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island lady

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Everything posted by island lady

  1. Yeah...even the Captain's noon address welcomed us to the rock and roll party! 😄
  2. Oh yeah, getting rougher still. Huge swells. Went to the Cinema to watch cute Disney nature documentary story (as only Disney can) on Penguins of Antarctica. Pretty cute, but wow....during the show we could really hear the waves banging against the hull up there (Cinema forward deck on six). Feel bad for John, who has cabin all the way forward on deck 8. 😮
  3. Rock and roll time gang! 😉 So, here is one explanation of the rolling high seas...position. Now at the very end of the tail. Outside decks closed again. Hang on Bucky!!!
  4. Ok...now your on the right track! 😄 Captain at his meeting this afternoon did mention we will see snow soon. But no shoveling required. 😄
  5. Bummer....as it is with us. We used to go "out west" I called it...to snow ski every year. Loved it. Have since given away the skis, roller blades, etc. Brittle old bones. 😞 We both have a bum shoulder, so I really should get rid of the tennis equipment as well I suppose, though we did get rid of the golf clubs. Frustrating for sure, since we have beautiful tennis courts and a top notch golf course in our community. Sooo...guess we just have to cruise more to make up for it. 😄
  6. Just one couple...which was today. Everyone that advances on the ship to the next level, gets that level designation and the perks that come with it immediately. I thought that was a nice gesture for the ship to do that.
  7. Nope...but close enough. 😉 Was standing on deck 12 near the exit doors/elevators, when an engineer and 3 of his maint. guys came in near Adventure Ocean. I had heard a clattering noise a few minutes earlier, but did not realize they had dragged that panel in from outside. He was calling the bridge to tell them a section of ceiling was falling down from outside. Since I couldn't go out the door, no real idea where the section was. Yikes. We are taking a beating...but not really that bad yet. Getting my sea legs I guess. 😉
  8. Not sure how old or how long it's been there...but I am sure happy they clarified which stall to use. 🤣
  9. A separate panel...still wet. 😉 Was white...but has a nice coating of mold and dirt on it. And no, not part of a stairway. Think higher up.
  10. LOL...ooops...no, I meant the white thing on the floor they dragged in. 😉
  11. Upper tier numbers, and the usual top cruiser...again. 😉 And always a good show from the ship's orchestra. 🙂
  12. Upper tier this morning added in a crew member award ceremony for member of the month (awarded for last month's service) with money prize. Back of house and front of house. Our beloved Ellen from Chops was nominated, though did not win top prize...(that is her first row middle) she is the winner in our hearts! 🥰
  13. So, guys...a rare look at the women's restroom on deck 13. Something I did not notice before... Doors to the stalls are numbered. I guess this one is for using for #1...and this one for #2. 😄
  14. OK...trivia time. And yes, I know what it is and where it came from. Lets see if you all guess it.
  15. Some interesting things around the ship this morning. Signs everywhere, decks 5 and 12 closed off due to weather. And when these things come out (and is the first for this cruise so far)....ummm...yeah.
  16. On the paper work I read as well,... also told of full segment cruisers would get full laundry as wash, press, dry clean for free as well. That is not true either. All we get is bags of wash and fold (AKA boil and fry)...the same as we get for D+ and Pinnacle. As they say...don't believe everything you read. It did me no good to question what actually is the case on board. Several things that were promised and are in writing did not happen. I am simply relating what was told to me by someone who has the ear of upper management on the ship...that I am actually on.
  17. Heading into higher winds and rain (or snow? 😉 ) clouds on horizon. Rocky rough seas...getting worse. And cold!! 🥶
  18. We have a cooking class tour there...booked with ship tour. Guess we will find out.
  19. I am not sure some seniors and anyone taking meds (because they have to) really thought it was a well thought out joke?
  20. Not what I was told by Fabio, concierge in Concierge Lounge. He checked to be sure and was told full WC cruisers only.
  21. LOL...probably...but with the Deluxe drink package, and the bottles of wine they send to our cabin...I guess we really don't need to bring anything additional on board....but that is just me. 😉 😄
  22. We were able to keep our same table from last "mini leg"...but though they are nice guys...way too many issues......and not in a good way. After finally changing tables to be able to follow them to their new section..(at their suggestion).....we are now back with our beloved wait team of King and Melissa.
  23. OMG!! Soo cool! Thank you so much for sharing! Our Penguin tour is coming up later. Yours was fantastic! 🥰
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