling internationally...you get used to various times as well. Thank goodness we are not all alike. What would the world be like with just one flavor of ice cream at Baskin Robbins?
  9. My concern about Paris....we are there the day before opening ceremony of the Summer Olympics. 😉 Just a tad busier than normal there.
  10. LOL...we put our picture on the door...that is scary enough also. 🤣
  11. I "Killed it off" years ago when they changed the system to one...IMHO...is a failed one. Since then we have been happy with going back to traditional set seating. I love being able to just breeze by the host podium and walk straight to our table. Most times our wait staff gets to know us so well, they are walking up behind us with our usual glass of wine of choice. 😉 Actually a funny story related to this. On one cruise, we decided to opt for Chops for dinner on night two. I let the host know on night one, that we would not be at our table the next night and could release that for MTD pax for just that night, but we would be there the rest of the cruise. On night 3, we walked to our table as usual and seated ourselves. A rude couple walked up to us and demanded that was THEIR table!! I told them they were wrong. The head waiter walked up to us when they complained and asked if we were sure that was our table. I pointed to the table number, then pointed to my sea pass card. "Well...what do you know...they match" I said with a wink. As it turns out the MTD couple loved our table so much on night two, they had demanded that be their table the rest of the cruise. Ummm...no...sorry. 😉
  12. Beautiful! Love the blood red sun shot! Wow! Just showed this to Bucky. He and his team built a power plant there some years ago...very populated island.
  13. Perfectly stated! 🙂 And so true.
  14. Could be a confusion in the wording. I would have asked to have my Diamond "discount" on a bottle of wine applied. The crewmembers term vouchers as such for drinks.
  15. Using up a freebie certificate on Wonder last month, it was a balcony cabin (we usually book suites). First time with "once a day cleaning". I picked evening cleaning. I kind of enjoyed not having to dance around the time the attendant was in there in the morning again. 😉 I simply asked for extra wash and hand towels when needed (which was almost everyday) so it fit us just fine since we are neat and tidy anyway.
  16. Now the question is do any of us go to Paris or not? 😮 Will be a tad busy there. 😉
  17. Thanks! Simple question and you had the simple answer. Much appreciated. 🙂 Now I know why that apparent tour come into Izumi from that door one day. 😉
  18. Wonder had milk in cartons in Park Cafe. Did not see it anywhere else on the ship.
  19. LOL...we downsized homes. My favorite project is digging up the crap we are not using, which is giving us more room in the closet.....plus a lot of donations to SPCA and the garbage dumpster. 😄
  20. And ironically, I made it awhile back...but now we are booking with Viking and other lines. Go figure. 😉
  21. Indeed we were very impressed with the stock in the vending machines on Wonder. Was actually a better selection than the ship's store for sundries. Wish I had found those before I bought the overpriced sun lotion in the ship's store. 😮
  22. LOL...wait until you become Pinnacle and get that flack if you wear that shiny new pin. 😄 😄
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